By Ludovic Halevey

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Ancient pillars of stone, embrowned and
gnawed by time

And they are shoulders which ought to
be seen

Believing themselves irresistible

But she will give me nothing but money

Duty, simply accepted and simply

Frenchman has only one real luxury--his

God may have sent him to purgatory just
for form's sake

Great difference between dearly and
very much

Had not told all--one never does tell

He led the brilliant and miserable
existence of the unoccupied

If there is one! (a paradise)

In order to make money, the first thing
is to have no need of it

Love and tranquillity seldom dwell at
peace in the same heart

Never foolish to spend money.  The
folly lies in keeping it

Often been compared to Eugene Sue, but
his touch is lighter

One half of his life belonged to the

One may think of marrying, but one
ought not to try to marry

Succeeded in wearying him by her
importunities and tenderness

The women have enough religion for the

The history of good people is often
monotonous or painful

To learn to obey is the only way of
learning to command

If you wish to read the entire context of any of these quotations, select a short segment and copy it into your clipboard memory--then open the appropriate eBook and paste the phrase into your computer's find or search operation.

These quotations were collected from the works of the author by David Widger while he was preparing etexts for Project Gutenberg. Comments and suggestions will be most welcome.

--And many thanks for your persistence in reading all the way to the end of this page.        D.W.

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