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Title: Wonderful Walks in Victoria
Author: The Betterment and Publicity Board, Victorian Railways
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Wonderful Walks in Victoria


The Betterment and Publicity Board
Victorian Railways

Published August 1931

Exhilarating climbs are included in many of Victoria's walks.

Walking for health and pleasure is increasing in popularity in Victoria every year.

In recent times the rare beauty of much of Victoria's countryside, and the splendid grandeur and rich luxuriance of the mountains and valleys of this State have become better and better known.

No holiday season passes without innumerable parties of healthy, enthusiastic boys and men, and, in these days of energetic womanhood, young women, too, taking the road for health and pleasure—pleasure which no other form of travel can give.

Of all forms of exercise, there is, perhaps, none better or more convenient than that of walking. Walking brings us out into the open, where the air is purest. It increases respiration, bringing greater supplies of pure oxygen to the lungs, and insuring a pure blood stream, without which we cannot feel fit and well. It makes the heart beat firmer, and it clears the brain, giving a feeling of exhilaration and well-being which, alone, makes this exercise well worth while.

As a recreation walking is not easily surpassed. As an exercise it is known by all health authorities and students of physical culture to be one of the best which the human being can enjoy.

The walker is master of his own destiny. He may stop where he will and proceed as he likes; he may loiter amid the forest to boil his billy in a delightful spot by the stream; he may diverge as he wishes to enjoy more thoroughly the glories for which our magnificent mountain areas are so notable.

Victoria is splendidly suited to the needs of the walker. There are fine mountain routes with beautiful scenic views; there are valleys full of infinite charm.

The railways give ready access to every point to which the walker's attention is here directed, and the railway ticket facilities are such that there is no difficulty in the way of leaving a train at one point and joining another at a remotely distant station, after spending unforgettable days revelling in the rare beauty or the splendid majesty of the intervening wilds.

All of the walks specified herein have been explored and some have been frequently traversed by enthusiastic walkers. Some are over well-made roads, others over mere bridle tracks. Some link up with all the comforts of civilisation; others are just threads which string together the primitive, though always homely, comforts of pioneering settlements.

The list mentioned in this folder by no means represents all the walks available in this State, neither are the descriptions in any way comprehensive. Practically all the walks can be undertaken in the reverse direction to those shown herein.

The object of the folder is to point out the most desirable routes. Additional particulars may be obtained from the Government Tourist Bureau, Queen's Walk, opposite Town Hall, Melbourne, or from the Secretary of the Melbourne Amateur Walking and Touring Club, Mr. W. F. Waters, 343 Little Collins-street, Melbourne, C1, or the Secretary of the Melbourne Women's Walking Club, Miss A. Creaton, 95 Queen Street, Melbourne, Cl.

Walks in Mt. Buffalo National Park

Mt. Buffalo National Park might well be termed the walker's paradise, because in this wonderful region (using the superb Chalet as headquarters) there are innumerable walks which may he taken to points of enthralling interest.

A feature of walking in the Mt. Buffalo National Park is that one may undertake walks to many of the vantage points on the Plateau without the arduous climbing usually associated with a mountain holiday. Once the tourist arrives at The Chalet by motor there is no necessity for further climbing.

On the other hand, there are climbs which may be definitely undertaken by the more venturesome. Strange as it may seem, there are areas in the Mt. Buffalo National Park which have never been thoroughly explored. This offers a thrilling field for the mountaineer.

Walking in the Mt. Buffalo National Park is undertaken under ideal conditions. Fine tracks have been constructed to the principal points, and the air on the high altitude of the Plateau is bracing and invigorating.

Detailed information concerning the numerous walks in the Mt. Buffalo National Park is available in a special booklet, "Delightful Walks around Mt. Buffalo National Park," issued free on application by letter or in person to the Government Tourist Bureau.

Importance of Good Equipment

For the enjoyment of a walk one needs to be properly equipped. A Rucksack, a water bottle (such as a military water bottle), and other things are very desirable.

A list of equipment which might well be taken on a walking trip is shown hereunder—



For the longer walks, when it is advisable to carry food, it is suggested that, in order to save weight, equipment should include only those articles actually required.

List of Desirable Walks

Hereunder is a list of walks. In each case it is assumed that the walker is starting from Melbourne. The total period which each should reasonably occupy is shown.

Tourist maps to indicate the routes of most of these walks may be obtained at the Government Tourist Bureau.

Good train services connect either with the starting or finishing points for the various walks. Timetables are varied according to the season of the year. Before undertaking any of the walks it is advisable to consult a current timetable or confer with station staffs or the Government Tourist Bureau. Special facilities are granted for round trips, enabling return to the city by a different rail route.

Most of the information concerning the walks listed hereunder has been supplied by Mr. R. H. Croll, one of the leading authorities on walking in Victoria, and by Mr. W. F. Waters, Secretary of the Melbourne Amateur Walking and Touring Club. Mr. Croll's books, "The Open Road in Victoria," and " Along the Track," deal in detail with many of these walks.

Details concerning some of the walks were supplied by Mr. J. M. Reed, I.S.O., ex-Chairman of the State Tourist Committee.

1.—Croydon to Upper Ferntree Gully

(One Day—18 Miles)

Train to Croydon (18½ miles); road through Kilsyth, around Mount Dandenong North, through Fiveways, past the Trigonometrical Station on the summit of Mt. Dandenong (altitude 2,077 feet), and through Olinda, Sassafras and Ferny Creek to Upper Ferntree Gully. Electric train to Melbourne (22¾ miles). The walk may be varied by going direct from Sassafras to Belgrave or to Bayswater; at either centre the train may be joined to return to Melbourne.

2.—Mt. Evelyn to Upper Ferntree Gully

(One Day—16 Miles)

Electric train to Lilydale (23½ miles). Steam train to Mt. Evelyn (4 miles). Road to Mt. Dandenong, Sassafras, Ferny Creek and Upper Ferntree Gully. Electric train to Melbourne (22¾ miles).

3.—Croydon to Belgrave

(One Day—17 Miles)

Same as No. 1 to Sassafras, then road and track to Belgrave through the Sherbrooke Gully. Steam train or road motor to Upper Ferntree Gully (3 miles), thence electric train to Melbourne (22¾ miles).

4.—Croydon to Emerald

(One Day—25 Miles)

Same as No. 1 to Sassafras, then road to Emerald via Monbulk (12 miles). Steam train or road motor to Upper Ferntree Gully, thence electric train to Melbourne (22¾ miles).

5.—Gembrook via Beenak to Woori Yallock

(Two Days—27 Miles)

Electric train to Upper Ferntree Gully (22¾ miles), thence steam train or road motor to Gembrook, then to Sharp's (Beenak) via Richmond's on the Back Track (10 miles), Hoddle's Creek (10 miles), Woori Yallock railway station (7 miles). Train to Melbourne (3¼ miles).

"The gift of country life, near hills and woods..."

6.—Gembrook—Hoddle's Creek—Launching Place

(Two Days—22 Miles)

Electric train to Upper Fernttee Gully (22¾ miles), thence steam train or road motor to Cockatoo. Alight and send on your rucksack to Gembrook station. Follow the old road, or along the course of the railway on account of the fine views obtainable, to Gembrook (4 miles). Accommodation at hotel.

Leave early next morning and follow the Beenak road for 6 miles, turning to left to follow road to Hoddie's Creek (5 miles). Thence 7 miles along valley of Hoddle's Creek to Launching Place. Train to Melbourne (41 miles).

7.—Yarra Junction to Noojee

(Two Days—30 Miles)

Train to Yarra Junction (42¼ miles). Then by tramway to Powelltown (10 miles) and stay overnight. Foliow steel tramway through tunnel or by road into Latrobe Valley and past the Goodwood Mill to Noojee (20 miles). Road motor to Warragul, thence train to Melbourne (61 miles).

8.—Yarra Glen—Kinglake—Strathewen—Hurstbridge

(Two Days—32 Miles)

Train to Yarra Glen (30¾ miles). Thence by road to Kinglake through Steel's Creek (6 miles) and the Mount Slide track, to the Kinglake Hotel (8 miles). Accommodation. Thence to Kinglake Central (4 miles), Strathewen (5 miles), Arthur's Creek (4 miles), and Hurstbridge a further 5 miles. Train to Melbourne (22¾ miles).

If time permits the Wombelano Falls may be visited from Kinglake. Ask for directions at the hotel.

9.—Healesville—Mt. St. Leonard—Toolangi—Healesville

(Two Days—28 Miles)

Train to Healesville (39 miles), then to Woodstock boarding-house (4 miles). Mt. St. Leonard and return to Woodstock (8 miles); Myer's Falls (1 mile); Toolangi (5 miles). Return to Healesville via Chum Creek road (10 miles). Visit beauty spots en route.

10.—Healesville—Cathedral Range—Alexandra

(Three Days—50 Miles)

Healesville—Marysville (22 miles); Mr. M. Keppell's home on the Buxton road (3 miles): track to the Sugarloaf on the Cathedral Range (6 miles). Thence climb along range to Cathedral (3 miles). Thence to Taggerty (5 miles); Alexandra (11 miles). Total distance 50 miles, or return to Healesville from Cathedral via Buxton and Narbethong (30 miles), a total of 64 miles. Travel along the Cathedral Range is somewhat rough and strenuous.

11.—Bright to Omeo via Bogong High Plains

Via Tawonga (Seven or more Days—Approx. 95 Miles)
Via Freeburgh (Six or more Days—85 Miles)
Via Mt. Hotham (Seven or more Days-95 miles)
Under Snow between May and November

Train to Bright (196 miles). There are three routes by which the Plains may be reached; the first via Tawonga and Mt. Fainter, the second via Freeburgh and Dungey's track, and the third via Mt. Hotham and Dibbin's Hut.

If the first is chosen follow the road to Tawonga. Accommodation at hotel (19 miles). Next day via the Tawonga track to Bogong Jack's Hut (13½ miles), thence on to Mt. Fainter (6,160 feet) and follow track to Tawonga Hut (7 miles). Few old snow poles still standing along the track. Thence from hut down on to flat and through stockyard fence, following line of newly-erected but unnumbered snow poles out on to the plains (1½ miles), to the vicinity of Mt. Jim, where a line of numbered snow poles from Blair's Hut is met and joined at Pole No. 27, together with a numbered line from Dibbin's Hut.

If the Dungey's track route is chosen, turn off at the Freeburgh Bridge and follow track up a tributary of the Ovens, crossing over into the Kiewa watershed at Symond's Gap to Lawler's Hut (18 miles) and on to Blair's Hut, a further 6 miles. From Blair's Hut a cut track sidles up on to the plains, the first of the snow poles being met with where the timber begins to thin out. These poles bear consecutive numbers on oval plates, and at No. 27 the line of unnumbered poles from Tawonga Hut junctions with the line of numbered poles (square plates) from Dibbin's Hut.

If the route via Mt. Hotham is chosen, walk or travel by car to Harrietville (16 miles). From thence two routes to Hotham are available:-

(1) by way of Mt. Feathertop and the Razorback (14 miles); or,

(2) by way of Mt. St. Bernard and the Alpine road (20 miles).

Accommodation at The Bungalow, Mt. Feathertop, the Cottage at Mt. Hotham or at the Hospice at Mt. St. Bernard. Thence follow the 'phone line back on to Mt. Hotham and turn off at the noticeboard indicating route to Bogong High Plains, and follow the line of snow poles bearing consecutive numbers on square plates. In four miles the route will lead into the head of the Cobungra River where Dibbin's Hut is situated. Another four miles up on to and across the plains will lead to pole No. 27 of the line of poles from Blair's Hut, and the junction of the line of unnumbered poles from the Tawonga Hut.

The line of poles bearing consecutive numbers on oval plates then leads easterly across the plains, the line bearing numbers on square plates terminating at the junction.

In the vicinity of pole No. 150 look for the turn-off into the Tourist Committee's Hut, a commodious building erected for the convenience and use of skiers and walkers.

It will be a suitable base from which to make side trips to various points of interest on the plains. From the new Hut the line continues to Wallace's Hut, 1 mile (off to the side and down in valley), thence on to Kelly's and Fitzgerald's Huts, a further 4 miles.

From Kelly's Hut return to the snow pole line and follow it down on to Wildhorse Creek and thence down to Big River Bridge on Glen Wills—Omeo road.

Twelve miles further on is the Anglers' Rest Hotel and a further 18 miles will lead into Omeo.

* * *

Between the months of May and November the snow lies deeply on the plains, and during that period the trip should be attempted only by experienced skiers and those accustomed to snow conditions.

If desired, the services of guides can he hired during either winter or summer months.

From Omeo there is a choice of three routes for returning to Melbourne as follows:—

(1) Tambo Valley to Bruthen (75 miles) and train to Melbourne (189¾ miles). (See No. 15.)

(2) The Alpine road via Mt. Hotham to Bright (75 miles). (Portions under snow between May and November.) Train to Melbourne (196 miles). (See No. 12.)

(3) Omeo to Tallangatta via Glen Wills (110 miles). Train to Melbourne (212½ miles). (See No. 14 in reverse order.)

Guests at The Chalet, Mt. Buffalo National Park, enjoy a hike.

12.—Omeo-Mt. Hotham—Mt. St. Bernard—Bright

(Six Days-75 Miles)
(Portion of road under snow between May and November)

Rail to Bairnsdale (170¼ miles), thence car to Omeo. At various stages accommodation may be obtained as follows:—First day, to Victoria River (Cobungra) (15 miles). Next day to Hotham Heights (23 miles), then to St. Bernard Hospice (7 miles), Harrietville (14 miles), Bright (16 miles). Train to Melbourne (196 miles).

In winter the trip should be attempted only by experienced skiers and those accustomed to snow conditions.

13.—Mansfiled to Walhalla

(Eight Days—106 Miles)

Train to Mansfield (131 miles). Howqua, 16 miles from Mansfield, should constitute the first day's journey, and Ten Mile on the Goulburn River may be reached the following day (18 miles). The third stage is to Gaffney's Creek (14 miles), and the fourth to Wood's Point (12 miles). On the fifth day climb from Wood's Point to Matlock (4,000 feet-4½ miles), then descend by the B.B. Creek track into the Jordan Valley to Jericho (5 miles).

Aherfeldy (Mt.Lookout—11 miles) marks the end of the sixth day's travel, and Anderson's Hotel on the Aberfeldy—Walhallaa road, the end of the seventh (12 miles). Anderson's to Walhalla (13 miles) is the concluding stage of the trip. The tour, as planned above, enables the walker to obtain accommodation each night. Train to Melbourne (106 miles).

14.—Tallangatta to Omeo

(Six Days—1111 Miles)

Rail to Tallangatta (212½ miles). The road is taken up the Mitta Valley until Eskdale (25 miles) is reached. Eskdale to Mitta Mitta constitutes the second day's travel (11 miles). From Mitta Mitta to Granite Flat (6 miles), thence to Lightning Creek (9 miles). A gradual ascent to Sunny side (19 miles) at the foot of Mt. Wills. Thence to Glen Wills (3 miles). Accommodation. From Glen Wills to Angler's Rest (hotel—19 miles), Angler's Rest to Omeo (19 miles). The journey thence to Bairnsdale may be made by motor. The trip, as outlined, will enable the walker to obtain accommodation each night.

15.—Omeo to Bruthen

(Four or more Days—75 Miles)

Rail to Bairnsdale (170¼ miles), thence car to Omeo. The main highway is followed for the whole distance. Soon after leaving Omeo the Great Dividing Range is crossed at either Tongio Gap or Pointing's Gap, and Swift's Creek is reached in 20 miles by the former route or 24 miles by the latter route. Here the pedestrian is in the beautiful Tambo Valley, which is traversed until Bruthen, on the main Gippsland railway line, is reached.

The small hamlets of Doctor's Flat, 4 miles beyond Swift's Creek (accommodation), Ensay (accommodation) 11 miles further on, Tambo Crossing (accommodation) a further 12 miles, and Double Bridges, 12 miles, are passed through en route, and the final stage to Bruthen is also one of 12 miles. Return from Bruthen to Melbourne by train (190 miles).

16.—Apollo Bay to Peterborough

(Six Days—73 Miles)

Rail to Forrest (103 miles), thence to Apollo Bay by road (18 miles). The coastline is then followed from Apollo Bay to Glen Aire, a distance of 32 miles. On this section accommodation is not available until Glen Aire is reached, and it is essential, therefore, that provision be made to camp out. Glen Aire to Rivernook (19 miles) is the next stage, and the journey to Port Campbell (15 miles) may be accomplished in one day. The final stage, Port Campbell to Peterborough, is a distance of 7 miles. From Peterborough the railhead at Camperdown (35 miles) may he reached by car, thence return by train to Melbourne 123¼ miles).

17.—Wilson's Promontory

(National Park)
(A Week or 10 Days)

Connected with the mainland by an isthmus which is bounded by the waters of Waratah Bay on the one side and those of Corner Inlet on the other, Wilson's Promontory reaches farther south than any other land on the Australian coast.

The Promontory, a National Park with an area of 100,000 acres, may be reached from any one of three railway stations, viz., Fish Creek, Foster or Bennison.

From Fish Creek or Foster the route is by road to Darby (roughly 30 miles from either place), where the National Park Chalet is located. To journey from Bennison, however, involves crossing the waters of Corner Inlet to the southwest corner by boat, and then travelling overland for about 9 miles to Darby.

At Darby, comfortable accommodation may be obtained, or, for those who desire it, a hut is available to camp in; also a camping ground on which to pitch tents.

From here many fine tours may be made among the ranges and along the coast. Oberon Bay (12 miles) is probably one of the best coastal trips, and Lilly Pilly Gully is an outstanding inland excursion (7 miles). The resources of the Park from the touring point of view are, however, almost inexhaustible and provide scenery of infinite variety and charm. Before camping is allowed on the Park, a permit must be obtained from the Secretary of the National Park Trustees, National Museum, Melbourne.

18.—Lara to Flinders Peak—Little River

(You Yangs)
(One Day—12 Miles)

Train to Lara (35¾ miles), thence walk across country (7 miles). Return either to Little River station (5 miles), or to Lara.


(Four Days—55 Miles)

Train to Broadford (46¾ miles). Thence by foot or car to Tyaak (5½ miles), thence to Strath Creek (6¼ miles). From Strath Creek along valley of King Parrot Creek to Flowerdale (8 miles). Accommodation at hotel. Thence 3 miles to Break-o'-Day and a further 9 miles to Glenburn. Accommodation at hotel. Two miles out turn on to the Toolangi road and a further 11 miles along the Yea River Valley will lead to Toolangi. Accommodation at boarding-houses. Follow either the Chum Creek or Myers' Creek road to HealesvilIe (10 miles). Train to Melbourne (39 miles).

20.—Greensborough—St. Helena—Eltham

(One Day—5 Miles)

Train to Greensborough (13½ miles). On leaving the station turn back, cross the line and join Heidelberg road, follow down to the bridge crossing Plenty River, and within 100 yards a three-armed sign post will indicate the track. You begin to climb Boyle's Hill. The road winds and gives splendid views. Ascend Lannon's Hill, and at the top is a gate marked St. Helena, Enter and inspect the old church, one of early Melbourne's landmarks. Fine outlook from here. Retrace your steps to where the Eltham road turns off. In about two miles you cross the Diamond Creek and enter Eltham, and half a mile on your left is the railway station.

21.—South Morang to Hurstbridge

(One Day—10 Miles)

Train to South Morang (16¾ miles). On leaving station take Whittlesea road until you reach the South Morang Hotel and swing to the left. Cross the Plenty River. A steady climb and a twist to the left bring you almost to the summit of the hill. The track bends to the right to end in a north and south road. Turn north and you will come to the State school at Tanck's Corner, where a road makes off on the right for Diamond Creek. Keep straight down the hill and up the opposite slope. Half a mile from the school there is a junction; take the road to the right. There are nearly three miles of this road before you reach the turn-off for Hurstbridge. An orchard marks the corner where you turn on to the road, on which you are to go down hill for 2½ miles. At half a mile it branches; take the left fork. At the foot of a descent you cross Diamond Creek, and just above it is the railway station.

22.—Hurstbridge—Panton Hill—Eltham

(One Day—14 Miles)

Train to Hurstbridge (22¾ miles). From the station follow the valley of the Diamond Creek, then turn to the left and follow the main road through the township until the houses end. In half a mile you pick up a branch to the right, a finger-post indicating that you may reach Panton Hill (3 miles) this way. In about an hour you will come to a junction board, indicating that you have come 3¼ miles and still have another quarter of a mile to Panton Hill. A cross road near the small store in the township leads on the one hand to Diamond Creek and on the other to Watson's Creek and Yarra Glen. Carry on to Kangaroo Ground, after which a winding siding with a northerly aspect follows, then on to the township of Research, after which the going becomes level, and where there is a bend to the left the railway line will be observed. Follow it for half a mile to Eltham station.

23.—Hurstbridge to Whittlesea via Kinglake

(Two Days—33 Miles)

Hurstbridge—Queenstown (6 miles), Strathewen (5 miles), Kinglake Central (5 miles), Kinglake West (Tommy's Hut) (5 miles), Jack's Cascades (3 miles), Toorourrong Reservoir (5 miles), Whittlesea (4 miles).

24.—Whittlesea—Kinglake West—Toorourrong—Whittlesea

(2 Days—22 Miles)

Train to Whittlesea (25¾ miles). Thence via old road (8 miles) or new road (10 miles) to Kinglake West (Tommy's Hut). Accommodation at boarding-houses.

Follow track into head of Jack's Cascades (3 miles), thence along the track beside the Cascades into the road leading to Toorourrong Reservoir (5 miles); thence along aqueduct or road to Whittlesea (4 miles). In this, the territory of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, camping and the lighting of fires is strictly prohibited.

From Kinglake West a side trip to a pretty waterfall on Mason's Creek (2 miles) may be made, or continue a further 4 miles to summit of Mt. Sugarloaf for fine view.

25.—Yarra Glen—Kinglake—Toolangi—Healesville

(2-3 Days—33 Miles)

Rail to Yarra Glen (30¾ miles), thence 12 miles by road to Kinglake where accommodation overnight may be obtained. From Kinglake, the distance to Healesville via Toolangi is 21 miles along a graded motor road. This section of the tour may be covered in one or two days as desired. If two days be taken ample accommodation is available at Toolangi, 11 miles from Kinglake.

Whilst the tour suggested is from Yarra Glen to Healesville, it is also possible to commence at either Hurstbridge (14 miles) or Whittlesea (14 miles) from Kinglake and return from Toolangi to Yarra Glen (14 miles) or Healesville (10 miles).


(One or Two Days—18 Miles)

Train to Riddell (35¼ miles). Follow road from station into main street, thence along unmetalled road past Cemetery. Cross creek beyond and climb up to old road on top of spur. Continue up spur on old corduroy track leaving road to right, thence along old road round Mt. Teneriffe to Cherokee (7 miles). Accommodation.

Follow track round to Camel's Hump (5 miles), thence 2 miles down into Upper Macedon. The Railway Station at Macedon is another 4 miles. Train to Melbourne (43 miles).

If this walk be done in Autumn, the views over Upper Macedon and surroundings will show the Autumn tints in the foliage of the gardens to advantage.


(One Day—8 Miles)

Train to Carrum (21¾ miles). After alighting at the station turn back along the main street, cross the bridge to the sea. There is fine walking along the beach, with the cliffs coming nearer. You pass at the rear of Chelsea and Aspendale. Immediately ahead is the Mordialloc Pier, and you must go up a hundred yards or so to the bridge on the main road to cross Mordialloc Creek. After regaining the beach the walking is not so good. You are now approaching the cliffs. You dip down past the entrance to a pier and up again, and you find you are at Rickett's Point. From Beaumaris you may take a tram to Sandringham, thence return by train to Melbourne.


(One Day—10 Miles)

Train to Mornington (39¼ miles). Walk down main street to the Bay. Have lunch before leaving the town, or purchase hot water if having a picnic lunch.

Afterwards, follow the coast round to Frankston.

If the day is warm, Davey Bay is a pleasant spot for an afternoon dip.

Train to Melbourne from Frankston (26½ miles).

29.—Dromana—Mt. Martha—Mornington

(Two Days—16 Miles)

Choose a week-end in the Summer and embark on a Saturday afternoon on the Bay steamer at Port Melbourne. By the time Dromana is reached there will be just sufficient time for a dip, thence to hotel or boarding-house for accommodation for night, or to camping ground if sleeping out.

After an early breakfast climb Arthur's Seat, then follow road around coast to Mt. Martha (10 miles). Continue along tracks through the tea-tree bordering the cliffs to Mornington (6 miles). Train to Melbourne (39¼ miles).


(2-3 Days—39 Miles, along the Coast)

By rail to Frankston (26½ miles), thence motor 33 miles, or by steamer direct. To Back Beach (2 miles), thence along coast to Cape Schanck (12 miles), Bushranger's Bay (2 miles), Flinders (6 miles), Balnarring (12 miles), Bittern railway station (5 miles). Total distance 39 miles.

31.—Phillip Island

(Four or Five Days or More)

It is not possible to do any of the extended walks on Phillip Island during a day visit, and even residence in Cowes makes some of the best walks difficult for a single day. For the camper-out there is plenty of tea-tree and other shelter, and if you follow the route here described you will need to carry two days' provisions and arrange for another two days' supply to be picked up on the road. There is a good road to the Nobbies, also an excellent beach, a little longer than the road, but more interesting. It takes in McHaffie's Reef and Cat Bay. Near the latter is Swan Lake, and a little beyond the lake is a house (Phelan's). You have travelled about 12 miles, so there is ample time to choose a suitable camp and see the Nobbies and Seal Rocks.

Head towards Cape Woolamai. Kitty Miller's is a pleasant little bay, and a couple of miles further on Pyramid Rock looms up, then some striking hummocks topped with tea-tree. After camping in this vicinity make a day's excursion to the headland. There is a fair approach along the west beach until the sand ends. San Remo, on the mainland, can be seen across the Narrows, and the roofs of Wonthaggi further east.

On leaving Woolamai, keep on the ridge. You can spend the night in Newhaven or return to your yesterday's lodging. For your next day you may take the coastal road to Rhyll, nearer Cowes. A camp just outside Cowes will place the party in a good position to catch the boat home on the following morning.

32.—Warburton to Healesville via Narbethong

(Two Days—25 Miles)

Train to Warburton (47¾ miles). The Mt. Donna Buang road is traversed as far as the turntable just beyond Cement Creek (6 miles). Turn off here and follow the new road, crossing the range at Acheron Gap (2,635 feet), 5 miles from the turn off, and drop down into the Acheron Valley. The camping site is reached in a further two miles. The route then lies along the valley parallel to the river, the new road leading out on to the Blacks' Spur road near the Narbethong township (12 miles).

The 14 miles thence into Healesville can be negotiated by service car, or the distance can be covered on foot. From Healesville, train is taken to Melbourne (39 miles).

If time permits, Marysville, 8 miles from Narbethong and a good centre for short walking tours, could be visited before returning to Healesville.

33.—Launching Place to Healesville

(One Day—14 Miles)

Train to Launching Place (41 miles). Follow the Don road northward, passing Malleson's Glen (4 miles), Panton's Gap and Malleson's Lookout (7 miles)—1,400 feet. Three miles further on the Badger Creek is crossed, and in a further four miles the Healesville township is reached. Return by train to Melbourne (39 miles).

34.—Warburton to Donna Buang

(One or Two Days)

Train to Warburton (47¾ miles); thence walk or drive to Cement Creek, whence the well-graded road to the summit of Donna Buang (4,080 feet), 12 miles from Warburton, is followed. As a winter trip with snow on the ground this is fairly severe, but it is easy enough in summer. A ski run has been cut on the summit to enable skiers to enjoy some running after a fall of snow. More direct routes are up timber and bush tracks from Warburton. They cut the distance down to five or six miles, but are for the young and sturdy only. There is now a comfortable hut on the summit of Mt. Donna Buang, and a fine view from Lookout Tower. The tour may be continued to Ben Cairn (6 miles), thence down to Millgrove (7 miles), where the train is met.

35.—Warburton—Starvation Creek

(Two or Three Days—36 Miles)

Train to Warburton (47¾ miles). Thence along road or timber tramway (preferably the latter) to Big Pat's Creek (5 miles). Accommodation at boarding-house. Thence follow tramway to the deserted Mississippi No. 1 Mill (5 miles). Thence along tramway (2 miles) to head of bump leading down to Mill in watershed of Little Ada River. Turn off to the Granite Rocks and follow waggon track to Starvation Creek Mill (4 miles). Thence return to Big Pat's Creek along tramway (19 miles). To Warburton (4 miles) and by train to Melbourne (47¾ miles).

Features of interest—Falls on Mississippi Creek below the Mill; Big Rocks on Latrobe—Yarra Divide; big timber around Starvation Creek; and fine views along tramway, returning to Big Pat's Creek.

36.—Warburton to Yarra Junction

(Two or Three Days—39 Miles)

Train to Warburton (47¾ miles), thence by road or tramway (preferably the latter) to Big Pat's Creek (5 miles). Accommodation for night at boarding-house. Follow the timber tramway to Starling's Gap (7 miles), thence down the Ada River to the Ada Mills (4 miles), situated in magnificent forest country. Continue on for 3 miles down a steep bump descending 1300 feet to Knott's Mill. Limited accommodation may be obtained at Mill Boarding-house. From Knott's follow the steel tramway (8 miles) into Powelltown. Accommodation at boarding-house. From Powelltown the tramway service to Yarra Junction may be made use of, otherwise follow the road through Gilderoy and Three Bridges to Yarra Junction Station. Train to Melbourne (42¼ miles). The particular feature of interest in this walk is the magnificent forest in the watershed of the Ada River. There is no forest to equal it within a 50 mile radius of Melbourne.

37.—Warburton to Heyfield via Matlock

(Seven or Eight Days—120 Miles)

Train to Warburton (47¾ miles), thence on foot or by coach to Walsh's Creek (20 miles). Accommodation at Hotel. Next day to McLelland's Hut (17 miles), thence to Matlock (14 miles). Limited accommodation.

Follow the track down the B.B. Creek to Jericho on the Jordan River. Limited accommodation at Miss Rae's, thence along the Jordan River to the turn off, up Connaughton's Spur and on to Aberfeldy (11 miles). Accommodation.

The next stage leads to the long deserted mining township of Toombon (6 miles), and a further stage leads to another deserted mining township on Donnelly's Creek (10 miles). From Donnelly's Creek there is a steady ascent along the old Coach road past Edwards' Hill to The Springs (6 miles). There is a hut at the Springs, and thence if the old road leading northerly along the spur be followed through fine forest country, it will lead out on to Mt. Useful, 4720 feet (6 miles), a magnificent viewpoint.

From The Springs follow the old road southerly down the spur to Seaton (21 miles), and thence on foot or by car to Heyfield Station. Train to Melbourne (l20½ miles). Camping gear necessary. This walk can be strongly recommended as it embraces many interesting features such as the scenery along the valleys of the Yarra, Jordan, and Donnelly's Creek; the splendid viewpoints such as those along the road nearing Matlock, and from Matlock Hill, Mt. Lookout and Mt. Useful; and all the interesting relics along the route of transport of the old Gold Days in North Gippsland.

38.—Warburton to Walhalla via Matlock

(Five or Six Days—98 Miles)

Warburton—Walsh's Creek (20 miles), Matlock (32 miles), Aberfeldy (Mt. Lookout) via Jericho and the Jordan Valley (18 miles), Walhalla (28 miles), total distance 98 miles.

39.—Werribee Gorge

(One Day—10 to 14 Miles)

Train to Bacchus Marsh (31¾ miles). It is 5 miles along the Werribee Vale road to the lower end of the Gorge, through which a complete system of tracks has been formed. From the shelter shed at the upper end of the Gorge a vehicular track leads back to the main Melbourne road, and it is about six miles then back to the township.

40.—Lerderderg Gorge

(One Day—12 to 16 Miles)

Train to Bacchus Marsh (31¾ miles). Follow road out to Lerderderg River, thence along road up the River to mouth of Gorge (6 miles). Thence upstream along the banks as far as desired. Return to township.

The scenery in this gorge is very rugged and attractive, and is generally considered to be even better than that of the Werribee Gorge.

41.—Pakenham to Beaconsfield

(One Day—15 Miles)

Train to Pakenham (35½ miles). Keep on the north side of the railway line and walk through the township towards Melbourne along the Gippsland road. Little more than a mile out of Pakenham is Burke's Hotel, on the corner of the Toomuc Valley road, branching off to the north. Go up the valley until you reach the Toomuc Valley orchard. Enquire for track through the orchard and ask permission to use it. Your track comes out on to a broad thoroughfare opposite the site of an old house. Turn to the left, and the road will take you up a final spur into Upper Beaconsfield. Pass along the principal street to the Post Office, near which a good road turns off to the left. Making down hill to the flat, follow on to the station (5 miles).


(One Day—12 miles)

Rail to Pakenham, 35½ miles. Follow road from station to Prince's Highway, continuing towards Melbourne. Take road branching North to Gembrook. Thence through South Gembrook (6 miles), rising steadily until Gembrook (12 miles) is reached after a final sharp climb out of the valley of Cockatoo Creek.

The tour is best undertaken in early Spring when the locality is thronged with bell birds and the wattle is at its best.

Make provision for lunch before leaving Pakenham, as water is not again readily available until Gembrook is reached.

Walking party at the Grampians


(One Day—13 miles)

Rail to Berwick, 27 miles. Take road to Harkaway (3 miles), branching North from Prince's Highway. Continue to junction with Lysterfield Road, thence to the left until road from Belgrave via Lockwood comes in from right. Follow this road to Belgrave (13 miles).


(One Day—15 miles)

Rail to Berwick, 27 miles. Take road, which branches off Prince's Highway, to Upper Beaconsfield. Continue through Upper Beaconsfield for about 5 miles to junction with road from Emerald. The distance to Emerald is then about 4 miles.


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