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Author: William Wise
* A Project Gutenberg Australia eBook *
eBook No.: 1100731h.html
Language: English
Date first posted: November 2011
Date most recently updated: November 2011

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[Transcriber's Notes]

If the word you are looking for is not listed in the contents and index (on this page), use the "Find" function on your browser, usually accessed with the Control-F key.

Page numbers in this book are indicated by numbers enclosed in curly braces, e.g. {99}. They have been located where page breaks occurred in the original book. Many photographs span facing pages; both page numbers are shown together— {24}{25}

Spelling has been carefully compared to the text and obvious errors have been corrected, but no effort has been made to resolve spelling variations, English spellings (e.g. "favour"), or "inventive" spelling.

Some descriptions of the relative location of pictures has been modified to correspond to the layout of the file.

Artifacts in the photographs are due to several factors, including curvature and darkening near the spine of the book. Some pictures have been retouched to eliminate printing and other distractions.

Consider the events following the war as you read. How might the authors have modified their descriptions if they had an inkling of what was to come in the next fifty years?

I watched Victory at Sea (available on while preparing this book. I recommend this to the reader who wishes to get a broader emotional experience of the war. Nearly everyone who prepared these histories and first read and watched them lost a relative to the war. I lost a brother and my wife lost an uncle. The anger and resentment bubbling up in every sentence and image is easy to understand.

What is the lesson?
1. Love of peace will not deflect a knife in the back.
2. There is always someone to invert the meaning of the Golden rule and the Ten Commandments.

[End Transcriber's Notes]

Pictorial History Of The Second World War

Volume I—First and Second Year

Volume II—Third and Fourth Year

Volume III—Fifth Year

Volume IV—Sixth Year

Volume V—Year of Victory

Volume VI—Battle Stations: US Navy in Action




A.E.I., —See American Expeditionary Forces
A.T.S., —See British Army Auxiliary Territorial Service
Aachen, 1605-1607, 2468, 2477, 2489
—Surrenders,   1605
Aandalsnes,8,  82,  88
Aarhus University,1625
Abbeville,119,  741
Abemama, 1031,  1089
Abrial, Admiral Jean,143
Abruzzi Mountains,1045
Abyssinia,280,  304,  368,  416,  456,  541,  568-569
—Map ,457
Abyssinia-Sudan frontier,312
Achkel, Lake,909
Adak Island,918
Adamson, Colonel Hans C.,808
Addis Ababa,260,  416
Aden Harbor,171
"Admiral Graf Spee,"39,  41,  42,  52,  58
Admiralty Arch,59
Admiralty Islands,1032,  1203
Adolph Hitler Bridge,1807
Adolf Hitler Line,1268
Adolf Hitler tank division, 872
Adriatic Sea,1265,  2417
Advanced base sectional dock,1979
Aegean ports occupied,424
Aegean Sea,458-459
Africa, East,255,  304,  312,  456,  569
—Maps ,457
Africa, French North--Allied invasion,814-815
Africa, Italian East,8,  259
Africa, North,8,  221,  223,  229,  232,  (map) 257,  259,  269,  (Italians invade Egypt) 272-273,  275,  280,  328,  338-339,  342-345,   358,  366,  371-375,  401-403,  412,  435,  456,  520,  562-569,  590,  592-593,  598-599,  602-603,  606-609,  612,  690-693,  700-703,  706-707,  (Battle of Egypt begins) 712-713,  716-719,  771,  772,  810-811,  (American landing) 814-819,  820-827,  834,  839-843,  847,  850-851,  (Casablanca Conference) 856-861,  880-885,  890-893,  896-913,  (Allied victory)924-925,  (Algiers Conference) 930-933,  939,  2299,  2462
—Allied landings , 814-819
—See also names of places

Africa, North--Maps
—British advance into Libya , 374-375
—British drive from Bengasi into Tripolitania , 812-813
—Cape Bon peninsula , 911
—Eighth Army breaks through Mareth Line , 897
—In 1940 , 257
—July of 1942 , 719
—Second British offensive in Libya , 598-599
Africa, South,
—See South Africa

African Rifles, King's,569
Afrika Korps,520,  612,  690-691,  693,  700,  768,  771,  807,  813,  842,  847,  851
Agat Beach,1390
Agrigento,964-965,  970,  971
Agropoli,1038,  1043
Ailette Canal,154
Ainsworth, Rear Admiral W. L.,1621
Air Battle over the Strait of Dover,198-199
Air blitz on Sicily,942
Air changing machines,2489
Air Technical Service Command,2483
Air war over Berlin,1162,  1184-1185
Air war over Burma,1596,  1787
Air war over Budapest,2411
Air war over Denmark,1625
Air war over Dresden,2207
Air war over England,178-184,  217,  230,  237,  259,  347-357,  1118,  1180,  1320,  1336,  1381,  1402,  1502,  1622,  1650,  2445,  2476,  2482
—Maps , 290-291
—See Battle of Britain

Air war over Europe,130-131,  277,  699,  1228-1229,  2472
Air war over France,130-131,  148,  550,  631-633,  1068,  1229
Air war over Germany,520,  1004,  1070,  1114,  1162,  1182-1183,  1184-1185,  1228-1229,  1341,  1788,  1832-1833,  1866,  2292,  2318,  2369,  2372
Air war over Holland,493
Air war over Italy,800-801,  1572-1573,  1641
Air war over Japan,1180,  1322,  1544,  1652-1653,  1761,  1785,  1814,  1830,  1967,  1978,  1987,  2276
Airborne army,1543,  1793
—lands in Holland , 1580
Airborne invasion of Southern France,1442-1443
Airborne invasion on Western Front,1832-1833
Airborne landing at Rangoon,1931
Airborne television,2451
Airborne troops,1583
—at Arnhem , 1582
—in France , 1324
Aircraft carriers,622-623,  1724,  1958-1961,  2003,  2450
—Aircraft carrying submarines, Japanese , 2478
—"Ark Royal" (British) , 317,  323,  464,  558-559
—"Baby,"  1406
—"Bunker Hill" (U.S.) , 1958-1959,  2332-2333
—"Courageous" (British) , 31
—"Eagle" (British) , 315
—"Enterprise" (U.S.) , 2406
—"Essex" (U.S.) , 2406
—"Franklin" (U.S.) , 1836-1837,  2368
—"Hancock" (U.S.) , 2397
—"Hornet" (U.S.) , 664-666,  2340
—"Illustrious" (British) , 315
—"Intrepid" (U.S.) , 2358
—"Langley" (U.S.) , 2354-2355


—"Lexington" (U.S.) , 520,  682-683
—"Princeton" (U.S.) , 1616-1617
—"Ryukaku" (Japanese) , 683
—"St. Lo" (U.S.) , 2403
—"Saratoga" (U.S.) , 2227,  2233
—"Syukaku" (Japanese) , 683
—"Victorious" (British) , 464
—"Wasp" (U.S.) , 786
—"Yorktown" (U.S.) , 520,  696
Aircraft industry. U. S.,2447
Ait Kebir,1120
Aitape,1180,  1241
"Ajax,"41,  294
Akyab,1232,  1714
Ala, Hussein,2199
Alban Hills,1179
Albania,259,  261,  300,  311,  322,  331-332,  362,  431,  433
—Maps , 382
Albert Canal,104
Aleutian Islands,698,  705,  772,  918-921,  1014-1019
Alexander, General Sir Harold R. L. G.,638,  925,  930,  1254,  2267
Alexandria,153,  221,  512,  520,  712,  806
Algeria,172,  192,  771,  814
Algiers,771,  818-819,  823,  827,  839,  930,  933
Ali, Raschid,444
Allard, Major Jacques,1120
Allen, Major General Terry,2290
Allenstein,1543,  1737
Allied advance through Tunisia—Map,911
Allied air attack on Rabaul,654-655
Allied airborne army,1845
Allied air forces,814,  942
Allied air forces—North Africa,804
Allied air supremacy in the desert,840
Allied armored columns,2336
Allied Civil Affairs Bureau,1477
Allied Commission Camp at Ancona, Italy,2149
Allied conference at Casablanca,857
Allied conquest of Abyssinia,568-569
Allied engineers, 1879
Allied Fifth Army,1144,  1258,  1273
—See American Fifth Army
—See Fifth Army

Allied fleets,988,  996
Allied forces in Burma,1939
Allied Fourteenth Army,1838
—See American Fourteenth Army;
—See British Fourteenth Army;
—See Fourteenth Army

Allied invasion armada at Lingayen Gulf,1704
Allied invasion of French North Africa,814-815
Allied invasion of Sicily, 952-953
Allied invasion of the European continent,1031
Allied landing in the Arctic Circle,528
Allied landings in southern France,1437-1444
Allied leaders confer in Algiers,930
Allied march through Tunisian capital,924-925
Allied navies improve anti-submarine measures,878
Allied troops leave Crete,468
Allied troops pour into Belgium,96
Allies advance in Burma hills,1620
Allies advance in the Pacific, 1014
Allies capture Pantelleria,936-937
Allies dominate New Guinea,1406
Allies go to Norway's aid,76
Allies land men and stores on Sicilian beaches,956
Allies retake Stavelot,1685
Allies take Catania,991
Allies take Mandalay,1838
"Alligators,"1611,  1267,  2486
Alsace, 167,  1710,  1738
"Altmark" incident,54-55
Aluminum, 195
Amba Alagi,456,  541
Amchitka Island,918
American and British First Army,772
American and Canadian sailors,265 A
merican arms released to the Allies,32
American assault troops land on Normandy,1284
American attack in France,1469
American bombers blast Berlin for the first time,1182-1183
American built planes in North Africa,566-567
American cemetery in Belgium,1886-1887
American column shelled in Germany,2404
American cruiser,622,  623
American Eighth Army,1793,  1816-1817
American engineers,1549
American Expeditionary Forces,  620,  814-815, 818-819
American Fifth Army,700,  1254,  1544,  1572,  1589,  1903
—See Allied Fifth Army;
—See Fifth Army

American First Army,1524,  1543,  1556-1557,  1605,  1637,  1680,  1682,  1684,  1688,  1731,  1758,  1800-1804,  1831,  1853,  1861,  1886,  1893,  1905,  2286
—See American and British First Army
—See British First Army
—See First Army
American heavy artillery,  1156
American infantrymen outside Paris,1516
American invasion convoy headed for Green Islands,1237
American landing barge at Guadalcanal,868
American landing craft,920,  921
—See Landing Craft
American Negro troops,1356
—Signal Corps , 1779
American Ninth Army,1779,  1780,  1793,  1795,  1825-1827,  1862,  1879,  1889,  1893,  1897,  2262
—35th Division , 2421
—See Ninth Army
American patrol enters Bizerte,908-909


American planes for Britain,33
American planes help defeat the Africa Korps,842
American Seventh Army, 772,  962,  996,  1560,  1647,  1649,  1793,  1835,  1888,  1921,  1927,  1937,  1957,  2275
—See Seventh Army
American 75th Division,1713
American Sixth Army,1679,  2274
American 69th Division,1906
American soldiers of Japanese descent,1462
American tactical air forces,1832-1833
American tank destroyer,823
American tanks, 771,  822
American Tenth Army,1857
American Third Army, 1543,  1545,  1644,  1793,  1829,  1841-1842,  1861
—87th Division,  1841
—See Third Army
American troops land in northern Ireland,620
American Twelfth Army,1545
American 240mm howitzer,2493
American Volunteer Group,617,  626,  630,  679,  2264
American war production,32,  267
Americans arrive in Iceland, 498
Americans close in on Cherbourg,1338
Americans enter Belgium, 1546
Americans enter Cherbourg, 1346-1347
Americans land at Guam,1390
Americans landing on Rendova,944
Americans on the Champs Elysees,1488-1489
Americans, repatriated,1222
Americans return to Corregidor,1762-1763
Americans return to Wake Island,1060-1061
Americans seize Roer dams, 1750
America's Neutrality Law,32
America's women soldiers in the Orient,1700
Amerika, 1651
Amiens, 119,  151,
Amphibious craft,2486
Amphibious tractors, 1576,  2486
Amphibious trucks,958-959
Amplifier Units,1359
Amsterdam,93,  1208
Amur River, 2024
Anapa, 829
Ancona,1179,  2149
Andaman Islands,642-643
Anderson, General,821,  834,  930
Anderson, Brigadier General Lawson S.,2059
Anderson shelter,180
Andoy, Rosalinda,2109
Angarita, Isaias Medina,2099
Angaur,1544,  1574,  1578,  2420
Angers, 1509
Anglo-Chinese forces,673
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan,250
Anglo-Greek forces,436
Anglo-Indian forces,372
Anglo-Polish alliance,7
Anglo-Soviet twenty year pact,689
Anti-aircraft batteries, 2488
Anti-aircraft guns, 2444,  2488
Anti-personnel bomb,2434
Anti-submarine measures, 878
Anti-tank crew, 2468
Anti-tank gun,2468
Anti-U-boat Warfare Committee,803
"Antonescu," 1231
Antonescu, General, 264
Antwerp, 1547,  1627
Anzacs,53,  174,  328
—Arrive in England,  174
—In the Near East,  53
Anzio, 1032,  1130,  1131,  1135,  1148-1149,  1152,  1179,  1189,  1206-1207,  1238,  1265,  2297,  2302
Anzio Army engineer shore regiment,1149
Anzio beachhead,1129,  1230
Anzio Harbor,1148
Aosta, Duke of,416,  456
Apennines,1595,  1793,  1797
Apolonia, 592
Appian Way,1135
Arab soldiers,177
Arabs,445,  474,  484,  835,  1984
"Arado,"234,  2452
Arakan, 1939
"Arandora Star,"189
Araki, General Sadao,2110
Arctic Circle528-529,  1112
Arctic convoy route,796-797
Ardennes salient,1706
Arena,11,  81
—Post-war elections, 2184
—rally for freedom,  2084
Argentina--Political leaders
—Farrell, General Edelmiro J., 1187,  2184
—Peron, Juan D.,  2184
—Tamborini, Jose P.,  2184
—Ramirez, Pedro,  1197
"Ark Royal,"317,  323,  464,  558-559
"Arkansas,"2227,  2229
Armavir,725,  737
Army of the Nile,440
Army Service Forces,1453
Arnim, General von,925
Arno River,1426-1427
Arnold, General Henry H.,1307,  2254,  2278
Art collections,1890
"Artigliere,"294,  295
Asmara, 372,  412
Aspern Bridge,1876
Assam,676,  1227,  1733
Assam-Burma frontier, 923
Associated Press,1778
"Athenia," torpedoed,11
Athens439,  1544,  1602-1604,  1628,  1670
—Liberated,  1602-1604,
Athlone, Earl of,85


Atlantic Charter,504-505,  689
Atlantic Fleet,2259
Atlantic Wall, 1251,  1283
Atomic bomb,1794,  2015-2023,  2075,  2171,  2483-2484
—Bikini atoll experiments,  2211,  2217,  2218-2225,  2227-2233,  2496-2497 -
—Hiroshima,  1794,  2015,  2016-2017,  2018,  2075,  2484
—May, Dr. Alan Nunn,  2189
—Meitner, Dr. Lise, 2171
—Nagasaki,  2021,  2070
—Post-war discussions,  2114
—Victims, 20--Victims,70
—See Baker Day;
—See Operation Crossroads
Atomic research, Japanese, 2158
Atrocities,446,  524,  660-661,  871,  876-877,  974-975,  1003,  1520,  15231588,  1880,  1904
—Films,   2123
—See War guilt investigations

Atsugi airfield,2038-2039
Attlee, Clement,1794,  2010,  2114,  2242
Attu,705,  772,  918-919,  1014
Auchinleck, General,712,  718
"Augusta,"504,  1283,  2008
Augusta,963,  988
Aulock, Colonel von,1456
Australia, 168,  174,  269,  396,  484,  519,  650,  728,  867-868,  1047,  1235,  2481
Australia--Political leaders
—Menzies,  399
Australia threatened,618
Australian air contingent,45
Australian Air Force,397,  563,  640-641
Australian and American soldiers building a road through the jungle, 778-779
Australian artillery,226
Australian engineers, 780-781
Australian forces,367,  1103,  1925
Australian gunners,226
Australian Imperial Force,226
Australian infantry,845-847
Australian infantry in Syria,473
Australian National Emergency Bill,168
Australian Navy, Royal,66,  731
Australian 9th Division,1991
Australian Parliament,168
Australian troops,175,  358,  373,  401,  717,  738,  1794
Australian troops at Sanananda,944
Australians invade Borneo,1991
Australians storm Balikpapan,2004
Austria, 7,  1794,  2472,
Austria--Political leaders
—Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 2125,  2237
"Avenger,"1067,  1111,  1316
Avranches,1331,  1404,  1416,  1468
AVRE tank,1515
Axis, 385
—See German, Italian, Japanese headings
Axis Powers,520
Axis prisoners,613
Axis retreat in Tunisia,911
"Axis Sally,"2197
Axis ships detained in American ports,415
Axis tanks,690-691
Axis troops cleared from Libya,861
Axter, Lieutenant Colonel,1927
Azad, Dr.,662,  734
Azov, Sea of,772,  1032


B.B.C., 744
"B-17 Flying Fortress,"699,  741,  1015,  1182-1183,  1186-1187,  1229,  1320,  1341,  1788
"B-24 Liberator,"1269,  1848,  2318,  2411
"B-25 Mitchell,"842,  1236-1237,  1720,  1867
"B-26 Marauder,"1068,  1331,  1748-1749,  2372
"B-29" Superfortress,"1322,  1332,  1429,  1544,  1652,  1746,  1784,  1787,  1794,  1814,  1830,  1859,  1987,  2018,  2219,  2334-2335
—Bomb Tokyo,  1652-1653
—In action,  1323
—Over Honshu,  1967
Bad Mergentheim,1863
Bad Weisse,Bad Weisse,
Badoglio, Marshal,173,  1031,  1035,  1041,  1195
Baedeker Raids,669-671,  695
Bagdad,260,  444
Baguio, 2058
Bailey bridge,1595,  1660
Baka bomb,1994
Baker Day,2227-2233,  2496-2497
—Blandy, Admiral W. H. P.,  2227
—Ships,  2227,  2229,  2233
Balikpapan,618,  2004
Balikpapan oil wells,619
Balkans,260,  404,  418,  422,  424,  766,  1478,  1543,  1601,  1671-1673,  1725,  2257
—German advance (map),  443
—Map, 1671
Balloon protection against robot bombs,1502
Balloons, Japanese,2434-2435
Balloons, Paper,Balloons, Paper,
Baltic states,260,  1179,  1194,  1368,  1396,  1671,  1744
—Baltic front,  1851,  1875
—Map, 1671
Bangkok-Rangoon railway,1596
Banjalucka, 766
Barce airfield,592
Bardia,232,  259,  343-344,  358,  592,  602-603,  612,  707,  806
Bardossy, MM.,426
Barges land troops at Rangoon, 1933
"Barracudas," 1223
Barrage balloon, English,235
Barrage balloons,1402,  1502,  1661
Barrios, Dr. Gonzalo,2099
Bartek, Pvt. John F., 808
Basseage, Major General,907
Bastia, 1062-1063
Bastille Day, 197
Bastogne,1682,  1687,  1691,  1701
Bastogne taken by the Allies,1695
"Bat" bomb, 2438
Bataan, 519,  658-661,  2040


Bataan "Death March,"2081,  2175,  2176,
Bataan village,659
Bataisk, 723
Bates, Jean,2226
Bath,669,  670-671
Batov, Colonel General,1571
Battle for Breslau,1819
Battle for Stalingrad opens,760-761
Battle of Akarit,898-899
Battle of Berlin, 1006-1007,  1182-1183
Battle of Britain,228,  234,  237,  259,  262,  278-279,  286-291,  297,  303,  309,  313,  319,  325,  347-357,  361,  394,  398,  408-409,  427-429,  448-451,  764
—See Air war over England
Battle of Egypt begins,712-713
Battle of Germany,1543,  1581
Battle of Midway,520,  696
Battle of Tarawa,1088-1089
Battle of the Atlantic,408
Battle of the Atlantic Committee,803
Battle of the Bulge,1543,  1680,  1690-1695,  1711,  1937,  2297,  2312,  2409
—Map,  1684
Battle of the Coral Sea,520
Battle of the Java Sea,519
Battle of the Mareth Line,892-893
Battle of the Philippine Sea, Second,1544,  1615,  1618,  1619,  1621,  2264,  2439
Battle of the Solomons,783
Battle lull on the Western Front,1698
—"Admiral Graf Spee" (German),  39,  41,  42,  52,  58
—"Arizona" (U.S.),  574,  577
—"Arkansas" (U.S.), 2227,  2229
—"Bismarck" (German), 463
—"California" (U.S.), 578-579
—"Duke of York" (British), 112-113
—"Dunkerque" (French), 192,  833
—"Giulio Cesare (Italy), 1041
—"Jean Bart" (French), 818
—"King George V" (British), 369
—"Malaya" (British), 323
—"Maryland" (U.S.), 577,  2400
—"Massachusetts" (U.S.), 2006
—"Nagato" (Japan), 2227
—"Nelson" (British), 542,  1035,  1037
—"Nevada" (U.S.), 1283,  1290,  2219,  2225,  2227
—"New York" (U.S.), 1767,  2227
—"Oklahoma" (U.S.), 574,  577-578
—"Pennsylvania" (U.S.), 579,  2227
—"Prince of Wales" (British), 462-463,  582-583
—"Provence" (French), 833
—"Repulse" (British), 582-583
—"Rodney" (British), 1035,  1037
—"Roma" (Italy), 1041
—"Royal Oak" (British), 29
—"Scharnhorst" (German), 282,  1112
—"Schleswig-Holstein" (German), 15
—"South Dakota" (U.S.), 2039
—"Strasbourg" (French), 192,  833
—"Tennessee" (U.S.), 577
—"Texas" (U.S.), 1319
—"Tirpitz" (German), 1223,  1639
—"Vittorio Veneto" (Italy), 406
—"Warspite" (British), 1037,  1283
—-"West Virginia" (U.S.), 577
—"Yamato" (Japan), 1615,  1870
Bavaria,1874,  1888,  2115
Bavarian Alps,1927
Bay of Bengal, 630
Bayeux,1180,  1325
Bayot, Eugene,2112
Bazooka,1198,  1342,  2473
Beachhead in Sicily,972-973
Bear Island,1112
"Beast of Belsen,"2121
Beaton, Cecil,756
Beatty, Captain Frank E.,2251
Beaverbrook, Lord,195
Beck, Colonel General Ludwig,1394,  1395
Beirut, 475
"Belfast,"1112,  1283
Belfort,160,  1543
Belfort Gap,1646-1647
Belgian Bulge,
—See Battle of the Bulge

Belgian civilians,98-99
Belgian infantry,125
Belgian refugees,98-99
Belgian soldiers, 97,  1551
Belgian squadrons,741
Belgium,8,  96,  97,  104,  112-113,  123,  125-126,  132,  1569,  1684,  2297,  2476
—German advance in 1940 (map), 132-133
—German invasion, 95
—Surrenders to Germany, 8
—Western Front, 1524,  1543,  1546,  1549,  1554,  1556-1558,  1680-1688,  1690,  1694,  1699,  1706,  1708,  1711,  1713,  1731,  1741,  1826,  1886-1887,
—See Battle of the Bulge;
—See under names of cities and towns
Belgium-Luxembourg salient,1683
Belgium--Political leaders
—Leopold, King, 8,  125
Belgrade,420,  998-999,  1543,  1671
Belgrade liberated,1601
Belsen concentration camp,1914-1915,  2121
Beltran, Luis,2099
Benedictine Monastery at Cassino,1164
Benes, Dr. Eduard,216
Bengal railway,1972
Ben Gardane,86  8811,  881
Bengasi, 259,  373,  414,  520,  563,  590,  592-593,  771,  810-813,  847
Benina road,563
Berchtesgaden,1904,  1909
Beresina River,486-487
Bergen, 8,  75
Bergeret, General,165,  173
Berkey, Rear Admiral Russell,1817
Berlin,29,  193,  270,  425,  526,  1004-1007,  1114,  1182-1187,  1544,  1793,  1902,  1913,  1916,  1928,  1934,  1935,  1940,  (1945) 2161
—Falls to the Russians, 1934
Berlin radio,1045,  1078,  1430,  2197
Berlin Sportspalast,1185
Berthof, Colonel Chaney L.,1281
Bessarabia,260,  264,  480,  1194,  2235


Bettancourt, Dr.,2099
Bevin, Ernest,1949,  2010,  2074,  2117,  2165
Biak Island,1180,  1266-1267
Biddle, Francis,1883,  2123,  2126
Bieldwius, General,907
"Big Apple Ridge,"2330
Big Three meet in Potsdam,2008
Bikini Atoll,2484
—Atomic bomb experiments, 2211,  2217,  2218-2225,  2227-2229,  2496-2497
—Juda, King, 2210,  2211
—Natives move to Rongerik, 2211
Bilibid Prison,1753,  2058
Bilin River, 626-627
Bingham, Major Sidney V. Jr., 1386
Bir Hakeim,691-692
Birdcage Walk,1381
Birkett, Norman,2126
Bishop self-propelled gun tank combination,993
"Bismarck,"463,  464,  559
Bismarck Archipelago,736,  1032,  1235
Bizerte,172,  772,  820-821,  834,  904-905,  909,  913,  964
Black Dragon Society,2113
Black market in Italy,2208
"Black Prince,"1283
Black Sheep Squadron,2285
Black Shirts,1279
Blamey, General Sir Thomas, 2042
Blandy, Vice Admiral,2219,  2224,  2227
"Blenheim,"130,  453,  493,  550
Blimps,245  16647
Blood plasma,1153,  1171,  1303,  1345,  2453
Blue Beach,1707
Bock, General von,536,  688,  760
Boeing, 2447
Boettiger, Mrs. John, 1375
Bofors gun,2444
Bologna,1035,  1572,  1544,  1589,  1641,  1793,  1797,  1903
Bolzano, 1035
Bombers, night,2472
—Armor-piercing, 2454
—Atom, 2484 --Glide, 2454
—High Angle, 2483
—Japanese, 2435
—Push button, 2483
—Radar directed, 2438
—Radio controlled, 2483
—White phosphorus, 1050-1051
—See Atomic bomb
Bong, Major Richard I.,2260,  2295
Bong, Mrs. Marjorie,2260
Bonn,1800,  1807,  1821
Booby traps,1743,  2319
Boppard, 1842
Borneo,168,  519,  642,  1794,  1925,  1991-1992,  2005
—Beaches and airstrips bombed, 1992
Borowletz, Major General,907
Bose, Subhas Chandra,2170
Bosnia, 998,  1108,  1110
Bosnian mountains, 766-767
Bou Arada,885
Bougainville,1031,  1081,  1102,  1103,  1104-1105,  1154-1155,  1188,  1198,  2296,  2467,  2469
—Hill 700, 1188
Boulogne, 8,  133,  240,  527
Boyington, Lieutenant Colonel Gregory,2285
Bracken, Brenden,1  228500
Bradley, General Omar N., 1284,  1294,  1399,  1484,  1531,  1545,  1600,  1861,  1893,  2258
Brauchitsch, General Walther von,165,  1395
Braun, Eva,2119
Braun, Prof. Wernther von,1927
Bray Dunes,136
Brazil, 1389,  2174
Brazil--Political leaders
—Dutra, General E. G., 1799,  2174
Brazilian Expeditionary Force,1797,  1799
Brazilian troops in Italy,1389
Brazilians on Italian Front,1799
Bremen,720,  1793
—Harbor, 1942
Bren gun, 177,  208
—Carriers, 328,  412,  484
—Detachment, 97
Brenner Pass,65,  1035,  2401
Breslau,1742,  1751,  1808,  1819
Brest,169,  588-589,  1180,  1421,  1434,  1479,  1513,  2418,  2493
Brest-Litovsk,7,  26,  480
Bridgehead over the Rhine,1841
Bridging the Belfort Gap,1646-1647
Briere, Francois,2166
Britain and Russia become allies,490
Britain, Australian troops in,226
Britain is at war with Germany,9
Britain prepares for war in the desert, 221
Britain strengthens her defenses in Malaya,495
Britain's chief base in Norway,80
Britain's offer to India rejected,662
British advance in Abyssinia,457
British advance into Libya (map),374-375
British advanced front in Italy,1132
British aid for Greece,307,  323
British Air Force,
—See Royal Air Force
British air power in the desert,840
British airborne troops,379
British aircraft industry,259
British amphibious forces invade Greece,1593
British and American guns in action,1512
British and Canadian assault troops in Sicily,957
British and Free French forces enter Syria,472
British and Free French in Cairo,413


British and French forces at Caen,1291
British and Imperial troops evacuated from Greece,440
British and Russians enter Iran,507
British and Russians join in Baltic area,1926
British anti-aircraft gunners,608-609
British anti-tank gun,693
British anti-tank gunners,611
British armored car, 96
British armored division in training, 852
British Army Auxiliary Territorial Service,393,  2482
British Army court at Luneberg,2121
British artillery,312,  371
—In Libya, 701
British assault on the Rhine,1945
British at Caen,1364-1365
British at Menin Gate,123
British bases leased to U. S., 386
British begin the liberation of Greece, 1593
British block Nazi attempt to gain control of Iraq,444
British Blue Book,7
British boarding the "Altmark,"54-55
British bombing planes,233
British Bren carrier,810-811
British Bren gunners in action in Tunis, 910
British Broadcasting Company,744
British capture Nijmegen bridge,1584
British coast,276
British Coastal Command,284
British Columbia, 864
British commandos raid coast of Norway,601
British destroyer rams St. Nazaire dock gates,648-649
British destroyers,67,  241
British drive from Bengasi to Tripolitania,812-813
British Eighth Army,592,  598-599,  712-713,  771-772,  804-805,  810-813,  846-847,  850-851,  861,  900,  913,  940-941,
—(in Sicily),  962-965,  996,  1031,
—(in Italy),  1035,  1069,  1077,  1086,  1119,  1175,  1255,  1544,  1572,  1589,  1668,  1903,  1932
—See Eighth Army;
—See Maps and diagrams--African campaign
British Empire air scheme,45
British enter Cancello,1071
British evacuate Crete, 468-469
British evacuate Malaya,621
British evacuation in Greece (map), 443
British Expeditionary Forces, 16,  46,  60,  112-113,  119,  123,  134,  136,  140,  158,  162,  260,  1799,  2284
British First Army,820-822,  884-885,  909
—moves on Tunis, 820
—See American and British First Army;
—See First Army
British 1st Corps,1378
British 1st Division,937
British Fleet,8
British forces
—In Blerick, 1664
—In Burma, 1191,  1620,  1931
—In France, 8
—In Holland, 1598
—In Iceland, 1598
—In Malaya, 495
—In Norway, 8,  124
British Fourteenth Army,1191,  1939
British guerrilla expedition in Burma,923
British gunners,707
British heavy field gun,602-603
British home front,383
British Imperial Defense Staff,2284
British infantry, 367,  606-607,  858
—Advancing behind tanks in Tripolitania, 850-851
British infantrymen in Anzio,1159
British Intelligence, 847
British intervene in Indonesia,2096
British land in Madagascar,680
British landing craft near Dieppe,740-741
British mechanized column, 307
British mechanized equipment,1845
British Mediterranean fleet,316
British medium guns,1845
British medium howitzer,367
British mine-laying destroyer,67
British mortar platoon in France,1377
British move up in Italy,1144
British Museum, 449
British naval bases in the Pacific,642-643
British Navy,29,  50,  67,  88,  147,  169,  196,  219,  225,  232,  293-295,  315,  316,  324,  376,  406,  740,  741,  806,  814-815,  941,  1035-1037,  1112-1113,  1933,  2405,  2463,  2481
—Bombards Cherbourg, 293
British occupy the capital of Eritrea,412
British offensive in Egypt begins,804-805
British Pacific Fleet,2481
British paratroops, 378
British patrol marches into Tunis,908-909
British radio navigational system,2441
British reach Antwerp, 1547
British retreat to Singapore,621
British return to Singapore, 2078-2079
British route from Benghazi to Tripolitania,812
British Royal Engineers,896
British-Russian mutual assistance pact,490
British seamen on raft for eighty-three days,863
British Second Army,1547,  1566,  1582-1584,  1587,  1651,  1654,  1698,  1716,  1726,  1739,  1850,  1914-1915,  1941,  1981,  2268
—See Second Army
British second offensive in Libya (map),598-599
British secret anti-invasion defense, 1974
British self-propelled guns in Italy,1131
British signal corps detachment,221
British 6-pounder anti-tank gun in action,861
British 6th Airborne Division,1926,  2117
British soldiers at Tobruk, 702
British Somaliland,8,  222,  260
British take Mandalay, 1838
British tank crews,275,  890-891


British tanks,177,  712-713
—In Libya, 562-563
British territories,219
British troops, 123,  312,  681
—And tanks, 307
—at Catania, 1022-1023
—Coming ashore at Salerno, 1042-1043
—Enter Teheran, 540
—In Augusta, 988
—In Belgium, 1706
—Land in Norway, 76
—In Sicily, 964-965
British warships,88,  171
British Woman's Land Army,793
British wounded evacuated from Sicily, 961
Brittany,1180,  1414-1416,  1420,  1434,  1531
"Brodie" system, 2449
Bromfield. A. B.,50
Brooketon, 1992
Brown House,1929
Browning automatic rifle,2415
Bruccoli, 962
Bruchsal Prison,2111
Brunei, 1991-1992,  2004
Brussels, 105-106,  115,  126,  1551
—liberated, 1551
Bryansk, 548-549,  1008-1009,  1032
Bryansk-Kharkov railway,1009
Bryansk-Konotop railway,1009
Bucharest,264,  1478
Buchenwald concentration camp, 1880,  1904
Buckingham Palace,84,  271
Buckner, Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar Jr.,1985,  2294,  2300
Budapest, 426,  1543,  1671-1673,  1725,  1808,  2186
Budapest-Tokal airdrome,2411
Budenny, Marshal,503,  508
Buenos Aires,2084
Buerat-el-Hsun, 851
Bukovina, 1179,  1216
—Northern, 264,  2235
Bulgaria, 260,  264,  384,  1132,  1473,  1543,  1671
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2239
Bulgaria--Political leaders
—Filoff, Prof., 385
Buna,772,  779,  782,  844-845,  854-855
"Bunker Hill,"1958-1961,  2263,  2332-2333
—Honors its dead, 1961
Burma,616-617,  626-627,  630,  636-637,  638,  642-643,  653,  673-674,  676-679,  923,  1075,  1145,  1174,  1179,  1190-1192,  1205,  1215,  1226-1227,  1232,  1405,  1466,  1471,  1522,  1577,  1596,  1620,  1660-1661,  1689,  1787,  1823,  1838-1839,  1930-1931,  1933,  1939,  2289,  2378-2379,  2483
—Maps, 673,  1838
—North, 1405
—See China-Burma-India Theater;
—See under names of cities and towns
Burma Oil Company, 638-637
Burma Road,519,  673,  1145,  1179,  1577
Burrough, Admiral H. M.,1944-1945
Buzz bombs,2454
Byelgorod,687,  710,  976-977,  982,  1008
Byrnes, James F., 2008,  2027,  2074,  2114,  2198,  2199,  2234


"C-47," 1531,  1602,  1691
C Rations,1163,  1712
Cabanatuan prison camp,1745
Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 2198,  2199
Caen,663,  1180,  1285,  1291,  1364-1365,  1369,  1377-1378,  1468,  1504,  2268
—Falls to the British, 1377
Cagayan Valley,1794
Cairo,176-177,  413,  1032
—Anti-British demonstrations, 2181
Cairo conference,1097-1098
Cairo Declaration,2008
Calabria,379,  1031,  1035
Calais,8,  131,  140,  240
Calcutta, 2157
—Automatic, 2230
—Radio-controlled, 2217,  2220
—Remote-control,  —See Cameras, Radio controlled
—Used in Atomic bomb experiments, 2217,  2220,  2222-2223,  2230
Camerlle, 1248
—Rubber decoys, 2443
Camp Borden,267
Camp No. 6, Formosa,2068
Camp show in France,1412
Camp Vassar for displaced persons,1964
Canada, 85,  188,  267
—Air Force,  —See Royal Canadian Air Force
—Japanese balloons over western, 2434-2435
—Spy suspects, 2189
Canada--Military leaders
—Crerar, Lieutenant General H. D. G., 2287
—Moore-Cosgrove, Colonel L., 2042
Canada--Political leaders
—Athlone, Earl of, 85
—King, Mackenzie, 1568
Canada's airmen arrive in England,48
Canadian Air Force,48
Canadian armored vehicles, 1508
Canadian Army, 1285,  1463
—In Holland, 1941
Canadian artillerymen at Caen, 1369
Canadian assault troops in Sicily,957
Canadian First Army,1566,  1795-1796,  1800,  2287
—Takes Cleve, 2369
Canadian forces, 84,  158
Canadian, French, 1st Division, 84
Canadian hospital in England, 1372
Canadian infantry, 85
—In Ortona, 1134
Canadian mortar exports in Italy,1246


Canadian officers and men,265
Canadian Pacific fleet,  298
Canadian soldiers in France,1447
Canadian tanks in France,1504
—In Italy, 1268
Canadian troops,85,  742,  1119
—In Italy, 1037
—In Sicily, 964-965
Canadian-U.S. highway agreement,864
Canadian-U. S. joint defense board,864
Canadians advance along the Seine,1470
Canadians at Caen,1342
—At Dieppe, 741-742
—At Montreuil, 1519
Canadians enter Falaise, 1521
Canadians land and move on Caen,1285
Canadians land at Dieppe, 740-741
Canadians mount guard at Buckingham Palace,84
Canadians return to Dieppe,1533
Cancello, 1071,  1072
Canine Marine, 747
Cannes, 1439
Cap d'Antibes, 1439
Cape Bon peninsula,772,  911,  913
Cape Gloucester,1032,  2479
Cape Hoskins,1235
Cape May,1965
Cape Pasero, 959
Cape Serrat,885
Capizzi, 991
Caproni bomber,280,  313
Capuzzo,564-565,  707
Carke, Colonel Harry E.,2150-2151
Carentan, 1180,  1299,  1312,  1358
—Captured, 1312
Carantan-Periers road,1414-1415
Carley float, 530
Carney, Rear Admiral R. B.,1621,  2296
Carol, King,264
Carpathian Mountains, 1133,  1224,  1396, 1590,  1640
Carretta, Donato, 1552
Carrier planes strike at Tokyo, 1761
Carroceto,1128,  1159
Caruso, Pietro, 1552-1553
Casablanca,771,  818,  856
Casablanca Harbor, 818-819
Casale, 1158
Cassino, 1032,  1150,  1164,  1179,  1189,  1248,  1253,  1258-1259,  1263,  1268
—Falls to the Allies, 1263
Cassino, Mount,1210-1211
Castel Benito,840,  851
Castiglioncello, 1462
Casualties and losses--Allied
—Aircraft, 239,  263,  278,  291,  599,  744,  1173
—Cargo vessels at Bari, 2417
—Corregidor (1945), 1763
—Dieppe, 743-745
—Eastern Front, 983
—Eniwetok, 1171
—Fifth Army in Italy, 2407
—Iwo Jima, 1770-1771,  1789
—Leyte, 1608
—Marianas, 1418
—Normandy beachheads, 1298,  1300-1304
—North Africa, 599
—Okinawa, 1966,  1997,  2310-2311
—Philippine Sea, 2403
—Philippines, 658
—Saipan, 2387
—Shipping, 405,  408,  622-623
—Southern France, 1444
—Tarawa, 1031,  2429
—U. S. total casualties, 2057
—Western Front, 1585,  1886
—See Ships
Casualties and losses—Enemy
—African campaign, 925
—Aircraft, 130,  239,  263,  278,  291,  453,  599,  837,  868,  903,  915,  1031,  1173
—Berlin, 1934-1935
—Burma, 1939
—Corregidor (1945), 1763
—Eastern Front, 483,  553,  555,  830,  837,  886,  983
—Guadalcanal, 868
—Iwo Jima, 1789
—Japanese shipping, 641,  683,  697
—Japanese ships sunk by Allied submarines, 2012
—Leyte, 1609
—Marianas, 1418
—Matapan engagement, 406-407
—North Africa, 564,  599,  807,  902-903,  915
—Okinawa, 1966,  1999,  2310-2311
—Philippines, 659
—Rabaul, 1031
—Saipan, 2386-2387
—Shipping, 868, 915
—Ships in Rotterdam Harbor, 493
—Stalingrad, 2339
—Tarawa, Makin, Abemama, 1089
—Truk, 1168
—Western Front, 1585,  1793,  1893
Catania,772,  942-943,  962,  964-965,  989-991,  996,  1022-1023,  1037
Catholic Church, 2180
Catroux, General,413,  472,  477,  489,  932
Caucasus,520-521,  546,  724-725,  737,  771,  828-829,  831,  848-849,  1032,  1220
Cavagnari, Admiral, 173
Cavite,584-585,  595,  604-605,  1736
—Evacuated, 595
Cebu, 1570,  1677,  2083
Cebu Harbor,1570
Celebes, 519,  618,  642-643
Cemetery, American, in Belgium, 1886-1887
Cemetery Ridge,1975
Central Pacific,1201,  1316
Central Pacific force, U. S. Pacific fleet,1193
Centuripe, 991
Cernauti,1179,  1216
Ceylon, 1953
Chad, Lake,860,  1495
Chadwick, Sir James, 2020
Chain, Dr. Ernest B., 2475
Chalbaud, Carlos Delgado,2099
Chalmers, Rev. Dr. Allan Knight, 1184
Chamberlain, Neville,9,  60,  100
Chamberlain, Mat. General S. I.,2035


Changsha, 1337
Channel Islands,188
Chapelle, Bonnier de la,839
Charter of the United Nations,2000
Chartres, 1474-1475
Chateau-Thierry,154,  1180,  1524
Chaunggyi River,679
Chelsea Hospital,303
Cheng Chow,794-795
Chennault, Major General Claire,1098,  1226,  2264
Cherbourg, 162,  1180,  1344,  1346-1347,  1349,  1350,  1351,  1353-1354,  1355,  1361,  1376,  1403,  1468,  1485
Cherbourg Harbor,1355,  1380
Cherbourg peninsula, 1282-1283,  1302,  1414-1415
Chermiaeff, Lieutenant General Ivan,1944-1945,  1946
Chernigov,531,  536
Cherry, Captain William T.,808
Chiang Kai-shek. Generalissimo,888,  1032,  1097-1098,  1340,  2001,  2156,  2247
Chiang Kai-shek, Mme.,1097-1098,  1340,  2156,  2247
Chicagof Harbor,918-919
Chickunan, 1978
Chihkiang, 1968
Children, Dutch, 1631
Children, refugee,2149
Children, Yugoslav,2183
—Labor demonstrations, 2173
Chin Hills, 1620
China,672,  888-889,  926-929,  1097,  1108,  1145,  1227,  1233,  1340,  1357,  1527,  1544,  1634,  1636,  1689,  1732-1733,  1794,  1968,  2001,
—(1945) 2154-2155,  2198,  2247,  2264,  2303
—American occupation, 2090-2091,  2116
—Post war, 2066
—Post-war relations with U. S., 2156
China--Military leaders
—Ho Yin-chen, General, 2281
—Hseuh Yeuk, General, 1106
—Hu, General, 1233
China--Political leaders
—Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 888,  1032,  1097-1098,  1340,  2001,  2247
—Fu Ping-sheung, 1084
—Quo Tai-chi, Dr., 2198
—United Nations Security Council, 2198
—See China-Burma-India Theater
China-Burma-India Theater
—General, 630,  642-643,  676-679,  1075,  1145,  1179,  1190-1192,  1217,  1226-1227,  1232,  1577,  1620,  1689,  1787,  1939,  2265,
—Burma, 616-617,  626-627,  638-639,  653,  673-674,  676-679,  923,  1174,  1205,  1215,  1226,  1232,  1405,  1466,  1471,  1522,  1596,  1665-1661,  1823,  1837-1839,  1930-1931,  1933,  2289,  2378-2379
—China, 888,  1233,  1250,  1357,  1544,  1634,  1636,  1689,  1732-1733,  1794,  1898-1899,  2001,  2002,  2247,  2264,  2265
—India, 519,  627,  735,  923,  1075,  1179,  1195,  1217,  1227,  1382,  1620,  1787,  1931,  1972,  2001
China-Burma-India Theater--Maps
—Allies take Mandalay, 1838
—Burma, 673,  1838
—May of 1944, 1232
China Incident,576-577
China Sea, 1867,  1898-1899
China Sea, East,1870
Chindwin River,677,  1191,  1660
Chinese Air Force,673
Chinese Army, 888,  1145,  1233
Chinese capture Tengchung,1577
Chinese Communist Forces,2155
Chinese Expeditionary Forces,1250
Chinese famine victims,794-795
Chinese Fifth Army,676
Chinese 57th Division,1106
Chinese forces,639,  653
—On Burma Front, 1838
Chinese guerillas,794
Chinese gunners in hills above Tengchung,1577
Chinese High Command,888
Chinese infantryman, 639
Chinese on the march,928-929
Chinese recapture Liuchow,2001
Chinese refugees in Tengchung,1527
Chinese Sixth Army, 676,  2066
Chinese sniper,639
Chinese troops, 928-929
—American trained, 1190-1191,  1233
—In Burma, 1174,  1215
—In the India--Burma theatre, 1217
Chinese war production,888
Chinese with U. S. forces, 2265
Choiseul, 1083
Christian, King,8
Christmas in the Belgian Bulge,1688
Chuguyev,686,  1008
Chungking, 928-929,  1340
Churchill, Winston,29,  100,  142,  206,  231,  386,  399,  449,  792,  803,  814,  975,  991,  1024,  1057,  1067,  1180,  1195,  1439,  1443,  1462,  1638,  1794,  1949,  1984,  2010,  2016,  2242,  2245
—Algiers Conference, 930
—Atlantic Charter meeting, 504-505
—Cairo Conference, 1032,  1097
—Casablanca Conference, 856-857
—July 14, 1940 broadcast, 201
—Offers France Union of Nations, 160
—Post-war visit to U. S., 2191
—Potsdam Conference, 2008
—Quebec Conference, 1568
—Sets up Greek Regency, 1544
—Signs treaty with Russia, 689
—Teheran Conference, 1032,  1101
—Visits Moscow and the Middle East, 755
—Visits Roosevelt, 914-015
—Yalta Conference, 1754-1755
Churchill, Mrs.,2191
Churchill tanks,745,  882,  885
Ciano, Count, 173,  285,  385,  1121
Ciechanow, 1722
Cincar-Markovich, 404,  426
Citadel in St. Malo, 1457
Civilian casualties in France,1362
Civilian defenders of Britain, 184


Civilians, French,1378
Civilians welcome British troops at Pachino,963
Clacton, Essex,86
"Clare," The,220
Clark, Lieutenant General Mark, 818,  826-827,  1031,  1033,  1038,  1179,  1254,  1258,  1265,  1272,  1277,  1281,  1388,  1422,  1793,  1799,  2267,  2270
—Submarine mission to Africa, 2270
Clark Field,1544, 1720
Clement, Brigadier General William T.,2294
Cleve, 2369
Coblenz, 1800,  1829
Coentin peninsula,1180
Coggins. Lieutenant Clarence E.,1501
Collins, Major General J. Sawton,1348,  1351
Cologne,501,  520,  694,  1800,  1807
Colosseum in Rome, 1274-1275
"Columbus," 44
Combat engineers span the Roer River,1780
Coming ashore at Tarawa, 1094
Comiso,942,  959
Commandos, 528,  648-649,  741-742,  975,  1533,  1738
—Allied, 1246
—At Spitzbergen, 5  124628
—British, 601,  1626-1627,  2281
—In southern France, 1450
Como, Lake, 1922-1923
Compiegne, 151,  164
Concentration camp near Brest,1424
Concentration camps,
—See Atrocities;
—See War crimes investigations;
—See under names of specific camps
Conference at Pearl Harbor, 1411
Conferences, Allied
—Algiers, 930
—Atlantic Charter, 504-505
—British-Free French in Cairo, 413
—British-Russian mutual assistance pact, 490
—Cairo, 1032,  1097
—Casablanca, 856-857
—Churchill visits Roosevelt, 915
—Churchill visits Moscow and the Middle East, 755
—Paris Peace Conference, 2234-2235
—Potsdam, 2008
—Quebec, 1568
—Teheran, 1032,  1101
—Yalta, 1754-1756
Connally, Tom,1891,  2165
Constantine, 823
"Conte Biancamano," 415
Cosmic bomb, 2020
Convoy battle,862
Convoy routes to Britain,408-409
Convoy survivors rescued after battle with U-boats,862
Convoys,198-199,  241,  796-797,  816-817,  862,  878,  966-967,  1056-1057
—Enemy, 470
Copenhagen, 68
Coral Sea, 682-683,  786
Corinth, 436,  1593
Corlett, Major General Charles H., 1139
Corregidor,519,  594,  605,  651,  658,  675,  1762-1763
"Corsair," 1993
Corsica,934-935,  1041,  1062-1063
Corsican patriots, 1062
"Cossack,"54,  56,  1283
Cossack cavalry, 572-573,  754,  980-981
Cossack Guards, 848-849,  1224
Cossack Guards Division, 875
Cossack troops, 604
Cossack village, 1058
Cossacks in the Ukraine, 1264
Costa dell Ambra,957
Costa Rica,415
Cottbus,1808,  1854
Councill, Colonel William H., 2172
—Officers and men, 19
Courier Bay,680
Coutances, 1461
Cox, Oscar,1891
Cracow,7,  1543,  1715
—Liberated, 1717
Cranborne, Lord,386
Crerar, Lieutenant General H. D. G.,2287
Cretan bishop,307
Crete, 260,  307,  434,  458-459,  466-469,  974-975
—Maps, 468-469
Crewmen fight to save the "Bunker Hill,"1960
Crimea, 546,  556,  580,  685-686,  829,  1032,  1085,  1256,  1754
Crimean peninsula, 1032
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 490,  662,  734
Croat Fascist troops,766
Crocker, General J. T.,1378
Crocodile flame-thrower, 1739
Cross-channel gun, 1514
Crowley, Leo, 1891
Croydon Airport,247
—"Achilles" (British), 61
—"Ajax" (British), 41,  294
—"Algerie" (French), 833
—"Astoria" (U.S.), 7  83331
—"Augusta" (U.S.), 504-505,  1283
—"Belfast" (British), 1112,  1283
—"Berwick" (British), 324
—"Birmingham" (U.S.), 2322
—"Black Prince" (British) 1283
—"Canberra" (Australian), 731
—"Colbert" (French), 833
—"Dorsetshire" (British), 464
—"Dupleix" (French), 833
—"Edinburgh" (British), 31
—"Eugenio Di Savoia" (Italy), 1195
—"Exeter" (British), 41,  52
—"Fiume" (Italy), 406
—"Foch" (French), 833
—"Gloucester" (British), 406
—"Gneisenau" (German), 588-589
—"Hood" (British), 462-463
—"Houston" (U.S.), 2402
—"Indianapolis" (U.S.), 2426
—"Jamaica" (British), 112-113
—"Jean de Vienne" (French), 833
—"La Galissonaire" (French), 833
—"La Marseillaise" (French), 833
—"Lutzow" (German), 283
—"Mauritius" (British), 1283
—"Norfolk" (British), 112,  462


—"Orion" (British), 1283
—"Pensacola" (U.S.),  22  128327
—"Perth" (Australia), 66
—"Pola" (Italy), 406
—"Prinz Eugen" (German), 463,  588,  2227
—"Quincy" (U.S.), 731
—"Renown" (British), 323,  376
—"Salt Lake City" (U.S.), 2227
—"San Giorgio" (Italy), 365
—"'Santa Fe" (U.S.), 1837
—"Sheffield" (British), 1112
—"Southampton" (British), 31
—"Tuscaloosa" (U.S.), 1283
—"Vincennes" (U.S.), 731
—"Wilkes-Barre" (U.S.), 1959
—"York" (British), 294-295
—"Zara" (Italy), 406
Cunard White Star Line, 214
Cundell, Charles, 832-833
Cunningham, Lieutenant General Sir Alan,563
Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew,316,  914,  956,  1041
Curtiss "Helldiver," 1614-1615
Curtiss "Commando" transport planes,2485
Cuxhaven, 2445
Cyclotron, 2020
Cyclotrons, Japanese, 2158
Cyrenaica,259,  414,  520,  562-563,  592-593,  613,  2299
—Falls to the British, 592-593
Cypriots, 46
Czechoslovakia,7,  1543,  1590,  1737,  1793
—Government in London, 216
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
Czechoslavakia--Political leaders
—Benes, Dr. Eduard, 216
Czechoslovakian Air Force,253
Czechoslovakian troops, 216,  741
Czestochowa,7,  1717


D.N.B., 1121
—See Landing Craft, "ducks"
"D" Day, 1180,  1282-1285,  2422-2423,  2470
—Operations, 2441
Daber, 1854
Dabrowa,1734,  1783
Dabrowa coal fields, 1543
Daftari, Akbar,2199
Daladier, M.,2011
Damascus, 260,  475,  477,  1984
—Occupied, 477
Danube River,1476,  1672,  1673
Danzig, >7,15,  26,  720-721,  1851
—Corridor, 1793
—Bay of, 1751
Dardanelles, 2266
Darlan, Admiral Jean, 455,  771,  818,  839
"Dauntless,"1060-1061,  1204
Dauser, Captain Sue S.,2279
Davao, 591,  1406,  1429,  1983
"Dave's Dream,"2219
Davies, Lieutenant,289
Davis, Brigadier General Benjamin O.,1409,  2293
Daylight raid on Rumanian oilfields,986-987
Death-Alley, 1105
Death's Head Division,629
de Bono, Marshal Emilio, 1121
Decoys, 2442,  2443
Dedeagach, 424
De Gaulle, General Charles, 186,  197,  268,  281,  292,  413,  857,  930,  932,  941,  1325,  1374,  1474-1475,  1484,  1487,  1497,  1498,  1638,  1951,  1984,  2011,  2246
de Laborde, Admiral, 832
Delvino, 332
Demolition charges,2391
Dempsey, Lieutenant General Sir Miles, 1598,  1739,  2268
Denmark,8,  68,  128,  1625,  1793,  1941
Denmark--Political leaders
—Christian, King, 8
Denmark and Norway invaded,68
Dentz, General Henry,260,  477,  488
Denys, General,125
Derevyanko, Lieutenant General Kuzma Nicolaevich,2042
Derna,232,  371,  590
Desert sandstorm,810-811
—"Artigliere" (Italy), 295
—"Berkeley" (British), 741
—"Campbeltown" (British), 648
—"Cassin" (U.S.), 579
—"Charles S. Sperry" (U.S.), 1959
—"Cossack" (British), 1283
—"Downes" (U.S.), 579
—"English" (U.S.), 1959
—"Exmoor" (British), 962
—"Glowworm" (British), 67
—"Grenville" (British), 50
—"Hammon" (U.S.), 696
—"Hardy" (British), 69
—"Hasty" (British), 406
—"Hazelwood" (U.S.), 2370
—"Kanaris" (Greek), 988
—"Mohawk" (British), 31
—"Renshaw" (U.S.), 2102-2103
—"Newcomb" (U.S.), 2375
—"Saumarez" (British), 1113
—"Savage" (British), 1113
—"Scorpion" (British), 1113
—"Sims" (U.S.), 683
—"Stembel" (U.S.), 1959
—"Stephen Potter" (U.S.), 2402
—"Stord" (Norway), 1113
De Tassigny, General de Latre, 1647,  2277
Detection of airborne and surface objects, 2437
Deutsche Werke yard,283
Deutz, 694
Devers, Lieutenant General Jacob L., 1453,  2292
Dewey, Thomas E., 2198
DeWitt, Lieutenant Colonel J. H.,2169
Diego Suarez, 680
Dieppe, 740-745,  1504,  1533
Dijon,155,  160,  1566-1567
Dinant, 1556-1557
Dinard, 1455
Displaced persons center in Germany, 1964


Divinsk, 1179
Djebel Chemse,898
Djebel Fatnassa, 898
Djebel Houmana,898
Djedeida,821,  834
Dnieper Dam,1074
Dnieper River,503,  506,  508,  1032,  1070,  1143,  1194
Dniepropetrovsk,509,  1032,  1074,  1078-1079
Dobruja, southern,264,  2235
Dodecanese Islands,2235
Doe, Major General Jans A.,1817
Doenitz, Grand Admiral Karl, 1395,  1928-1929,  2124-2125,  2237
Dogs,747,  1096,  1104,  1154-1155,  1466,  1651
Domei,2025,  2030
Don River, 710-711,  722,  754
Donets Basin,555,  689
Donets River, 686,  688,  704,  872
Doolittle, Lieutenant General James H., 664,  2276
Doolittle raid, 1180
Doolittle Squadron,666,  2159,  2276
"Doric Star," 39
Dorn, Lieutenant Colonel Frank,676
Dornberger, Major General Walter,1927
Dornier,237,  279
—"Flying Pencil," 236
Dortmund-Ems Canal, 213
Dostler, General Anton,2144
Douglas "C-48."1442-1443
Douglas "Dauntless,"1060-1061
Dover, 217,  242-243,  262,  499
Dover Harbor, 217
Downing Street, No, 10,9,  100
Drive on Paris,154
Drury Lane Theatre,327
"Ducks,"959,  970-971,  1130-1131,  1492
Duisburg, 720
"Duke of York,"1112
Dunkirk,8,  123,  131-147,  192,  277
—Evacuation, 131,  2267
Dusseldorf, 720,  2404
Dutch children evacuated, 1631
Dutch civilians, 1598
Dutch Fleet,519
Dutch Harbor,698,  705
Dutra, General E. G., 1799,  2174
Dvina River, 1368


Eagle, 315
Eaker, Lieutenant General Ira,2292
East Africa,
—See Africa, East
East Anglia,122
East Indies, 1794,  1991-1992,  2004
Eastern Front
—(1941) 478-483,  485-487,  500,  502-503,  506,  508-511,  519,  520,  521-523,  531-539,  544-549,  551-557,  570-573,  580-581,  586-587,  604
—(1942) 614-615,  628-629,  634,  646-647,  668,  684-688,  704,  708-711,  714-715,  722-725,  737,  754,  760-763,  769,  771-772,  774-777,  828-831,  836-837,  848-849
—(1943) 872-877,  886-887,  976-983,  1008-1013,  1032,  1052-1053,  1070,  1074,  1085,  1099
—(1944) 1117,  1133,  1143,  1179,  1194,  1200,  1202,  1216,  1218-1220,  1224,  1231,  1256,  1264,  1310,  1343,  1366-1368,  1379,  1396,  1413,  1425,  1430,  1435,  1473,  1476,  1478,  1528,  1543,  1571,  1588,  1590,  1640,  1669,  1671
—(1945) 1715,  1717-1719,  1721-1722,  1725,  1734,  1737,  1740,  1742,  1744,  1751,  1781,  1783,  1793,  1808,  1818-1821,  1824,  1851,  1854-1855,  1875-1876,  1885,  1902,  1916,  1934-1936,  2286,  2291,  2374,  2410,  2425,  2430
—See Under names of cities, towns, etc,
Eastern Front--Maps
—After eight weeks, 506
—Allied junction in Germany, 1910-1911
—April of 1945, 1885,  1910-1911
—As the third year ended, 769
—As the third year opened, 521
—Finland, 506
—German retreat in the Caucasus, 830
—Germany invades Russia, 478-479
—March of 1944, 1220
—Russian drive on Baltic and Balkan states, 1671
—Russian drive to the Oder, 1747
—Russian winter advance (1941-1942), 684
—September of 1943, 1010
—Stalingrad, 799
Eastern Mediterranean,47
Eaton, Charles A.,1891
Eboli, 1087
Eckernforde, 1956
Eden, Anthony,53,  204,  689,  930,  1084,  1100-1101
Eder Dam,916
Eder River,916
Egypt 53,  176,  221,  229,  259,  269,  272-275,  328,  340,  440,  520,  563,  712-713,  716,  718,  768,  771,  804-805,  807,  1756
—Anti-British demonstrations  2181
—Battle of Egypt begins, 712-713
Egypt--Political leaders
—Farouk, King, 1756,  2212
Egyptian soldiers,177,  229
Eichelberger, Lieutenant General Robert I.,1817,  2060
Eiffel Tower,1492
8 inch guns,2493
8 inch rifle,1735
8th Air Force,2278,  2292
Eighth Army, 712-713,  716,  804-805,  807,  810-813,  846-847,  850-851,  858-859,  861,  881,  890-893,  896-901,  924-925,  940-941,  959,
—In Sicily) 962,  965,  988,  991,  992,  996,  1033,
—In Italy) 1035,  1042,  1043,  1069,  1076,  1077,  1086,  1119,  1135,  1150,  1175,  1210,  1211,  1246,  1255,  1257,  1258,  1427,  1595,  1628,  1793,  1924,  2267


—Advances towards Tripoli 850-851
—Attacks Mareth defenses 892-893
—Breaks through Mareth line,  897
—Clears "Hell Fire" Pass, 807
—Enters Florence,  1426-1427
—5th Regiment, 1257
—In Sicily,  959
—Signallers, 1086
—Takes Catania, 989
—See Maps and diagrams--African campaign
18th Airborne Corps,1893
80th Division, 1880
81st Infantry, 1574
82nd Airborne Division,2297
84th Infantry Division,1964
85th Division, 1728
80 mm mortar section,749
31 mm mortar,2467
—Shells, 2469
Eindhoven, 699,  1543,  1582
—Liberated, 1583
Eisenhower, General Dwight D.,773,  814,  839,  902,  925,  941,  1041,  1284,  1307,  1398,  1399,  1600,  1781,  1861,  1904,  1946,  2164,  2253
—Algiers Conference, 930
—Awarded Legion of Merit by President Roosevelt, 1107
—In Paris, 1484
—Returns to the United States, 1998
El Adem,691,  692,  707
El Agheila, 402,  598-599,  812,  840,  847
El Alamein,520,  700,  712-713,  771,  804,  859
El Aqqaqir,804
El Duda,566,  691,  707
El Gatrun, 860
El Guetter, 826-827
El Musaid, 275
El Sollum, 272-273,  275
Elas forces,1670
Elbe River,1793,  1905-1906,  2324
Electronic "eye,"2437
11th Airborne Division,1760,  2038
Elizabeth, Princess, 1951
Elizabeth, Queen, 175,  271,  1372,  1409,  1951
Elkhalidi, Awyn, 2166-2167
Emden, 1114
Emirau, 1204
"Empress of Britain,"298-299
Ems River, 213
Endre, Laszlo,2203
Enemy guns are made use of by Allies, 2448
Enfidaville,900,  913
—(1940) 86,  174,  178,  187-188,  195,  201-202,  207,  216,  220,  234,  237,  239,  242,  244,  263,  271,  286-289,  297,  303,  319,  325,  347-349,  351-353,
—(1941) 361,  382,  427-429,  448-451,
—(1942) 669-671,  744,  764,  793,
—(1943) 1000-1001,
—(1944) 1118,  1320-13211336,  1339,  1354,  1372,  1381,  1389,  1402,  1502-1503,  1622-1623,  1650,
—(1945) 1794,  2010
—Auxiliary Fire Service, 184
—Defense, 202,  204-206,  208,  231
—Foreign troops in, 216
—Home Guard Navy, 205
—Home Guard of Local Defense Volunteers, 204,  237
—Newfoundland troops in, 228
—North-east, 231
—Polish troops in, 220
—Southeast, 245,  252
—Southern, 181,  202,  216 ,
—Volunteer Observer Corps, 184
—See Air war over England;
—See Battle of Britain;
—See Britain:
—See British;
—See Great Britain
England's first taste of death from the sky,86
England's shipping lanes,1503
English aircraft factories,195
English anti-aircraft defense,182-183
English balloon barrage,183
English Channel,185,  198-199,  240-242,  276,  410,  1282-1283,  1311,  1331,  1503,  1974
English coast,499
English county regiment, 177
English light tanks,209
English warships,1376
Eniwetok Atoll, 1146,  1169,  1171
Enna, 964-965
Epirus,432,  434
Erft River, 2372
Eritrea, 260,  280,  304,  372,  403,  1121
Ernst Ludwig Bridge,1835
Esperia, 1179
Espionage, 1250,  1337,  1996,  2071,  2189,  2197,  2202,  2440
Espiritu Santo,1525
Essen, 1879
Essex,122,  262,  290
Estonia,260,  511,  522,  1032,  1142-1143,  1379,  1413,  1425,  1543,  1588
Ethiopia, 260,  368,  1121
Euboea, 437
"Eugenio Di Savoia,"1195
Europe, 256,  1020
—Post war border discussions, 2234,  2235
—Western, 233 Evans Signal Laboratories,  2169 "Exeter,"  41,  52,  669-671


FR-l Fireball,2449
Faenza,1544,  1665
Faid Pass, 882
Fairey "Battle" planes, 131
Falaise,1433,  1447,  1454
Far East, 495
Farben. I. G., 2115
Fabrik Kaufbeuren Gunpowder Works, 2115
Farouk, King, 1756,  2212
Farrell, General Edelmiro J.,1197,  2184
Fascist Grand Council, 984
Fascist Iron Guard, 264


Fascist trials in Rome, 1552
Fascist Tribunal, 1121
Federal Bureau of investigation,2202
Feisal II, 260
Fenton, Colonel Francis I.,1997
Fenton, Private Michael,1997
Feodosia,556,  580
Ferebee, Major Thomas W., 2018
Fernandez, Dr. Eduardo,2099
Ferrara, 1903
Ferris, Brigadier General Benjamin, 1340
Ferryville, 904-905,  909
Fezzan oasis, 860
Fiat "C. R. 42,"313
Fiedler, General Major Erich,2140-2141
Field artillery, 2458
Fields, Benjamin F.,2226
155 mm howitzer, 1403
15th Air Force, 1289,  2411
Fifteenth Army,1893
5th Air Force,1748,  1898,  1978
Fifth Army,1033,  1038-1039,  1043,
—(enters Naples) 1054-1055,  1069,  1072,  1120,  1122-1123,  1129,  1144,  1151,  1158,
—(Cassino) 1164,  1179,  1246,  1254,  1258,  1270,
—(Rome) 1271,  1276,  1277,  1278,  1387,
—(Leghorn falls) 1388,  1422,  1482,  1550,  1595,  1624,  1790,  1793,  1797,
—(victory in Italy) 1932,  2267,  2302,  2407
—100th infantry battalion, 1422
—See Allied Fifth Army;
—See American Fifth Army
Fifth Fleet, 1781,  1794,  1858-1859,  2248
5th Marine Division,1764
51st Highland Division, 924-925
Fighting French, 860,  913,  932
—See Free French
"Fighting 69th," 1069,  1183
Filipino children,1812
Filipino guerillas, 1712,  1757
Filipino troops, 519,  652
Filipino underground forces, 1712
Filoff, Prof.,385
Finland,8,  37,  82-63,  260,  523,  645,  1220,  1310,  1473,  1543,  1671
—Central, 62
—Gulf of,  8,  1143
—Invaded by Russia, 8
—Karelian Isthmus, 8
—Kuusamo, 8
—Maps, 506
—Peace treaty with Russia, 8
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
—Salla, 8
—Viipuri, 8
Finland--Political leaders
—Kallio, President, 82
Finnish Air Force,8
Finnish family, 37
Finnish northern front,49
Finnish ski detachments, 49
Finnish ski troops,8
Finns and Russians meet at Hangoe,63
Finns evacuate Hangoe peninsula,83
"Fireball" plane, 2449
1st Airborne Division, 1588
First Allied Airborne Army, 1580,  1582,  1846-1847
1st Allied Airborne troops,1585
1st Armored Division, Rifle Brigade, 902-903
First Army, 820-821,  822,  834,  911,  1399,  1605,  1690,  1805,  1840,  1843,  1853
—Captures Cologne, 1800
—104th Division, 1840
—See American First Army;
—See British First Army
First bombs drop on England,122
1st Cavalry Division,2431
1st Division, 1821
1st Division. U. S. Marines,1574-1575,  1871
First Far Eastern Front,2037
First French town falls to the Allies,1312
1st Special Task Force, 1459
First Ukrainian Army, 1715,  1717,  1916
First week of Sicilian invasion, 959
First White Russian Army,1544,  1740,  1747,  1916
Firth of Forth,30
Fitzroy, Captain,792
Flame-throwers, 1198,  1881,  2005,  2464,  2489
—German, 431
—In action, 1419
—Used by British Armies in France, 1510
Flame-throwing devices,2455
Flame-throwing tanks,1969,  2330,  2464
Flanders, 8,  123
Fleming, Sir Alexander, 2475
Flensburg, 720,  1981
Flight nurse, 1869
Floating airfields, 2463
Floating drydock,1746,  1979
Floating pier, 2463
Florence,1426-1428,  1445-1449
Florentines returning to their homes,1428
Florey, Sir Howard W.,2475
Florida Island,520,  727,  728,  758-759,  788-789
Floyd Bennet Field, 1111
Flushing, 1626-1627
Flying bombs,1118,  1320-1321,  1336,  1354,  1381,  1502,  1622,  1696,  1927
—Factory, 1547
"Flying Fortress,"699,  741,  1015,  1182-1183,  1186-1187,  1229,  1320,  1341,  1788
Flying Tiger,679
—See American Volunteer Group
"Flying Wing," 2447
Foch, Marshal, 116
Folkestone, 252,  262
Food problems, post war,2212
Foot soldier's view of war on Okinawa, 1990
Ford, Henry II,2082
Foreign Ministers' Council,2074
Foreign Ministers' deputies,2192
Formosa, 1978,  2068
Forrestal, James V., 1422,  1439,  1441,  2248
Fort Bragg,1123
Fort Capuzzo,343
Fort Dinant falls to the Allies, 1556-1557


Fort Driant,1648
Fort Lamy,860
Fort Mears,698
Fort Sill, 1123
Fort William McKinley, 584,  597
"Fortress Europe,"1020,  1229
40 mm Bofors gun, 2444
41st Division, 1260,  1267,  1816-1817
42nd Division,1863
Fosdick, Rev. Dr. Harry Emerson,1184
Foss, Cheryl June,2295
Foss, Major Joe,2295
Foss, Mrs., 2295
4.2 mortar,2467
4.5 inch rockets, 1645
14 inch London range German gun,1514
14th Air Force,1636,  2264
Fourteenth Army, 1596,  1620,  1930,  1931
—Advances on Rangoon, 2378-2379
—See Allied Fourteenth Army;
—See American Fourteenth Army;
—See British Fourteenth Army
4th Division,2308
4th Infantry Division,2396
4th Marine Division,2458
4th Marine Wing,2059
Fowkes, Major General C. C., 569
Foxholes on Bougainville,1188
—(1939) 8,  16-17,  46
—(1940) 60,  94,  116-121,  130-131,
—(Dunkirk) 134-137,  148,  150-151,  154-158,  162-167,  172-173,  186,  194,  197,  243,  296,  307,  309
—(1941) 377,  499,  550
—(1942) 631-633,  635,  648-649,  663,  740-744,  771,  832-833
—(1943) 963,  1068,  1101
—(1944) 1196,  1199,  1229,  1251,  1344-1356,  1373,  1472,  1474-1475,  1477,  1479-1501,  1504-1517,  1523-1524,  1529,  1531-1533,  1543,  1545,  1548,  1679
—(1945) 1793,  1794,  1944,  1945,  2011,  2246,  2271,  2373,  2390,  2414,  2416,  2418,  2422-2423,  2467
—Allied invasion of southern, 1437-1444
—Allied landings in, 1282-1309
—Accepts Italian armistice terms, 172
—Allied battle for France (maps), 1414-1415,  1468
—Declares war on Germany, 7
—FFI Alpine Regiment, 2277
—German advance in 1940 (maps), 132-133,  154-155
—Germany occupies half France (map), 166
—Northern, 105,  110,  118,  120,  132,  491
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
—Postwar elections, 2101
—See Ships
—France, Southern, 1436-1437,  1446,  1448,  1450,  1453,  1458-1459,  1480,  1482-1483,  1543,  1663,  2382
—Surrenders to Germany, 8,  160-161, 16  160-1613-166
—War crimes investigations, 2092,  2098
—Western Front, 1180,  1282-1309,  1311-1315,  1324-1325,  1327,  1329-1331,  1338,  1342,  1358-1365,  1369-1371,  1377-1378,  1380,  1386,  1398-1401,  1403-1404,  1407,  1414-1417,  1420-1421,  1423-1424,  1431,  1437-1444,  1446-1461,  1467-1470,  1519,  1521,  1526,  1555,  1559,  1561,  1565-1567,  1645,  1662-1663,  1666,  1702,  2327-2329,  2455,  2493
—See under names of cities and towns
France, Vichy, 260
France--Military leaders
—Abrial, Admiral Jean, 143
—Allard, Major Jacques, 1120
—Bergeret, General, 165,  173
—Catroux, General, 413,  472,  477,  489,  932
—Darlan, Admiral Jean, 455,  771,  818,  839
—De Gaulle, General Charles, 186,  197,  268,  281,  292,  413,  857,  930,  932,  941,  1325,  1374,  1474-1475,  1484,  1487,  1497,  1498,  1638,  1951,  1984,  2011,  2246
—De Laborde, Admiral, 832
—Dentz, General Henry, 260,  477,  488
—De Tassigney, General de Latre, 1647,  2277
—Gamelin, General Maurice Gustave, 16,  116
—Gensoul, Admiral, 192
—Giraud, General Henri Honore, 119,  839,  857,  925,  930,  932,  941,  1062
—Juin General Alphonse Pierre, 1254-1255
—Koenig, General Joseph, 1484
—Le Clerc, General Jacques, 860,  1291,  1452,  1484,  1496,  2042,  2271
—Legentilhomme, General, 477
—Le Luc, Admiral, 165,  173
—Muselier, Admiral, 186
—Parisot, General, 173
—Sevez, General Francois, 1944-1945
—Weygand, General Maxime, 116
France--Political leaders
—Daladier, M., 2011
—Laval, Pierre, 194,  663,  1431,  1505,  2011,  2092,  2098
—Petain, Marshal Phillipe, 160,  161,  190,  296,  455,  663,  1446,  2011,  2246
—Reynaud, Paul, 160,  2011
Franco General Francisco,161,  296,  2187
—Franco regime, 2187
Franco-German agreement,455
Franco-German Armistice, 160-161,  163-166
Frank, Hans,2125,  2237
Frankfort, 150,  1544,  1747,  1808,  1843,  1854,  1902
Fraser, Admiral Sir Bruce,2042
Frederick, Major General Robert T., 1459
Free French,186,  191,  260,  281,  292,  413,  472,  477,  488,  691,  741,  857,  860,  913,  932,  1474,  2246,  2271,  2277
—See Fighting French
Free French and British meet in Cairo,413
Free French forces,612,  1255,  1325,  1417
Free French Navy, 186
Free French troops, 484
French Air Force, 860


French airports,172
French and Arabs clash, 1984
French Army, 1062,  1291
French artillery, 149
French battleships, 192
French Cameroon,292
French citizen soldiers, 1500
French civilians,1329,  1378,  1404
French Coast, 499
French coastal town,276
French collaborationists,1373,  1486-1487,  1505,  1517,  1548,  1560
French Colonial infantry,268
French Colonials, 681
French Colonies, 292,  680
French commemorate Armistice Day, 1638
French Committee of National Liberation, 933
French Equatorial Africa,1496
French First Army, 1566-1567,  1646-1647,  2275,  2277,  2390
French Fleet, 172,  190-192,  771,  832-833
—Scuttled at Toulon, 771,  832-833
French forces, 1180
French forces cross the Sahara, 860
French forces in Norway, 124
French Forces of the Interior,1180,  1460,  1475,  1495,  1498,  1523,  1560
—Alpine Regiment, 2277
French Foreign Legion,216
French, Free,
—See Free French
French freed from a German prison camp,1862
French Indo-China,519,  520
French infantrymen and tanks,1710
French-Italian armistice, 172
French Mediterranean Fleet,832-833
French Morocco,843,  856-857,  1120
French National Assembly,194
French National Committee,932
French Ninth Army,119
French North Africa,814-815
French North African government, 839
French 130 mm guns,843
French Partisians Franc Tireus, 1500
French patriotic youth organization, 839
French patriots, 1373,  1424,  1431,  1532,  2270
French patrol,28
French ration cards, 1359
French refugees,1477
French regiment in Italy, 1120
French sabotage, 1199
French 2nd Division, 1491
French 2nd Armored Division,2271
French 75mm guns, 149
French soldiers,147,  167,  1158,  1444
—With the fifth army, 1158
French tanks,96,  114
French troops, 124,  823
French underground, 1199,  1424,  1431
French women, 1373,  1505,  1517
French workers, 663
Fresnes prison,2098
Freyberg, General,847
Frick, Wilhelm,2125,  2237
Friedeburg, General Admiral Hans Georg,1941,  1944-1945,  1946,  1948,  1971
Fritzsche, Hans,2125,  2237
Fu Ping-sheung,1084
Funk, Walther,2125,  2237
Futa Pass,1544,  1572,  1589


GB-4 glide bomb,2454
G. I. Joe,1308
Gabes,898,  900
Gabr Saleh,564
Gafsa Oasis,881
Gailani, Raaschid Ali Beg,260
Gale, Colonel Guy, 1281
Galicia oilfields,26
"Galileo Galilei," 170
Gallabat, Fort, 312
Gambut, 566
Gamelin, General Maurice Gustave, 16,  116
Gandhi,662,  734
Garand rifle,2455
Garigliano River,1126-1127
Garsson, Henry, 2226
Gasmata, 1235
Gasoline, 100 octane,1269
Gavatu, 727
Gavin, Major General James,2297
Gavrilovitch, Stoyan,2166-2167
Gavut Island,730
Gavutu, 727,  759
Gazala, 691
Gehres, Captain Leslie E., 1837
Geiger, Major General Roy, 1859,  2300
Geilenkirchen,1716,  1739
Gela,959,  962,  966
"General A. W. Greely,"2148
General Grant tank,719
General Sherman tank,1119
Geneva Convention,127,  907,  1080,  1201
Genoa,800-801,  1793,  1932
Gensoul, Admiral,192
George, VI King, 271,  325,  386,  916,  925,  940-941,  1041,  1306,  1439,  1600,  1951,  2268
George, Lloyd, 792
Georgian military highway,829
Georgievsk,737,  772
German advance from May 10 to June 1 of 1940 (map),132-133
German advance in Belgium (map),132-133
German advance in France (map),132-133,  154-155
German advance in North Africa (map),719
German advance in the East, 506
German advance in white Russia,486-487
German advance in Poland, 21
German advance in Russia,769
German advance in the Ukraine,508-509
German advance through Balkans (map),443
German air-changing machines, 2489
German Air Force,23,  107,  108,  178,  199,  239,  245,  262,  278-279,  319,  325,  347,  500,  669,  670-671,  760,  834,  937,  943,  1038-1039,  1183,  1185,  2417
—Over southern France, 1458
—Over Italy, 1148,  1206-1207
—See Air war over England


German air war on French civilians,120
German airborne attack on Crete,458-459
German Alpine troops, 829
German-American Bund,2196
German animal transport column,157
German anti-aircraft gun, 150
German antipersonnel mine,1362
German anti-tank gunners, 424
German armed motorcyclists,94
German armies join forces with Italians in Albania,432
German Armistice Commission, 818
German armored division, 690-691
German Army, 829,  1038,  1219,  1607,  1862,  1945
German artillery, 12,  22,  423
German assault on Thala,882
German blitzkrieg,7
German bombers tackled by the R.A.F.,279
German campaign in Greece (map),443
German civilians, 1006-1007,  1633,  1847,  1962
—See horror films, 1973
German coastal guns, 276,  1311
German columns advance in Greece,422
German concentration camps,1880,  1973
German counter-attack in Tunisia,834
German counter-offensive at Nettuno, 1129
German counter-offensive in Belgium,2409
German cruiser, 72
German cyclists, 126
German dams and power plants wrecked by R.A.F.,916-917
German "Death's Head" Division,629
German defeat in France,1468
German drive threatens Stalingrad and Rostov, 714-715
German E-Boats, 741
German Elite Guard, 1395
German "flak-train,"699
German flame-throwers, 431
German Fleet,462,  1956
German forced labor battalions,1314
German forces in Greece, 1602
—in Italy, 1793-1794
—in North Africa, 402
—on the Western Front, 1680
German generals at prisoner of war camp in North Africa,907
German gun in action, 51
German gun train, 1519
German heavy motorized unit,156
German hide-out in Cherbourg, 1352
German High Command, 771
German high-velocity guns, 240
German horse and mechanized units in Russia, 581
German infantry,22,  73,  151,  523
German infantry and tanks in Mariupol,547
German infantry in retreat, 978-979
German infantry in Rostov, 723
German invasion of Russia, 478-479
German-Japanese-Italian treaty,285,  1121
German jet propelled bomber, 2452
German jet propelled fighter,2452
German jet propelled pilotless plane, 1118
German light tank, 105
German long-range guns,276,  499
German machine gunners, 687
German Mark VI tank,1512
German military band, 71
German mines, 1292
German motorized column, 118
German motorized units in Simferopol,557
German Navy, 8,  72,  1112,  1944
German Ninth Army, 1934
German nurses,1363
German offensive in Libya,690-691
German one-man submarine, 1152
German Panzer troops,1285
German Panzer division,418
German Panzer vehicles,551
German "People's Army,"1667
German paratroops,91
German patrol,28
German pillbox,2489
German pillbox in Normandy,1369
German plan to attack New York City with rockets,2459
German planes, 181,  236
German planes raid the Firth of Forth,30
German pontoon bridges,117
German prison camp, 1862
German prisoner of war camp,1679
German prisoners,836-837,  1844,  1850,  1853
—in the Piazza del popolo, 1278
German propaganda,663
German railroad gun,2448
German retreat before Moscow, 586-587
German retreat from France,1555
German retreat in Libya,590
German retreat in the Caucasus,830
German reverse in the Crimea, 604
German rocket bomb, 1622
German-Russian agreement on Poland,26
German-Russian pact,1528
German S.S. guards,193
German Safety Service,270
German seaplanes,75
German secret weapon,1118,  2445
German Seventh Army, 1447,  1454,  1504
German shock-troops,128
—in Russia, 511
German Sixteenth Army,628,  647,  668
German soldiers,104,  668,  2326
—Firing a Russian village, 978-979
—in Russia, 572-573
German staff officers,163
German storage cave in France,1470
German "Stork" plane,402
German storm troopers, 193
German submarines,36,  802-803,  2405
German tank crew surrendering to British infantrymen, 810
German tank and motorcycle reinforcements,688
German tanks,22,  70,  73,  104,  532-533
—enter Bulgaria, 385
—Mark VI tank, 1512
—Tiger tank, 1512


German transports and supply ships, 83
German troops,71,  73,  79,  103
—enter Stalino, 552-553
—firing homes of Russian peasants, 872
—in Bosnia, 1110
—in Sicily, 964-965
—occupy Corinth and Greek Islands, 436
—prepare for the invasion of Britain, 308
German U-boat surrenders to U. S. Navy,1965
German V-1,1696,  1703
German V-2 rocket,2445
German V-2 scientists surrender to Americans,1927
German victory parade in Greece,438
German war crimes investigations,
—See War crimes investigations--Europe
German war production,632-633,  635,  720
German warships,558
German warfare on Britain-bound convoys,408-409
German Westphalia,916-917
German winter line in southern Italy,1122-1123
German winter retreat in Russia, 872-873
Germans break through in the Ukraine,502
Germans capture Tobruk and Mersa Matruh,706-707
Germans cross the Aisne,117
Germans cross the Don River,710-711
Germans cut off in the Ukraine,1194
Germans enter burning Kiev,537
Germans flee from Tilsit, 1730
Germans flood Holland, 1208
Germans fortify Crete,974-975
Germans in Norway,73
Germans launch offensive in the Crimea, 685
Germans launch summer offensive in Russia,976-977
Germans on the Pripet Marshes,1099
Germans open drive for the Caucasus oil fields,724-725
Germans recapture Rostov,722-723
Germans trapped in Estonia,1425
—(1939) 7
—(1940) 68,  212,  260,  283,  285,  296
—(1941) 425,  520
—(1942) 644-645,  694,  772
—(1943) 916-917,  1004-1007,  1114
—(1944) 1182-1187,  1341,  1394,  1524,  1543,  1633,  1667,  1669
—(1945) 1788,  1793,  1819-1821,  1856,  1868,  1885-1890,  1904-1906,  1909,  1913-1916,  1918-1919,  1926-1929,  1934-1937,  1940-1942,  1962,  1964,  1970,  1973,  1976,  2009,  2207,  2318,  2372,  2396,  2384,  2399,  2404,  2414,  2416,  2421,  2445,  2477
—Air War, 772
—Allied prison camp for German officers, 2140-2141
—American occupation, 2115
—Bruchsal Prison, 2111
—Declares war on Russia, 260
—Declares war on the U. S., 578
—Demands on Poland, 7
—Eastern Front, 1544
—Foreign laborers, 1856
—Invades Belgium, 8,  95
—Invades Denmark, 8
—Invades Holland, 8,  90
—Invades Luxemburg, 8
—Invades Norway, 8
—Invades Poland, 7
—Non-aggression pact with Russia, 7
—North, 150
—Nuremberg trials, 2122-2129,  2135,  2139,  2194,  2236-2237,  2238-2239
—Occupies halt France (map), 166
—Post-war, 2073
—Russian occupation, 1918,  2161
—See Ships
—Surrender, 1793,  1944-1949
—Surrender in Italy, 1924
—Surrender in northern Italy, 1793-1794
—Surrender of North German forces, 1941
—Surrender ratified in Berlin, 1947
—Surrenders unconditionally at Reims, 1944-1945
—U. S. Clergy protests Allied air raids, 1184
—U. S. post-war destruction of war plants, 2115
—Western Front, 1564,  1581,  1592,  1605-1607,  1644,  1648-1649,  1659,  1750,  1758,  1779,  1780,  1782-1783,  1800-1808,  1810-1811,  1813,  1815,  1829,  1831-1833,  1840-1848,  1861-1866,  1879-1880,  1897,  1900-1902,  1921,  2323-2326,  2336,  2461,  2468,  2489,  2494
—See Africa, North;
—See Air war;
—See Battle of Britain;
—See Battle of the Bulge;
—See Eastern Front;
—See Italian Front;
—See under names of cities and towns;
—See War crimes investigations--Europe
Germany--Military leaders
—Basseage, Major General, 907
—Beck, Colonel General Ludwig, 1394,  1395
—Bieldwius, General, 907
—Beck, Colonel General Ludwig, 1394-1395
—Bock, General von, 536,  688,  760
—Borowletz, Major General, 907
—Doenitz, Grand Admiral Karl, 1395,  1928-1929,  2124-2125,  2237
—Dostler, General Anton, 2144
—Fiedler, General Major Erich, 2140
—Friedeburg, General Admiral Hans Georg, 1941,  1944-1945,  1946,  1948,  1971
—Goering, Reichsmarshal Herman, 163,  165,  309,  1394,  1957,  2124-2125,  2127,  2128-2129,  2139,  2194,  2236-2237,  2239,  2459
—Jeschonnek, General, 309
—Jodl, Colonel General Alfred Gustav, 1944-1945,  1946,  2124-2125,  2237
—Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 1395,  1947-1948,  2124-2125,  2128,  2237
—Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 1129,  1263,  1955
—Kirchenpauer, General Major Wilhelm, 2141
—Kluge, Field Marshal von, 1447


—Krause, Major General, 907
—Kretschmer, Commander Otto, 411
—Kunzel, General, 1941
—Loerzer, General, 309
—Manstein, General von, 685
—Meendsen-Bohlken, Admiral Wilhelm, 1956
—Milch, Field Marshal, 1395
—Neuffer, Major General, 907
—Oxenius, Major General Wilhelm, 1944
—Quast, General von, 907
—Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich, 165,  2124-2125,  2237
—'I'heissen, General Karl, 2140
—Vaerst, Major General von, 907
Germany--Political leaders
—Frank, Hans, 2125,  2237
—Frick, Wilhelm, 2125,  2237
—Fritzsche, Hans, 2125,  2237
—Funk, Walther, 2125,  2237
—Goebbels, Joseph Paul, 193,  270
—Hess, Rudolph, 165,  454,  2124-2125,  2127,  2128-2129,  2139,  2236
—Himmler, Heinrich, 1394-1395,  1971
—Hitler, Adolf, 7,  34,  65,  160-161,  163-165,  193,  259,  296,  983,  984,  1045,  1181,  1194,  1248,  1394-1395,  1494,  1659,  1794,  1909,  1928-1929,  2118-2119
—Ley, Dr. Robert, 1970
—Neurath, Constantin von, 2125,  2237
—Papen, Franz von, 1877,  2125,  2129,  2237
—Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 7 ,  8,  26,  165,  285,  385,  404,  2125,  2129,  2139,  2237
—Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 520,  563,  567,  691,  700,  702,  768,  813,  851,  1109,  1209
—Rosenberg, Alfred, 2125,  2127,  2237
—Rundstedt, Field Marshal Karl von, 536,  1543,  1680,  1684,  1695,  1741,  1937,  2312
—Schacht, Hjalmar, 2125,  2237
—Shirach, Baldur von, 2125,  2237
—Speer, Albert, 2125,  2237
—Streicher, Julius, 2125,  2237
Geromont, 1711
Gestapo,1199,  1394-1395,  1971
Ghetto in Warsaw, 2130-2131
Gibraltar,153,  2266
Gibson, Wing-Commander G. P.,916
Gilbert Islands, 622-623,  1031,  1032,  1088-1089,  1102-1103,  1137,  1163,  1252
Gilchrist, Huntington,2166-2167
Gillars, Mildred,2197
Giraud, General Henri Honore, 119,  839,  857,  925,  930,  932,  941,  1062
—and De Gaulle at Algiers, 932
Giropa Creek, 854
"Giulio Cesare,"1041
Gleiwitz, 1783
Glennon, Cardinal John J.,2180
Glide bomb,2454
Glider troops,1846
Gliders,952,  1324
Goebbels, Joseph Paul,193,  270
Goering, Reichsmarshal Herman,163,  165,  309,  1957,  1957,  2127,  2127,  2128-2129,  2139,  2194,  2236,  2237,  163
Gold Coast troops, 368
Golikov, General,490
Golubov, General,634
Gomel,508-509,  531
Gondar, 541,  568-569
Gordon Highlanders,858
Gort, General, 16,  60,  143,  2284
Gothic Line, 1179,  1544,  1572,  1589,  1624,  1641
"Graf Spee,"
—See "Admiral Graf Spee"
Gran Sasso Hotel, 1044-1045
Grand Fascist Council,1121
Great Bitter Lake, 1756
Great Britain, 218,  269,  519,  689,  2010
—Air Force, 
—See Royal Air Force
—British Blue Book, 7
—Casualties and losses, 
—See Casualties and losses--Allied
—Declares war on Germany, --Declares war on Germany,
—See British Navy
—See Ships
—See Africa, North;
—See Air war over England;
—See Battle of Britain;
—See Britain;
—See British;
—See China-Burma-India Theater;
—See England;
—See Italian Front;
—See Pacific Theater;
—See Western Front
Great Britain--Military leaders
—Alexander, General Sir Harold R. L. G., 638,  925,  930,  1254,  2267
—Anderson, General, 821,  834,  930
—Auchinleck, General, 712,  718
—Cunningham, Lieutenant General Sir Alan, 563
—Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew, 316,  914,  956,  1041
—Dempsey, Lieutenant General Sir Miles, 1598,  1739,  2268
—Fraser, Admiral Sir Bruce, 2042
—Gort, General, 16,  60,  143,  2284
—Harwood, Rear Admiral Henry, 41,  42-43,  58
—Ironside, General Sir Edmund, 2284
—Leese, General Sir Oliver, 1255,  1258,  1258,  2267
—Longmire, Air Marshal, 413
—McCreery, Lieutenant General Sir Richard, 1629
—Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard L., 804,  804,  847,  847,  859,  892,  900,  930,  960,  962,  991,  1629,  1035,  1037,  1135,  1255,  1283,  1294,  1325,  1398,  1531,  1545,  1600,  1793,  1926,  1941,  2253
—Mountbatten Admiral Lord Louis, 1192,  1382,  1939,  2078,  2281
—Percival, Lieutenant General A. E., 2045
—Phillips, Admiral Sir Thomas, 583
—Ramsay, Admiral Sir Bertram, 2287
—Spears, General, 413
—Sturges, Major General, 681
—Syfret, Rear Admiral, 681
—Wavell, General Sir Archibald, 307,  307,  371,  413,  2299
—Wilson, General Sir Henry Maitland, 2266
—Wingate, Major General Orde Charles, 2289


Great Britain--Political leaders
—Attlee, Clement, 1794,  2010,  2114,  2242
—Beaverbrook, Lord, 195
—Bevin, Ernest, 1949,  2010,  2117,  2165
—Bracken, Brenden, 100
—Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 2198,  2199
—Chamberlain, Neville, 960,  100
—Churchill, Winston, 
—See Churchill
—Cranborne, Lord, 386
—Cripps, Sir Stafford, 490,  662,  734
—Eden, Anthony, 204,  204,  689,  930,  1084,  1100-1101
—George, Lloyd, 792
—George VI, King, 271,  325,  386,  916,  925,  940-941,  1041,  1306,  1439,  1600,  1951,  2268
—Halifax, Lord, 64,  369,  447
—Henderson, Sir Neville, 7
—O'Brian, John Lord, 2199
—United Nations General Assembly, 2165
—United Nations Security Council, 2165,  2199
—Wavell, General Sir Archibald, 307,  338,  371,  413,  2299
Greater Germany,1876
Greece, 259,  260,  300-301,  305-307,  310-311,  322-323,  330-331,  333,  362,  422-424,  431,  434-439,  1544,  1593,  1602-1604,  1628,  1670
—Italian invasion of, 259
—Italian ultimatum, 301
—Map, 362
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
—Regency, 1544
—See Ships
Greece--Political leaders
—Metaxas, General, 301
Greek Air Force,333
Greek airmen,332
Greek Army, 332,  433
—Surrenders, 434
Greek civil war,1544,  1628,  1670
Greek concentration camp,331
Greek infantry,305
Greek islands,437
Greek mule transport, 322
Greek patriots, 1603
Greek soldiers of the Epirot,434
Greek troops,301,  322
Greek warships,301
Green Islands,1203,  1237
Grenades, 2446
Grenadier Guards,231
Grenoble, 1501,  1507
—Treason trial, 1548
Grese, Irma, 2121
Griffin, Colonel T. N., 2152
Gromyko, Andrei, 2198,  2200-2201,  2200-2201
Groves, Major General Leslie R.,2020
Grozny oilfields,737,  829,  830,  848-849
Gruenther, Major General Alfred M., 1272
Grumman "Avenger,"1111,  1111,  1316
Guadalcanal, 520,  727,  728,  730,  732,  746,  748-749,  758-759,  758-759,  772,  783,  788-789,  790-791,  866-869,  944,  1031,  1102-1103,  1406,  2256
—Final offensive, 866
Guam,642-643,  1180,  1390-1392,  1418-1419,  1429,  1432,  1520,  1530,  2030-2031,  2391,  2398,  2426
—returns to the United States, 1432
Guards' Chapel, London, 1381
Guerrilla warfare,260,  2257
—Allied, 923
—Filipino, 1834
—Yugoslav, 998-999
Guiana, French,2303
Gulf of Finland, 63,  1143
Gulf of Sirte, 592
Guns, mobile,2461
Gurkhas, 1257
—over Rangoon, 1931
Gustav line, 1189,  1253,  1257,  1259
Guyon-Witzschel, Louise, 2135


Habania airport, 260
Hague, The,90
Haile Selassie,260,  368
Hailar, 2024
Halfaya (Helafaya),563,  592,  598-599,  612,  707,  807
"Halifax,"526,  588-589,  800
Halifax, Lord,64,  369,  447
Hall, Leonard, 1904
Halmahera,1530,  1544
Halsey, Admiral William F.,1544,  1562,  1515,  1621,  2038,  2264
Hamburg, 720-721,  1941
"Hamilcar" gliders,720-721
Hamilton, R. M.,2463
Hamm, 1879
Hampden, 130
Handgrenade, 2446
Hangman's Hill,1211
Hangoe Peninsula,8
Hardanger Fjord,78
"Hardy," 69
Harmon, Lieutenant Tom,2303
Harmon, Sharon Kristan,2303
Harmon, Mrs. Tom, 2303
Harriman, Averill,755
Harwood, Rear Admiral Henry,41,  58,  58
Hata, Field Marshal Shunroku,2037,  2146
"Haw Haw, Lord," 1981
Heavy artillery,2493
Heavy machine gun,2479
Heinkel,131,  1889
—"III," 278-279
—jet planes, 1889
"Hellfire Pass," 275
Helmond-Venlo railway,1651
Helsinki, 1651


Henderson Field,732,  732,  788,  868
Henderson, Sir Neville,7
Hennecke, Admiral Walter,1348
Henri Chapelle,1886
Hensel, M/Sgt. Frederic,2204-2205
Hess, Rudolph,165,  454,  2124-2125,  2127,  2128-2129,  2139,  2236
Hewitt, Admiral H. K., 818,  1038,  1441
Hickam Field, 575,  577
High angle bomb,2483
Highland regiments,621
Hill 604, 2306-2307
Hill 700,1188
Hill, Rear Admiral Harry W.,1092
Himmler, Gudron,2135
Himmler, Heinrich, 1394-1395,  1971
Himmler, Mrs. Margaret,2135
Hiranuma, Baron Kiichiro,2146
Hirohito, Emperor,577,  2085,  2137,  2185
Hiroshima,1794,  2015,  2016-2017,  2018,  2075,  2484
Hirota, Koki,2146
Hitler, Adolf, 7,  34,  160-161,  163-165,  193,  259,  296,  983,  984,  1045,  1181,  1194,  1394-1395,  1494,  1659,  1794,  1909,  1928-1929,  2118-2119
—and Mussolini meet, 65
—Cartoon, 1248
—reported dead, 1929
Hitler, Adolf, Bridge, 1807
Hitler Line,1268
Hitler-Stalin pact,1528
Hitler tank division,872
Hitler Youth, 1318-1319,  1996
Ho Yin-chen, General, 2281
Hobby, Colonel Oveta Culp, 2273
Hodge, Major General John R., 1859
Hodges, General Courtney H., 1524,  1600,  1861,  1905,  2286
Hoenzollern Bridge, 1807
Holden, Tech. Sgt.,1272
Holland,8,  90,  92,  102,  103,  108,  130,  133,  493,  699,  1208,  1543,  1580,  1582-1587,  1779,  1941,  2297
—German invasion of, 8,  90
—Surrenders to Germany, 8
—Underground, 1208
—Welcomes British Bombers, 493
—See Netherlands;
—See Pacific Theater;
—See Western Front
Holland-Military leaders
—Helfrich, Admiral, 2042
Holland House,303
Hollandia, 1180,  1225,  303,
Holmes, John Haynes,1184
Holtz Bay, 918-919
Holzerath, 2323
Home Guard of Local Defense Volunteers, 204,  237
Homma, Lieutenant General Masaharu,2081,  2175-2177
Homs, 851
Hong-Kong,519,  600
Honolulu,577,  1809
Honshu,1967,  2006
Hoover, Herbert,2212
Hopkins, Harry,1100-1101
"Hornet,"664-655,  666
"Horsa" gliders, 1580
Horse Guards Parade,58
Hospital plane, 1869
Hotel de Ville, 1351
Houffalize,1708,  2312
Howie, Major Thomas D.,1386
Howitzers, 226,  228
Ho Yin-chen, General,2281
Hseuh Yeuk, General, 1106
Hsipaw, 673,  1838
Hu, General,1233
Hudson, R. S.,1233
Huertgen Forest,1637,  2396
Hukawng Valley, 1174,  1191
Hull, Cordell,1084,  1375,  2134,  2134
Hulrich, 1874
Hunan Province,1968
Hungarian divisions on the Eastern Front,552
Hungarian motorized troops,426
Hungarians break treaty of friendship with Yugoslavia, 426
Hungary,260,  426,  1543,  1671-1673,  1725,  1808,  2411
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
—War crimes investigations, 2186,  2203
Hungary--Political leaders
—Baky, 2203
—Bardossy, M. M., 426
—Endre, Laszlo, 2203
—Imredy, Bela, 2186
Huntziger, General,165,  173
Hupeh-Honan border, 929
Hurley, Patrick J., 2138
"Hurricane," 236,  278,  589,  453,  550
Hutton, General,638
Hyde Park, 2209


I. G. Farben,2115
Iceland, 496-498
Ie Jima, 1871
Ie Shima,2032,  2385,  2385
Iheya Shima,2377
Ilchester, Lord,303
Ilmen, Lake,629
Imperial airborne Commando forces in Burma, 1205,  2289
Imperial Army of the Nile,2299
Imphal,676,  1179,  1226,  1232
Imredy, Bela,2186
Incendiary bomb,2435
Inch Garvie Island,30
"Independence,"2225,  1544
India,255,  269,  340,  519,  630,  677,  734-735,  1179,  1179,  1382,  1787,  1227,  1972
—Air Force, 626-627
—Congress, 662,  734
—Independence movement, 2157,  2170
—Supply route for China, 1145
—See China-Burma-India Theater


India--Political leaders
—Bose, Subhas Chandra, 2170
—Gandhi, 662,  734
—Nehru, Pandit, 662,  734
Indian and Maltese contingents,177
Indian Army Service Corps,46
Indian forces in Burma, 1931
Indian forces in Malaya, 495
Indian infantry, 713
Indian National Army, 2170
Indian National Congress Party,2157
Indian Ocean,520,  680,  1939
Indian parachute regiment, 1931
Indian transport column,590
Indian troops,255,  563,  592,  716
—In Burma, 1620
—In Italy, 1268
Indo-China,495,  2001,  2157
Indonesia, 2170
Indonesian People's Army,2096
Indonesians demand independence, 2096
Infantry moves ahead on Hollandia,1242-1243
Infantrymen in Luzon, 2455
Infantrymen in St. Malo,2455
Infra-red ray principle, 2466
Ingram, Admiral Jonas H., 2102,  2259
Inland Sea,1794
Insterburg, 1543,  1794
International High Tribunal,2126
Internment camps, Canada,188
Intramuros, 605
Ionosphere rocket, 2498
Ipoh, 611
Iran, 260,  507,  540
—Maps, 507
—Oil fields, 507
—United Nations Security Council, 2199,  2201
Iran--Political leaders
—Ala, Hussein, 2199
—Daftari, Akbar, 2199
—Mohammed, Prince, 260
—Riza, Shah, 260
—United Nations Security Council, 2199
Iraq, 260,  444,  459
Iraq--Political leaders
—Ali, Raschid, 444
—Gailani, Raaschid Ali Beg, 260
—Mohammed, Prince, 260
Ireland, 620
Iron Guard, 264
Iron Guard legionnaires,264
Ironside, General Sir Edmund,2284
Irrawaddy River,636,  638,  653,  674,  1939
Isigny,1325,  1325
Isitt, Vice Marshal Leonard M., 1314
Italian Air Force, 313
Italian air attacks on Sofia,1132
Italian airborne landings, 467
Italian armies retreat before the Greeks in Albania,310
Italian armistice, 1082
Italian artillery, 275
Italian battle scene,1122-1123
Italian battleships, 196
Italian cavalry riding into Greece,196
Italian colonial troops,541
Italian convoys, 259
Italian cruiser, 365
Italian desert spotter, 275
Italian East Africa,8,  259-260
Italian Fascists,1552
Italian fighter planes,840
Italian Fleet,196,  225,  259,  406,  512,  1195
—Surrenders, 1040-1041
Italian forces driven from Sidi Barrani and Sollum,340
Italian front, 1031,  1032,  1033-1045, 1054-1055,
—(Cancello entered) 1071-1073,  1076-1077,  1086-1087,  1119,  1071-1073,
—(Nettuno-Anziobeachheads open drive for Rome) 1126-1131,  1132,  1134-1135,  1148-1153,  1148-1153,  1156,  1158-1159,
—(Cassino) 1164,  1175,  1179,  1189,  1206-1207,  1210-1211,  1221,  1230,  1238,  1246,  1248,  1253-1255,  1257-1259,  1263,  1265,  1126-1131,
—(Rome entered) 1271-1281,  1387-1389,  1426-1428,  1462-1463,  1544,  1550,  1572-1573,  1589,  1594-1595,  1624,  1629,  1641,  1665,  1668,  1728,  1790-1791,  1793-1794,  1797,  1799,  1903,  1920,  1924,
—(Allied victory in Italy )  1932,
—(additional scenes) 1938,  2267,  2270,  2297,  2302,  2401,  2407,  2486
—See under names of cities, towns, etc,
Italian Front--Maps
—After four months, 1135
—Italy invaded, 1033
Italian garrison at Wolshefit surrenders,541
Italian-German-Japanese treaty,285,  1121
Italian infantry,706-707
Italian islands,934-937
Italian machine gunners,275
Italian mainland,942
Italian merchant ships,942
Italian mobile corps, 691
Italian mortars,311
Italian Navy, 225,  406,  406,  967,  1040-1041
Italian news agency, 196
Italian partisans, 1427,  1794,  1922-1923
Italian planes over Britain,313
Italian prisoners, 340,  568-569,  890-891
Italian prisoners of war in America,1080
Italian raids on Greek towns,333
Italian Riviera, 1246
Italian Somaliland,260,  380
Italian students,101
Italian submarine,802-803
Italian troops,152,  272-273,  305
—in Sicily, 964-965
Italian ultimatum to Greece,301
Italian victory parade in Greece,438
Italian war industry,800
Italian warships,196,  225
Italian-Yugoslav border commission,2192
Italians greet American troops,1273
Italians invade Egypt,272-273
Italians looting buildings in Catania,272-273
—(1939) 8,
—(1940) 101,  153,  171,  172,  229,  232,  274,  285,  300,  322,  331,  339,


—(1941) 362,  376-377,  379,
—(1942) 700,  800-801
—(1943) 858,  970-971,  984-985,  1031,  1032
—(1944) 1195,  1234,  1445,  1449,  1552-1553
—(1945) 1922-1924
—Advance in Greece (map), 443
—Albanian campaign (map), 362
—Armistice agreement with Allies, 1031
—Bases in Albania, 259
—Black market, 2208
—Campaign in Italy, 1033-1045,  1054-1055, (Cancello entered)  1071-1073,  1076-1077,  1086-1087,  1119, (Nettuno-Anzio beachheads open drive for Rome)  1126,  1131,  1132,  1134-1135,  1144,  1148-1153,  1156,  1158-1159. (Cassino)  1164,  1175,  1179,  1189,  1206-1207,  1210-1211,  1221,  1230,  1238,  1246,  1248,  1253-1255,  1257-1259,  1263,  1265, (Rome entered)  1271-1281,  1271-1281,  1426-1428,  1462-1463,  1544,  1550,  1572-1573,  1589,  1594-1595,  1624,  1629,  1641,  1665,  1668,  1728,  1793-1794,  1793-1794,  1797,  1799,  1920,  1920, (Allied victory in Italy)  1932, (additional scenes)  1938,  2144,  2144,  2267,  2270,  2297,  2302,  2401,  2407,  2417,  2486
—Declares war on France, 8
—Declares war on Great Britain, 8
—Declares war on the Allies, 152
—Declares war on the U. S., 578
—Four months after the initial landing, 1135
—Invades Greece, 259,  300-301
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
—See Ships
—Trieste border dispute, 2192
—Troops on French border, 8
Italy--Military leaders
—Aosta, Duke of, 416,  456
—Badoglio, Marshal, 173,  1031,  1035,  1041,  1195
—Cavagnari, Admiral, 173
—De Bono, Marshal Emilio, 1121
—Gonella, Colonel, 541
—Nasi, General, 569
—Pricolo, General, 173
—Roatta, General, 173
Italy--Political leaders
—Badoglio, Marshal, 173,  1031,  1035,  1041,  1041
—Ciano, Count, 173,  285,  385
—Mussolini, Benito, 65,  152-153,  161,  163,  296,  984-985,  1044-1045,  1044-1045,  1087,  1121,  1280,  1922-1923,  1922-1923
Iwamaura, Michiyo, 2105
Iwo Jima, 1544,  1764-1778,  1786,  17891794,  1798,  2330,  2334-2335,  2383,  2474,  2474
—Cemetery, 2383
—yum, 704
Izyum-Barenkovo area, 688
Izzi, Basil Dominic,894


Jackson, Robert H.,2123,  2126
James, Rembert,2296
Japan, 285,  519,  574,  1097,  1097,  1393,  1393,  1544,  1652,  1784,  1794,  1814,  1830,  1967,  1978,  1987,  2015-2017,  2021,  2070,  2070,  2075
—American occupation, 2038,  2060,  2060,  2072,  2085,  2093
—American occupation forces, 2080,  2094
—At the end of the Second World War, 2046
—Black Dragon Society, 2113
—Demobilization, 2064
—Food, 2086
—Higashi-Kuni cabinet, 2093
—Invades the Philippines, 584-585,  591
—Maps, 2046-2047
—See Maps and diagrams--Pacific Theater
—Offers to surrender, 2024
—Omori prison camp, 2105,  2108
—Post war, 2060,  2086,  2095
—Post war Cabinet, 2093
—Post war Diet, 2093
—Post war housing, 2185
—Shinagawa prison camp, 2087
—See Ships
—Sugamo prison, 2106
—Surrender, 1794,  2025-2035,  2041
—Surrender at Kerama Retto, 1943
—Surrender at Nanking, 2066
—Surrender delegation, 2032
—Surrender delegation arrives at Manila, 2033
—Surrender is official, 2027
—Surrender message, 2027
—Surrender of southern armies, 2078
—Surrender on Namur Island, 1160-1161
—Surrender on Saipan, 2145
—Surrender on Wake Island, 2059
—War crimes investigations, 
—See War crimes investigations--Pacific
—War victims, 2088-2089
—See China-Burma-India Theater;
—See Pacific Theater
Japan--Military leaders
—Hata, Field Marshal Shunroku, 2146
—Homma, Lieutenant General Masaharu, 2081,  2175-2177
—Kuroda, Lieutenant General Shigenori, 2081
—Miyakazi, Lieutenant General Shuichi, 2043
—Nogano, Admiral, 1170,  1173
—Nomura, Admiral, 576
—Sakaibara, Rear Admiral Shigematsu, 2143
—Sugiyama, Field Marshal, 1170,  1173
—Tachibaba, Lieutenant Commander Soichi, 2143
—Takahashi, Admiral Sankichi, 2146
—Yamashita, General Tomoyuki, 2058,  2104,  2151


Japan--Political leaders
—Araki, General Sadao, 2110
—Hiranuma, Baron Kiichiro, 2146
—Hirohito, Emperor, 577,  2085,  2137,  2185
—Hirota, Koki, 2146
—Iwamura, Michiyo, 2105
—Koiso, General Kuniaki, 1393
—Kurusu, Saburo, 285,  519,  576
—Suzuki, Admiral Baron Kantaro, 2105
—Tereshima, Admiral Ken, 2105
—Tojo, General Hideki, 576,  1170,  1173,  1393,  2076,  2106,  2214
Japan--Political leaders--Post war
—Ashida, 2093
—Shidehara, Baron Kijuro, 2093
—Tsagita, 2093
Japanese advance in Burma (map), 673
Japanese advance in Malaya (map),621
Japanese Air Force, 1214
Japanese aircraft carrying submarines, 2478
Japanese Army,1170
Japanese Army in China, 2066
Japanese armistice mission, 2035
Japanese at Lorient, 1461
Japanese atomic research,2158
Japanese atrocities,1520
Japanese Baka bomb, 1994
Japanese balloons released against U. S., 2425
Japanese Banzai charge, 1982-1983
Japanese bomb Mandalay,653
Japanese Cabinet,1393
Japanese cargo ship sinking,809
Japanese carrier in flames,1334
Japanese children, 2315
Japanese cyclotrons,2158
Japanese civilians in the Karama Islands,1852
Japanese commit hari-kiri,1418
Japanese convoy, 1562-1563
Japanese defeated in Papua,844-845
Japanese emperor, 2025
Japanese escort vessel,1867
Japanese Fifth Kwantung Army Group, 2037
—Surrenders to Russians 2036-2037
Japanese Fleet, 682,  696,  Japanese Fleet,
—Home Fleet, 1794
—Imperial Fleet, 1544,  1614-1615,  1619
Japanese forces enter Manila,605
—in Burma, 626-627
—on Cebu, 2083 Japanese-German-Italian treaty,  285,  2083
Japanese gun, 2448
Japanese hari-kari, 732
Japanese Imperial Iron and Steel Works, 1322
Japanese Imperial Staff,2035
Japanese in Burma, 1839,  1939
Japanese infantry and tanks,625
Japanese jungle fighters,732
Japanese land on the Aleutian Islands,705
Japanese landing craft,1748-1749
Japanese landing party,619
Japanese landings on Singapore Island, 624
Japanese launch attack on Malaya, 582-583
Japanese light tanks,524
Japanese loss at Saipan, 1333
Japanese Marines, 733
Japanese naval bases in the Pacific,642-643
Japanese Navy,736,  1170,  1544
Japanese nurses on Cebu,2083
Japanese occupy Lashio,672
Japanese officers on a mission to Germany, 285
Japanese prison camps,2087,  2105,  2106,  2108
Japanese prisoners, 659
Japanese prisoners on Guam,2030
Japanese retreat in New Britain,2030
Japanese set-back in New Guinea,757
Japanese shipping, 640-641
Japanese sink the U.S.S. "St. Lo,"2403
Japanese soldiers repatriated from Korea,2147
Japanese suicide boats, 1849
Japanese suicide planes,1917
Japanese tank column,627
Japanese tankette,2495
Japanese tanks, 1727,  2473,
—and motor vehicles, 611
Japanese 37 mm anti-tank gun,1217
Japanese transport aflame,736
Japanese troops,674
Japanese twin-engined bomber,640-641
Japanese "Zero" float plane,1992
Jarabub,400,  563
—Jardov, General, 2286
Jassy falls to the Russians,1476
Java, 519,  637,  1262,  2096
"Jean Bart,"818
"Jean de Vienne,"833
Jebel Achkel,909
Jebel Mansour,885
Jebel Mansour,812
Jerran, Guardsman T.,941
Jeschonnek, General,309
Jet planes, 1889
Jet planes, 2452
Jet propelled fighter plane,2172
—German, 2452
—U. S., 2460
Jet propelled pilotless aircraft, 2454
Jet propelled pilotless miniature plane,1118
Jet propelled planes, American,2449
Jet propelled torpedoes,1339
--Post war problems,2117
Jibuti-Addis Ababa railway,280
"JM-1 Marauder,"2451
Jodl, Colonel General Alfred Gustav,1944-1945,  1946,  2124-2125,  2237
Joessing Fjord,55
Johnson, Jr. Hewlett,695
Johore Bahru,624
Joint Task Force One,2218,  2220-2221,  2225
Joyce, William,1981
"Ju 52," 811
Juda, King,2210,  2211
Juin, General Alphonse Pierre,1254-1255
Juliana Canal, 1726
Jungle warfare, 778-779,  1031,  2424,  2479
Junkers dive bombers, 214



K-9 replacements, 1466
Kaczmarczyk, Alexander,808
Kaiser Wilhelm Canal,282
Kalach, 737
Kalewa,1660,  1689
Kalinin, 549,  586-587,  614,  646-647
Kallio, President, 62
Kaluga,549,  587,  614
Kamaing, 1471
Kamikaze, 1959,  2263,  2332-2333,  2370-2371,  2375,  2406,  2439
Kandy, 1953
Karama Islands,1852
Karelian Isthmus,8,  62,  260,  523,  545
Kase, Shunichi,2043
Kasserine Pass,884,  890-891,  911
Katakolon, 1593
Kawabe, Lieutenant General Takashiro, 2032-2033,  2035
Kazvin, 507
Kehsi Mansam, 672
Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm,1395,  1947-1948,  2124-2125,  2129,  2237
Kelantan River,582-583
Kelly, Captain Colin,2282
Kelly, Mrs. Colin,2282
Kendleigh, Ensign Jane,1798
Kennedy, Joseph P., 386
Kenney, General George C.,1225,  2283
Kent,262,  290
Kent, Duke and Duchess of,756
Kenya, 260
Kerama Retto, 1943
Kerch, 580,  685
Kerch Peninsula, 688
Kerch Straits,580,  604,  1032
Keren,372,  403
Kerr, Major Robert M., 2104
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert,1129,  1263,  1955
—Surrenders, 1955
Ketchum, Rear Admiral Dixwell,2068
Keyes, Major General Geoffrey,960,  1272
Kharkov,547,  554-555,  686-688,  704,  771,  872,  1008-1009,  1010-1011
Kharlamov, Rear Admiral,490
Kherson,546,  1194,  1219
Kholm, 548
Kiel,282,  527
Kiev,260,  506,  531,  536-539,  1032,  1085,  1218
—Evacuation, 536
Kimmel, Rear Admiral Husband E.,2168,  2250
"King George V,"369
King, Admiral Ernest J.,791,  1173,  2250,  2298
King, Mackenzie,1568
King's African Rifles,568-569
Kinkaid, Vice Admiral Thomas G.,1544,  1615,  1704,  1705,  2274
Kirchenpauer, General Major Wilhelm,2140-2141
Kirk, Rear Admiral Alan G.,1283,  1306-1307,  2301
Kiska, 705,  772,  918,  1014-1019
Kismayu, 380
Kletskaya, 737,  754
Klein, Dr. Fritz,2121
Kleist, General von, 420,  725
Klin, 573,  586,  614
Kluge, Field Marshal von,1447
Knapsack Power Station, 501
Knot, John,1503
Knox, Colonel Frank,211,  2168,  2248,  2251
Knox, Elyse, 2303
Koelnischer Gummifaden Fabrik,694
Koenig, General Joseph,1484
Koenigsberg, 1875
Koenigsberg Falls,1875
Kohima, 1232,  1931,  1939
Koiso, General Kuniaki,1393
Kokoda Gap, 779
Kolombangara Island, 1031
Konev, Marshal Ivan, 1200,  1202,  1781,  1793,  1905,  2291
Konz-Karthaus Bridge, 1635
Korea, 2147
Koritza,259,  311,  322,  331
Korsun, 1194
Kota Bahru,582
Kotelnikovo,754,  769
Kounine Hills,902
Kramer, Joseph,2121
Krasnodar,725,  737
Krause, Major General,907
Kremenchug, 531
Kretschmer, Commander Otto, 411
Krueger, General Walter, 1705,  2274
Kuala Lumpur, 611
Kuban, 725
Kuban River,725
Kuestrin, 1544,  1747,  1793,  1808,  1818,  1824,  1854,  1902
—Falls to the Russians, 1818
Kuhn, Fritz, 2196
Kukri, 1257
Kulai, 621
Kunkel, John C.,1904
Kunming,1636,  1733
Kunzel, General, 1941
Kurgis, Lieutenant Colonel Howard G.,2145
Kuroda, Lieutenant General Shigenori,2081
Kursk, 547,  710,  772,  872,  886
Kuruso, Saburo,285,  519,  576
Kutno, 7


Kwajalein,1032,  1136-1141,  1176-1177,  1249,  2316,  2317,  2376
—Bombarded, 1138
—War crimes trials, 2143,  2153
Kweilin,1544,  1636
Kyungon,639,  653
Kyushu,1180,  1322,  1963
Kyushu Imperial University,2070


La Boix des Allies,1359
La Galissonnaire,833
La Marseillaise,833
Labuan Island,1992
Lacarte, Julio A.,2167
Ladoga, Lake,8,  523,  647
Lae,619,  641,  683,  1015,  1046-1047,  1049,  1102-1103
—Falls to the Americans and Australians, 1046-1047
Lager Nordhausen concentration camp,1880
Lagone, 1122-1123
LaGuardia. F. H.,1375
La Haye de Puits,1414-1415
Lake Achkel,909
Lake Chad,860, 1496
Lake Como,1922-1923
Lake Ilmen,629
Lake Ladoga,8,  523,  647
Lamy, 1496
Lake Tungting,1106
Lakunai Airfield,1050-1051
Lamone River,1665
"Lancaster,"800,  916,  963,  1229,  1639
Landing at Biak, 1266
Landing at Nettuno,1129
Landing Craft
—At Anzio, 1131
—Barge approaches Tarawa, 1093
—"Ducks," 959,  970-971,  1130-1131,  1492
Land based LST's in Normandy,1296-1297
—Landing Craft--Infantry, 968-969,  970-971,  1238,  1261,  1705
—Landing Craft--Mechanized, 970-971
—Landing Craft--Personnel, 970-971,  1082-1083
—Landing Craft--Tanks, 970-971,  1149
—Landing Craft--Vehicle--Personnel, 1293,  1842
—Landing Ship--Tanks, 920-921,  938-939,  1017-1019,  1126-1127,  1238,  1240,  1296-1297,  1380,  1657,  2474
Langres Plateau,160
Langsdorff, Captain,43
Lansley, Pvt. Robert E., 1104-1105
Laon,151,  1524
La Presse,1485
La Roche,1708
Las Banos internment camp,1809
Lashio,672,  1931,  1939
Lashio-Mandalay railway,674
Latvia, 260,  1179,  1379,  1413,  1425,  1473,  1543,  1697
Laval, Pierre,194,  663,  1431,  1505,  2011,  2092,  2098
Lawrence, Prof. Ernest Orlando,2020
Lawrence, Sir Geoffrey, 2126
Leahy, Admiral William D., 1411,  1754,  2027
Lebanon,260,  1984
Le Bourget Airfield,224
Le Clerc, General Jacques,860,  1291,  1452,  1484,  1496,  2042,  2271
Ledo Road,1145,  1174,  1227,  1577
Ledo-Burma Road, 1544
Ledo-Burma Road re-opens,1732
Leeb, General von,522
Leese, General Sir Oliver, 1255,  1258,  1629,  2267
Legentilhomme, General,477
Leghorn, 1179,  1387-13891422,  1462
—Falls to the 5th Army, 1388
—Harbor, 1387
Le Gleize,1688
Legnano, 1572-1573
Le Havre,377,  1565
—Bombed, 550
Leichester Square,303
Leipzig,1793,  1897
LeJeune, Camp,1116
Lek River,1586
Le Luc, Admiral,165,  173
Le Mans,1180,  1507
Lend-Lease, 219,  265,  267,  386,  392,  498,  519,  1891
Leningrad, 260,  480,  506,  510,  519,  521-523,  544,  581,  628,  647,  1032,  1143,  2374
Leoni, Raul,2099
Leopold, King,8,  125
"Lexington," 520,  682-683
Ley, Dr. Robert,1970,  2100
Leyte,1544,  1609-1611,  1615,  1656-1657,  1768,  2260,  2274,  2494
Leyte Gulf, 1544
Liao Yau Siang, Major,2265
"Liberator,"862,  986-987,  1015,  1183,  1186,  1269,  1332,  1596,  1763,  2318
Libya, 8,  221,  229,  232,  259,  268,  338,  343,  373,  374-375,  400-402,  413-414,  435,  520,  562-565,  590,  598-599,  602-603,  606-609,  690-691,  701,  703,  717,  804,  807,  810-811,  840,  858,  861
—Maps, 374-375,  598-599
Licanan airfield,1983
Liege,105,  110,  112,  1558,  1569
Liege-Louvain-Brussels railway,104
Liesneux, 2409
Light artillery,2458
Limburg, 1866
Lindenberg, Hans,1927
Lindbergh, Charles,224
Lingayen Gulf,591,  1544,  1704-1705,  1707,  1709
Lingkas, 1925


Liquid flame,1776
Li Shui riverbed,1636
Lisichansk, 714
List, General,439
Lithuania,260,  1179,  1473,  1543,  1729
Lithuanian farm,1729
Lithuanian peasants welcome the Russians,1729
Littoria,1128,  1179
Liuchow,1544,  1794
Livorno,1388,  1422,  1462
Lockheed "Hudson" coastal command planes,142
Lockheed reconnaissance bombers,33
Lockwood, Vice Admiral Charles A.,2012
Loerzer, General,309
Lofoten,387,  390
London,58,  174-175,  200-201,  259,  262-263,  265,  1180,  1402,  1502
—Air war over London, 178-179,  230,  237-238,  244,  246-251,  261,  271,  286-291,  297,  302-303,  326-327,  346-357,  427-429,  448-451,  764-765,  1623
London Bridge,261
London dockland area, 290
London policeman,100
"London Range" German gun,1514
London Times office,302
Londoners, 10,  59
Longmire, Air Marshal,413
Long-range guns, German, 243
"Long Tom,"1156,  2494
Looting in Catania,990-991
"Lord Haw Haw,"1981
Lorient,802-803,  1461
Lorraine, 167
Lothian, Lord, 369
Louis, Staff Sgt. Joe,1409
Low Countries, 132,  1795
Low level attack on enemy convoy,470-471
Luce, Claire Booth, 1904
Ludendorff Bridge, 1793,  1802-1803,  1804
—Collapses, 1831
Luebeck,644-645,  669,  720
—See German Air Force
Luitpold, 1181
Lunan, Captain Cordon,2189
Luneburg, 1981,  2121
Luneburg Heath,1941
Lutsk, 1143
Luxembourg,8,  94,  1511,  1543,  1546,  1591,  1680,  1684
—Map, 1684
Luxembourg forest,2319
Luzon,584-585,  591,  605,  658,  1544,  1704-1705,  1709,  1712,  1723,  1727,  1748-1749,  1768,  1794,  1812,  1822,  2381,  2424,  2455,  2473
Lwow,1179,  1396,  1528
—Again in Russian hands, 1528
"Lying In" Home at Bad Weisse, 1976
Lyon,1455,  1543,  1560


M-18 tank destroyers,2461
Maas,103,  1726
Maas River, 1716
MacArthur, Arthur,651
MacArthur, General Douglas,519,  652,  772,  1047,  1410-1411,  1544,  1574,  1609,  1745,  1768,  2004,  2035,  2038-2039,  2040,  2041,  2042,  2045,  2060,  2085,  2252,  2260
—And his forces arrive in Japan, 2038
—Lands at Hollandia, 1241
—Takes over in Australia, 650
MacArthur, Mrs.,2252
MacArthur's son at Corregidor, 651
MacArthur's troops gain control of Buna Mission,854-855
MacFarland, Ernest W.,1904
Machinato airfield,1896
Machine gun,2468,  2479
Mackeig-Jones, Captain,18
Macmillan, Harold,941
Madagascar,520,  680-681
Madang,1032,  1243
"Madman of St., Malo,"1456
Maginot Line,8,  57,  129,  163,  285,  1526,  1564,  2431
Mahoney, Pvt. John V.,1105
—Evacuated, 737
Mail for the Pacific,1525
Main River, 1842,  1843,  1863
Maisky,M.,  490,  689
"Major of St. Lo," 1386
Makalapa, 1096
Makambo,727,  759
Makin,1031,  1089,  1163
Makow, 1722
Malaya,495,  519,  582-583,  610,  625
—Evacuated, 621
Maleme, 459,  460-461
Maletti, General, 338
Malinovski, Colonel General,875,  1231
Malmedy massacre,1694
Malta,153,  225,  512,  656,  934-935,  942,  964-965,  1040-1041,  1195,  2284
Maltese, 177
Mamers, 1454
Manaka, Tatanichi,2153
Manchester, 363
Manchuria, 1097,  1323,  2024, 20  202430,  2037-2038,
—945) 2154-2155
—Russian occupation, 2190
Mandalay, 642-643,  653,  673,  674,  1823,  1838
Manhattan Project,2016,  2019,  2020
Manila, 519,  585,  591,  597,  1544,  1753,  1757,  1759-1760,  1785,  1812,  1822,  1977,  2030,  2431,  2493
—Evacuated, 605
—1195 Singalong Street, 2112
—Red Cross, 2104
—War crimes trials in, 2104,  2109,  2112,  2175-2177


Manila Bay,584-585,  605
Manila Harbor, 1642-1643,  1762-1763,  2487
Mannerheim Line, 8,  62
Manstein, General von,685
Manus Island,1203
Maps and diagrams--General
—Air war over England, 290-291
—Air war over Europe, 1228-1229
—Albanian campaign, 362
—As the fifth year ended, 1534-1535
—Axis campaign in Greece, 443
—Battle of the Atlantic, 408-409
—Convoy routes to Britain, 408-409
—Crete (1941), 468-469
—Enemy chart of small English war vessels, 1376
—Europe after one year of war, 256,  257
—European areas debated at Paris Peace Conference, 2235
—German advance in Belgium (1940), 132-133
—German advance in France (1940), 132-133,  154-155
—Germany occupies half France, 166
—Iran, 507
—Russo-German division of Poland, 26
—"Scharnhorst" sunk in the Arctic, 1112
Maps and diagrams --African campaign
—British advance into Libya, 374-375
—British drive from Bengasi into Tripolitania, 812-813
—Cape Bon peninsula, 911
—East African campaign, 457
—Eighth Army breaks through Mareth Line, 897
—July 1942, 719
—In 1940, 257
Maps and diagrams--China-Burma-India Theater
—Allies take Mandalay, 1838
—Burma, 673,  1838
—May of 1944, 1232
Maps and diagrams--Eastern Front
—After eight weeks, 506
—Allied junction in Germany, 1910-1911
—April of 1945, 1885,  1910-1911
—As the third year ended, 769
—As the third year opened, 521
—Finland, 506
—German retreat in the Caucasus, 830
—Germany invades Russia, 478-479
—March of 1944, 1220
—Russian drive on Baltic and Balkan states, 1671
—Russian drive to the Oder, 1747
—Russian winter advance (1941-1942), 684
—September of 1943, 1010
—Stalingrad, 799
Maps and diagrams--Italian Front
—After four months, 1135
—Italy invaded, 1033
Maps and diagrams--Mediterranean Theater
—Aircraft operational range, 934-935
—Campaign in Sicily, 964-965
—Middle East, 489
Maps and diagrams--Pacific Theater
—After three months, 642-643
—At the end of the war, 2046-2047
—August of 1944, 1429
—February of 1945, 1768
—Malaya, 621
—November of 1943, 1102-1103
—Second battle of the Philippine Sea, 1619
—September of 1944, 1535
—Singapore, 621
—U. S. actual and proposed post war bases, 2178-2179
Maps and diagrams--Western Front
—April of 1945, 1885,  1910-1911
—Battle for France, 1414-1415
—Battle for Germany, 1581
—Battle of the Bulge, 1684
—September of 1944, 1534,  1581
Maquis,1431,  1460,  1500,  1532,  1548
Maramas airstrip,1982-1983
"Marauder," 942,  1414,  1572-1573,  1635
—Bomb Siegfried supply line, 1635
"Marching through New Georgia,"947
Mareth Line, 771,  842,  861,  892-893,  896,  897
Margaret, Princess,1951
Marianas, 1170,  1173,  1180,  1316,  1326,  1333,  1418,  1652,  2298,  2488
Marine Corps Women's Reserve, 1912
Marines battle for Cemetery Ridge,1975
Maritime Alps,1439
Marko Jail, 2186
Marne,1180,  2416
Marseille, 1180,  1480
Marshall, General George C.,930,  1173,  1307-1308,  1754,  2138,  2156,  2250
Marshall Islands,622-623,  1032,  1137-1141,  1146,  1169,  1171,  1176,  1249,  2248
Martin "B-26 Marauder,"942,  1414,  1572-1573,  1635
"Maryland,"576-577,  2400
Mascarenhas de Moraes, General Joao Batista,1799
Mashbir, Colonel S. F.,2033
Mason, Frank,582-583
Massacre Bay,918-  2006919
Massicault, 909
Matanikau River, 788
Mateur, 834,  909,  913
Matford Works, 635
Matmata, 893
Matmata Hills, 897
Matruh, 520
—See Mersa Matruh
May, Dr. Alan Nunn,2189
May, Andrew J.,2226
Mazerall, Edward Wilfred,2189
McAfee, Captain Mildred H.,2279
McCreery, Lieutenant General Sir Richard,1629


McLain, Major General Raymond S.,1781
McNarney, General, 2196
McNaughton, Major General,84
McNutt, Paul V.,2213
Mechanized forces,22
Mechanized units,12
Medenine, 861,  881,  891
Medenine-Gabes road,892-893
Mediterranean Theater;170,  196,  225,  232,  259,  284,  294,  324,  376,  459,  461,  484,  512,  542,  656,  772,  802-803,  806,  934-935,  938-939,  952-973,  988-997,  1022-1023,  1033-1045,  1062-1063,  1253,  1453,  1544,  1984,  2266
Mediterranean Theater--Maps
—Aircraft operational range, 934-935
—Campaign in Sicily, 964-965
—Middle East, 489
Medjez-el-Bab,821,  822,  909
Meendsen-Bohlken, Admiral Wilhelm,1956
Meiktila, 1838,  1839,  2378
Meitner, Dr. Lise,2171
Mejerda, 909
Memel,1543,  1729,  1744
Mercer Captain P. V.,1096
Merchant vessels
—"Altmark" (German), 54-55
—"Arandora Star" (British), 189
—"Athenia" (British), 11
—"Columbus" (German), 44
—"Conte Biancamano" (Italy), 415
—"Doric Star" (British), 39
—"Eisenach" (German), 415
—"Empress of Britain" (Canada), 298-299
—"Fella" (Italy), 415
—"Gripsholm" (Sweden), 1223
—"Idarwald" (German), 336
—"Lancastria" (British), 214-215
—"Neosho" (U.S.), 683
—"Washington" (U.S.), 159
Meretskov, Marshal,2036-2037
Merezhkov, General,581
Merkers, 1868
Merkstein, 1592
Merrill, Brigadier General Frank, 1174,  1192,  2272
Merrill's Marauders, 1075
Mersa Brega, 813
Mersa Matruh,706-707,  807
Merseyside, 394
Messerschmitt, 110,  236,  245,  454
—"262A-1," 2452
Messina,772,  964-965,  992-993,  996-997
—Falls to the Americans, 996-997
Messina, Strait of,1031,  1033,  1034-1035
Metaxas, General,301
Metsovo, 362
Metz,160,  1543,  1547,  1555,  1644,  1648
Meuse River, 104,  110,  1549,  1556-1557,  1826
Michael (Mihai) King, 264,  1179,  1478
Middle East,176,  268,  712-713
Middle Temple Hall,303
Midget submarine, 2481
Midway, 696,  697,  2298
Mihailovitch, General Draja, 1108,  1110,  2195,  2257
Mikolajczyk, M. J.,187
Milan, 800,  1920,  1922-1923
Milch, Field Marshal, 1395
Military law overtakes Nazi spies,1996
Military leaders--Canada
—Crerar, Lieutenant General, H. D. G., 2287
—Moore-Cosgrove, Colonel L., 2042
Military leaders--China
—Ho Yin chen, General, 2281
—Hseuh Yeuk, General, 1106
—Hu, General, 1233
Military leaders--France
—Abrial, Admiral Jean, 143
—Allard, Major Jacques, 1120
—Bergeret, General, 165,  173
—Catroux, General, 413,  472,  477,  489,  932
—Darlan, Admiral Jean, 455,  771,  818,  839
—De Gaulle, General Charles, 1  19786,  197,  268,  281,  292,  413,  857,  930,  932,  941,  1325,  1374,  1474-1475,  1484,  1487,  1497,  1498,  1638,  1951,  1984,  2011,  2246
—De Laborde, Admiral, 832
—Dentz, General Henry, 260,  477,  488
—de Tassigney, General de Latre, 1647,  2277
—Gamelin, General Maurice Gustave, 16,  116
—Gensoul, Admiral, 192
—Giraud, General Henri Honore, 119, 839, 857, 925, 930, 932, 941, 1062
—Juin, General Alphonse Pierre, 1254-1255
—Koenig, General Joseph, 1484
—Le Clerc, General Jacques, 860,  1291,  1452,  1484,  1496,  2042,  2271
—Legentilhomme, General, 477
—Le Luc, Admiral, 165,  173
—Muselier, Admiral, 186
—Parisot, General, 173
—Sevez, General Francois, 1944-1945
—Weygand, General Maxine, 116
Military leaders--Germany -
—asseage, Major General, 907
—Beck, Colonel General Ludwig, 1394,  1395
—Bieldwius, General, 907
—Bock, General von, 536,  688,  760
—Borowletz, Major General, 907
—Doenitz, Grand Admiral Karl, 1395,  1928-1929,  2124-2125,  2237
—Dostler, General Anton, 2144
—Fiedler, General Major Erich, 2140
—Friedeburg, General Admiral Hans Georg, 1941,  1944-1945,  1946,  1948,  1971
—Goering Reichsmarshal Herman, 163,  165,  309,  1394,  1957,  2124-2125,  2127,  2128-2129,  2139,  2194,  2236,  2237,  2239,  2459
—Jeschonnek, General, 309
—Jodl, Colonel General Alfred Gustav, 1944-1945,  1946,  2124-2125,  2237
—Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 1395,  1947-1948,  2124-2125,  2129,  2237
—Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 1129,  1263,  1955
—Kirchenpauer, General Major Wilhelm, 2141
—Kluge, Field Marshal von, 1447
—Krause, Major General, 907
—Kretschmer, Commander Otto, 411
—Kunzel, General, 1941


—Loerzer, General, 309
—Manstein, General von, 685
—Meendsen-Bohlken, Admiral Wilhelm, 1956
—Milch, Field Marshal, 1395
—Neuffer, Major General, 907
—Oxenius, Major General Wilhelm, 1944
—Quast, General von, 907
—Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich, 165,  2124-2125,  2237
—Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 520,  563,  567,  691,  700,  702,  768,  813,  851,  1109,  1209
—Rundstedt, Field Marshal Karl von, 536,  1543,  1680,  1684,  1695,  1741,  1937,  2312
—Theissen, General Karl, 2140
—Vaerst, Major General von, 907
Military leaders--Great Britain
—Alexander, General Sir Harold R. L. G.,  638, 925, 930, 1254, 2267
—Anderson, General, 821,  834,  930
—Auchinleck, General, 712,  718
—Cunningham, Lieutenant General Sir Alan, 563
—Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew, 316,  914,  956,  1041
—Dempsey, Lieutenant General Sir Miles, 1598,  1739,  2268
—Fraser, Admiral Sir Bruce, 2042
—Gort General, 16,  60,  143,  2284
—Harwood, Rear Admiral Henry, 41,  42-43,  58
—Ironside, General Sir Edmund, 2284
—Leese, General Sir Oliver, 1255,  1258,  1629,  2267
—Longmire, Air Marshal, 413
—McCreery, Lieutenant General Sir Richard, 1629
—Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard L., 700,  804,  813,  847,  859,  892,  900,  930,  960,  962,  991,  1033,  1035,  1037,  1135,  1255,  1283,  1294,  1325,  1398,  1531,  1545,  1600,  1793,  1926,  1941,  2253
—Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis, 1192,  1382,  1939,  2078,  2281
—Percival, Lieutenant General A. E., 2045
—Phillips, Admiral Sir Thomas, 583
—Ramsay, Admiral Sir Bertram, 2287
—Spears, General, 413
—Sturges, Major General, 681
—Syfret, Rear Admiral, 681
—Wavell, General Sir Archibald, 307,  338,  371,  413,  2299
—Wilson, General Sir Henry Maitland, 2266
—Wingate, Major General Orde Charles, 2289
Military leaders--Holland
—Helfrich, Admiral, 2042
Military leaders--Italy
—Aosta, Duke of, 416,  456
—Badoglio, Marshal, 173,  1031,  1035,  1041,  1195
—Cavagnari, Admiral, 173
—De Bono, Marshal Emilio, 1121
—Gonella, Colonel, 541
—Nasi, General, 569
—Pricolo, General, 173
—Roatta, General, 173
Military leaders--Japan
—Hata, Field Marshal Shunroku, 2037,  2146
—Homma, Lieutenant General Masaharu, 2081,  2175-2177
—Kuroda, Lieutenant General Shigenori, 2081
—Miyakazi, Lieutenant General Shuichi, 2043
—Nogano, Admiral, 1170,  1173
—Nomura, Admiral, 576
—Sakaibara, Rear Admiral Shigematsu, 2143
—Sugiyama, Field Marshal, 1170,  1173
—Tachibaba, Lieutenant Commander Soichi, 2143
—Takahashi, Admiral Sankichi, 2146
—Yamashita, General Tomoyuki, 2058,  2104,  2151
Military leaders--New Zealand
—Freyberg, General,  847
Military leaders--Poland
—Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, 220
Military leaders--Russia
—Batov, Colonel General, 1571
—Budenny, Marshal, 503,  508
—Chermiaeff, Lieutenant General Ivan, 1944-1945,  1946
—Golikov, General, 490
—Golubov, General, 634
—Jardov, General, 2286
—Kharlamov, Rear Admiral, 490
—Konev, Marshal Ivan S., 1200,  1202,  1781,  1793,  1905,  2291
—Malinovski, Colonel General, 875,  1231
—Meretskov, Marshal, 2036-2037
—Rokossovsky, Marshal Konstantin, 1926,  2291
—Rusakov, Major General, 1906
—Timoshenko, Marshal S. K., 686,  704,  2291
—Vasilevsky, Marshal Alexander, 2037,  2038,  2291
—Zhukov, Field Marshal Gregory, 1544,  1747,  1793,  1947,  1948,  2261
Military leaders--South Africa
—Pienaar, General, 811
Military leaders--U. S.
—Ainsworth, Rear Admiral W. L., 1621
—Arnold, General Henry H., 1307,  2254,  2278
—Berkey, Rear Admiral Russell, 1817
—Blandy, Vice Admiral, W. H. P., 2219,  2224,  2227
—Bradley, Lieutenant General Omar N., 1284,  1294,  1399,  1484,  1531,  1545,  1600,  1861,  1893,  2258
—Buckner, Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar Jr., 1985,  2294,  2300
—Carney, Rear Admiral Robert B., 1621,  2296
—Chamberlain, Major General S. J., 2035
—Chennault, Major General Claire, 1098,  1226,  2264
—Clark, Lieutenant General Mark, 818,  826-827,  1031,  1033,  1038,  1179,  1254,  1258,  1265,  1272,  1277,  1281,  1388,  1422,  1793,  1799,  2267,  2270
—Doolittle, Lieutenant General James H., 664,  666,  1180,  2276
—Eichelberger, Lieutenant General Robert I., 1817
—Eisenhower, General Dwight D., 773,  814,  839,  902,  925,  930,  941,  1041,  1107,  1284,  1307,  1398,  1399,  1484,  1600,  1781,  1861,  1904,  1996,  1998,  2253
—Gavin, Major General James, 2297
—Geiger, Major General Roy, 1859,  2300
—Halsey, Admiral William F., 1544,  1562,  1615,  1621,  2038,  2264


—Hewitt, Admiral H. K., 818,  1038,  1441
—Hill, Rear Admiral Harry W., 1092
—Hodge, Major General John R., 1859
—Hodges, `General Courtney H., 1524,  1600,  1861,  1905,  2286
—Ingram, Admiral Jonas H., 2102,  2259
—Kenney, General George C., 1225,  2283
—Keyes, Major General Geoffrey, 960,  1272
—Kimmel, Admiral Husband E., 2168,  2250
—King, Admiral Ernest J., 791,  1173,  2250,  2298
—Kinkaid, Vice Admiral Thomas G., 1544,  1615,  1704,  1705,  2274
—Kirk, Rear Admiral Alan G., 1283,  1306-1307,  2301
—Krueger, General Walter, 1705,  2274
—Leahy, Admiral William D., 1411,  1754,  2027
—MacArthur, General Douglas, 519,  650,  652,  772,  1047,  1241,  1410-1411,  1544,  1574,  1609,  1745,  1768,  2004,  2035,  2038-2039,  2040,  2041,  2042,  2045,  2252,  2260
—Marshall, General George C., 930,  1173,  1307-1308,  1754,  2250
—Merrill, Brigadier General Frank, 1075,  1174,  1192,  2272
—Mitscher, Admiral Marc A., 1173,  1857,  2263
—Nimitz, Admiral Chester W., 1089,  1096,  1193,  1410,  1411,  1778,  2038,  2041,  2255,  2300
—Patch, Lieutenant General Alexander, 1556,  1957,  2275
—Patton, General George S. Jr., 856,  960,  962,  989,  1180,  1399,  1526,  1531,  1545,  1566,  1637,  1695,  1988,  2290
—Reinhardt, Major General Emil F., 1906
—Shepherd, Major General Lemuel C., 1985,  2294
—Simpson, Lieutenant General William, 2262
—Smith, Lieutenant General Walter Bedell, 1944-1945
—Spaatz, General Carl A., 1186,  1944-1945,  1948,  2278
—Spruance, Admiral Raymond A., 1193,  1859,  2248,  2298
—Stark, Admiral Harold R., 1360
—Stilwell, Lieutenant General Joseph W., 676-679,  1145,  1174,  1191,  1192,  1227,  1232,  1233,  2247,  2265
—Stratemeyer, Lieutenant General George E., 2066
—Truscott, Lieutenant General Lucian K., 1920,  2302
—Wainwright, Lieutenant General Jonathan, 650, 658, 2040, 2045, 2269
—Whitehead, Major General Ennis, 2283
—Vandergrift, Lieutenant General A. A., 728,  2256
Military leaders--Yugoslavia
—Mihailovitch, General Draja, 1108,  1110,  2195,  2257
—Simovich, General, 404
—Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 1108,  1109,  2257
Military Railway Service,1972
Mille Atoll, 2153
Millerovo, 722,  836
Millerovsk, 714
Milne Bay, 757,  778
Mile, 942
Mindanao,591,  1562-1563,  1677,  1794,  1816-1817,  1895,  1982-1983,  2440
Mindoro,1544,  1674-1678,  1768
Mine detector, electrical,1230
Minsk, 260,  481,  482-483,  486-487,  1365,  1367
"Miss Spark-Plug," 2273
"Missouri," 1794,  2041
Mitscher, Admiral Marc A.,1173,  1857,  2263
Miyakazi, Lieutenant General Shuichi,2043
Mobile guns,2461
Mobile rocket unit, 2474
Mogaung River,1471
Mogaung Valley, 1215
Mogok, 1838
Mohammed, Prince,260
Mohammedan troops with the Fifth Army, 1120
"Mohawk," 31
Mohne Dam,916-917
Mojaisk, 548,  573,  586,  614-615
Molotov, V. M.,7,  26,  203,  689,  755,  1084,  1100-1101
"Molotov Cocktails,"202-203
Mongasha, Ras, 368
Mono, 1081-1083
Mons, 1554
Montevideo Harbor,41
Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard L.,700,  804,  813,  847,  859,  892,  900,  930,  960,  962,  991,  1033,  1035,  1037,  1135,  1255,  1283,  1294,  1325,  1398,  1531,  1545,  1600,  1793,  1926,  1941,  2253
Mont Le Ban,1741
Montreau, 1508,  1529
Moon, radar signal directed to, 2169
Mooney, Cardinal Edward,2180
"Moonstone," 170
Moore-Cosgrove, Colonel L.,2042
Morgan, Lieutenant General Sir F. E., 1944-1945
Morgan, General W. D.,1924
Morgenthau, Henry, 1374
Morocco, 771,  814,  1120
Morotai Island, 1544,  1574,  1578,  1579,  2313
—-Invasion, 2313
Morrison, Herbert, 325
Morriss, Elmer, 2205
Moscow,260,  500,  506,  510,  519,  521,  548,  572-573,  1384,  1907,  1952
—citizens digging anti-tank ditches, 572-573
—defenses, 511
—radio, 798,  982
Moscow agreement, 1084
Moscow-Leningrad railway, 510
Moscow-Rostov railway,710
Moselle River, 1795,  1829
"Mosquito," 1183,  1625
Motion picture entertainers, 1878
Motor gun boats, 1056-1057
Moulmein, 519,  616,  626
Mount Hemeimat, 768
"Mt. McKinley,"2224,  2227
Mount Suribachi, 2330
Mount Peschio, 1179
Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis,1192,  1382,  1939,  2078,  2281


Moyne, Lord,386
Mozdok, 830,  848-849
Muenchen-Gladbach,1788,  1796
Mukden, 2190
Mulhouse,1647,  1663
Munda, 944,  948
Munich,34,  1929,  1976
—falls to Seventh Army, 1921
Munich pact,7
Murmansk, 519,  797
Muroc Field, 2460
Murphy, Robert,941
Muselier, Admiral, 186
Mussolini, Benito,65,  152-153,  161,  163,  296,  984-985,  991,  1087,  1121,  1280,  1794,  1922-1923
—released by Germans, 1044-1045
"Mustang,"1182-1183,  1987,  2334-2335
Myawaddi, 616
Myitkyina,1179,  1405,  1464-1465
—airfield, 1232
Myola, 778


Nagasaki,1794,  2021-2023,  2070
Nagoya, 664
Naha,1794,  1966,  1969,  1975,  1985,  2294
—City, 1599
Nalchik,771,  829,  848
Namsen Fjord,80
Namsos,8,  80,  88
Namur,111,  1160-1161,  1203,  1549
Nanking, 2066
Naples, 1031,  1054-1055,  1221
—Harbor, 1124-1125
Narew River, 1722
Narvik, 8,  83,  124,  220,  387
—Fjord, 69
—Harbor, 83
Nasi, General, 569
National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia,1601
Naval Air Transport Service,1809
Naval Civil Engineer Corps,1979
Navigator, British,2441
Near East,53,  170
Negro 92nd Division,1550,  1624
Negro troops,1356,  1403,  1409,  1149,  1589,  1645
—and officers, 2293
—in France, 1403
Nehru, Pandit,662,  734
"Nelson,"542,  1035,  1037
Nelson, Captain Henry,838
Netherlands,512,  618,  699,  1208,  1566,  1580,  1582-1587,  1598,  1626-1627,  1631-1632,  1779
—Naval bases in the Pacific,  642-643
—See Holland
Netherlands East Indies, 519,  636-637,  642-643,  1242-1243,  1262,  1266,  1429,  1925
Netherlands East Indies uprisings
—British intervention, 2096
—Indonesians declare war on Netherlands, 2096-2097
Netherlands New Guinea,1239-1245,  1261
Nettuno,1032,  1129-1130,  1230
Neuffer, Major General,907
Neurath, Constantin von,2125
Neutrality law, U. S., 32
"Nevada," 1283,  1290,  2219,  2225,  2227
New Britain, 519,  618,  642-643,  654-655,  727,  736,  1031,  1032,  1050-1051,  1102-1103,  1235
New Caledonia,292
New Delhi,662
New Georgia,944,  948-949
New Guinea, 519,  619,  641,  642-643,  717,  738,  757,  772,  778,  780,  784,  785,  854-855,  944,  1014-1015,  1032,  1046-1047,  1049,  1065,  1102-1103,  1170,  1179,  1225,  1239-1245,  1261,  1406,  1429
New Ireland,618,  642-643,  727
"New York," 1767,  2227
New York City,2459
New Zealand,61,  174,  269,  396,  741,  859
New Zealand--Military leaders
—Freyberg, General, 847
New Zealand forces, 1081
New Zealand infantry,566,  713,  719
New Zealand troops, 563,  847,  1544
New Zealanders, 612
Newfoundland, 228
Nibeiwa, 338
Nice, 1180,  1439
Nichols airfield, 585,  597
Nielsen, Captain, 2159
Nieman River,1730
Night bombers,2472
Nijmegen, 1543,  1580,  1582,  1583,  1587,  1632,  2297
Nikolayev,503,  508,  1179,  1194,  1218
Nile River, 177
Nimitz, Admiral, Chester W.,1089,  1096,  1193,  1410,  1411,  1778,  2038,  2041,  2255,  2300
Nimitz, Mrs. Chester W., 2255
19th Army Corps,1781
9th Air Force,1068,  1284,  1324,  1331,  2372
Ninth Army,1796,  1853,  2324
—Enters into Muenchen-Gladbach, 1796
—Glider-troops, 1877
—See American Ninth Army
9th Division,1338,  1349
9th Infantry Division,1750
90mm gun, 1644
92nd Division, 1550,  1624
94th Division, 2396
94th Division, Third Army, 2323
95th Infantry Division,1942
96th Division,2330
Nippon Times building,2060
Nobel Prize, 2475
Noble, Carazon,2104
Noel, M. Leon,164-165,  173
Nogano, Admiral, 1170,  1173
Nomura, Admiral, 576


"Norfolk," 462,  1112
Normandy, 1180,  1283-1309,  1295,  1325,  1327,  1329,  1330,  1342,  1344,  1356,  1358,  1360,  1369-1371,  1383,  1386,  1403,  1433,  1468,  2268,  2287,  2293,  2297,  2301,  2314,  2422-2423,  2441,  2463,  2470
—Wounded, 1287
Normandy Beach in 1946,2216
North Africa,
—See Africa, North
North-German Lloyd Line, 44
North Sea,50,  1056-1057
Northrop "Flying Wing XB-35,"2447
Norway,8,  68-83,  88-89,  124,  387-391,  601,  645,  1639,  1954,  1981
—German invasion of, 8,  69-70
—See Ships
Norway--Political leaders
—Quisling, Vidkun, 8,  70,  1954,  1981
Norwegian campaign,78
Norwegian forces,390,  528
Norwegian Navy,113
Norwegian squadrons over Dieppe, 741
Norwegian territorial waters, 55
Norwich, 669,  670
Notre Dame Cathedral,1497
Novgorod, 522,  1032
Novlya, 1009
Novorossisk, 737,  829
Novy Oskol,872
Numa-Numa Trail,1104
Nuremburg,1793,  1874,  1897,  1900-1901,  2136
—Congress (1936), 1181
—Palace of Justice, 2123
—Surrenders, 1900-1901
—Trials, 2122-2129,  2135,  2139,  2236-2237,  2238-2239
—See War crimes investigations--Europe
Nurse Corps--Brazilian Expeditionary Force, 1797
—U. S. Navy, 1798,  1809


Oak Ridge, Tennessee,2019
Oba, Captain Sakae,2145
Obersalzburg Mountain,1909
Obliteration bombing,1832-1833
O'Brian, John Lord,2199
Oder River,1544, 1747, 1781, 1793, 1818, 1824, 1902
Odessa,260, 503, 551, 1179, 1231
Office of Scientific Research and Development, 2020
Ohta, Lieutenant Colonel,2108
Okinawa, 1599, 1794, 1849, 1852, 1858-1860, 1869, 1871-1873, 1881, 1894, 1908, 1953, 1966, 1969, 1975, 1977, 1985-1986, 1989, 1990, 1994-1995, 1999, 2294, 2298, 2300, 2309, 2315, 2330, 2370, 2392-2393, 2397, 2400, 2406, 2415, 2450, 2453, 2466, 2495
—Casualties,  1896
—Civilians,  2002
—Landings,  1860
"Oklahoma," 574,  577
Old Kent Road,238
Oliver, Colonel A. C.,1745
Omori prison Camp,2105,  2108
100th Division, 7th Army,2373
100th Infantry Battalion,1422
100th Japanese Army Division Headquarters,2440
108D pillbox,2489
101st Airborne Division,1682,  1909,  1955,  1970
130 mm guns, French, 843
155 mm gun,1512
155 mm howitzers,1663
155 mm Long Tom, American, 1156
155 mm self-propelled guns,2461,  2494
Onega lake,523
Operation Crossroads,2218-2225
—"B-29,"  2219
—Blandy, Vice Admiral, W. H. P., 2219, 2224, 2227
—"Dave's Dream,"  2219
—"Independence,"  2227, 2229
—Joint Task Force One, 2218, 2220-2221, 2225
—"Mt. McKinley,"  2224, 2227
—"Nevada,"  2219, 2225,.2227
—Swancutt, Major Woodrow P.,  2219
—Wood, Major Harold, 2219
Oppeln, 1543,  1734
Oran,172,  192,  771,  818,  820-821
Orel,548,  772,  977,  978-979,  981-983,  1008,  1011
Orel-Byelgorod sector,976-977
Orel-Kursk-Byelgorod sector,978-979
"Orion," 1283
Ortona, 1119,  1134,  1265
Osaka, 664,  1987
Osato, Sono, 2187
Oslo,8,  70,  1981
Ossetian military highway,829,  848
Osuriecim concentration camp,2121
Ottawa, 2189
Owen Stanley Mountains, 757,  772,  778,  780-781,  782,  1103
Oxenius, Major General Wilhelm, 1944


"P-38,"1406,  1675
"P-80" jet propelled fighter plane,2172
PT boats, 1618,  2471
PWB sound truck, 1449
Pachino,957,  959,  963
Pacific atoll invaded,752
Pacific fleet, 2011
Pacific Fleet Train, 2348-2349
Pacific submarine fleet, 2012-2013
Pacific submarine task force,2012-2013
Pacific Theater
—(1941) 574-579,  600,  605
—(1942) 610,  618-619,  640-643,  650-652,  654-655,
—(End of U.S. resistance on Bataan) 658-661,  664-667,
—(Battle of the Coral Sea) 682-683,
—(Battle of Midway) 696-697,  717,
—(U.S, Marines land in the Solomons) 726-733,  736-739,  746-753,  757-759,
—(Guadalcanal) 772,  778-791,  808-809,  838,  844


—(1943) 854-855,  866-869,  944-949,  1031
—(Lae falls) 1047,  1032,  1047,  1059,  1060-1061,  1064-1065,  1081-1983,  1088-1090,
—(Tarawa) 1091,  1092-1095,  1096,  1102-1106
—(landing in Marshall Islands) 1137-1141,  1146-1147,  1154-1155,  1157,  1160-1161,  1163,  1166-1167,  1176-1177,  1188,  1198,  1201,
—(landings in Admiralty Islands) 1203,  1235-1237,
—(Hollandia) 1239-1245,  1247,  1249,  1252,  1260,  1266,  1316,  1322,
—(Saipan) 1326,  1337,
—(Guam landings) 1390-1392,  1397,  1408,  1418-1419,  1429,  1432,  1464,  1518,  1520,  1525,  1530,  1562-1563,  1574-1579,
—(Americans return to the Philippines) 1608-1611,
—(Second battle of the Philippine Sea) 1615,  1618,  1619,  1621,  1652-1653,  1656-1658,
—(landings at Mindoro) 1674,
—(1945) 1714,  1724,  1746,  1748-1749,  1752-1753,
—(storming Manila) 1759-1761,  1762-1763,
—(Iwo Jima) 1764-1776,  1784-1786,  1789,  1798,  1814,  1830,
—(Okinawa) 1857-1859,  1860,  1869-1873,  1894-1896,  1912,  1917,  1925,  1943,  1958-1961,  1963,  1966-1969,  1978,  1985-1987,  1989-1995,  2002,  2004-2007,  2012-2018,  2021-2047,
—(Allied victory over Japan) 2030-2031
—(additional scenes) 2145,  2248,  2252,  2256,  2263,  2274-2276,  2282,  2285,  2294-2296,  2310-2311,  2313,  2316-2317,  2330-2335,  2370-2371,  2376-2377,  2382,  2383,  2385,  2386-2387,  2391-2393,  2397-2398,  2402-2403,  2420,  2426-2427,  2429,  2431,  2439-2440,  2458,  2465-2467,  2469,  2473,  2476,  2479,  2484,  2486-2488
—Okinawa, 1599,  1849,  1852,  1857-1859,  1881,  1908,  1953,  1975,  1999,  2298,  2300,  2309,  2315,  2400,  2406,  2415,  2450,  2453,  2495
—Philippine Islands, 582-585,  591,  594-597,  658-661,  675,  1406,  1608-1611,  1642-1643,  1674-1678,  1704-1705,  1709,  1712,  1720,  1727,  1736,  1757,  1809,  1816-1817,  1822,  1834,  1982-1983,  2260,  2269,  2306-2307,  2381,  2424,  2455,  2493-2494
—Allied invasion armada at Lingayen Gulf, 1704
—See China-Burma-India Theater;
—See Names of islands, places, etc,
Pacific Theater--Maps
—After three months,  642-643
—At the end of the war,  2046-2047
—August of 1944,  1429
—February of 1945,  1768
—Malaya,  621
—November of 1943,  1102-1103
—Second battle of the Philippine Sea,  1619
—September of 1944,  1535
—Singapore,  621
Palau Islands, 1212-1214,  1544,  1574,  1575,  1658,  1768,  2313
Pallazzo degli Uffizi,1426-1427
Pallazzo Venezia, 1280
Palermo,772,  960,  964-965
Palestine, 53,  445,  472
—Riots, 2117
Palmi, 1035,  1037
Palmyra, 484
Panama Canal, 66,  1979
Panay, 1794,  1834
Pantelleria,934-935,  941
Panzer Divisions,118
Papen, Franz von, 1877,  2124-2125,  2129
Papen, Franz von, Son of,1877
Papua,717,  757,  779,  844-845,  854
—Allied, 784-785
—American, 1299,  1763,  1324 ,
—British, 29,  631,  820,  1587,  1602,  1670,  1933
—Enemy, 884
—Escaping from Arnhem pocket, 1587
—German, 835,  1044-1045,  1263
—Indian, 1933
—Japanese, 584
—Russian, 540
Parachuted bombs, 1978
Parafrags, 1720,  1978
Paris,8,  148,  151,  154-157,  158,  166,  224,  632-633,  635,  1180,  1196,  1474,  1484-1498,  1516,  1523,  1638,  2011
—Action in Paris before the liberation, 1498
—Civilians, 1485,  1498
—Greets her liberators, 1493
—High Court of Justice, 2092
—Liberation, 1484-1498
—Occupied by Germans, 156
—Peace Conference, 2234-2235
—Treason trial opens, 2011
Paris Peace Conference,2234-2235
Parisot, General,173
Parker, John,2126
Parry, Captain,61
Parsons, Captain William S.,2018
Pasaleng Bay,1748
Pasay, 595
Pas de Calais,1180,  1510,  1547
Pasig River,1759
Patch, Lieutenant General Alexander, 1566,  1957,  2275
Patiala,  255
Patterson, Robert P., 1439,  1453
Patton, General George S. Jr.,856,  960,  962,  989,  1180,  1399,  1526,  1531,  1545,  1566,  1637,  1695,  1988,  2290
—Foreign Minister's Council meets in London, 2074
—Paris Peace Conference, 2234-2235
—United Nations Security Council, 2165,  2198-2201
Pearl Harbor,519,  574-579,  1096,  1410-1411,  2028-2030,  2250,  2251,  2255
—Investigations, 2134,  2138,  2168
Peck, Major General DeWitt,2116
Peiping-Hankow-Canton Railway,1337
Peleliu, 1544,  1574-1576,  1578,  1658,  2300,  2420,  2426,  2485,  2486
"Pennsylvania,"579,  2227
Percival, Lieutenant General A. E., 2045
Perekop Isthmus,547,  551,  556


Peron, Juan D., 2184
Pershing, General John J., 218,  1375
Persian oil fields, 507
Pescara, 1127
Petacci, Clara, 1922-1923
Petain, Marshal Phillipe,160,  161,  296,  455,  663,  1446,  2246
—government, 190
—on trial, 2011
Peter Beach,1152
Peter, King,1110
Petsamo, 2235
Philadelphia Navy Yard, 218
Philippine Islands
—(1941) 519,  584-585,  591,  594-597
—(1942) 642-643,  651-652,  658-661,  675
—(1944) 1334,  1406,  1410,  1544,  1570,  1608-1610,  1614-1615,  1642-1643,  1656-1657,  1674-1678
—(1945) 1704-1705,  1707,  1709,  1712,  1720,  1723,  1727,  1736,  1752,  1757,  1759-1760,  1762-1763,  1768,  1785,  1794,  1809,  1812,  1816-1817,  1822,  1834,  1895,  1977,  1982-1983,
—(Allied victory over Japan) 2030-2031,  2040,  2058,  2081,  2083,  2260,  2264,  2269,  2274,  2306-2307,  2381,  2424,  2440,  2455,  2487,  2493-2494
—Map, 1768
—prison camp, 1753
—War crimes trials in Manila, 2104,  2109,  2112,  2175-2177
—See Filipino
Philippine Islands--Political leaders
—Osmena, 2213
—Roxas, Manuel A., 2213
Philippine Sea, 2426
—Second battle of, 1544,  1615,  1618,  1619,  1621,  2264,  2403,  2439
Philippines, Eastern, Sea Battle, 1334
Phillips, Admiral Sir Thomas,583
Photographers,1261,  1392,  1778
—Coast Guard Combat, 1261
—Russian, 1808
Piacenza rail bridge,1641
Piazza del Popolo,1278
Pichon, 911
Pienaar, General,811
Pillbox, German,2489
Pilotless aircraft, 2454
Pindus, 331
Pipelines, 2487
Pistoria, 1797
Pitti Palace,1426
Pius XII, Pope,2180
Piva trail,1104
Plabennec, 1472
Ploesti,986-987,  1179,  1220,  1229,  1478
Plymouth,360,  398
Po River,2486
Po Valley,1793,  1903,  2270
Pofi, 1463
Pogradets,331,  362
Pointe de la Tour,843
Poison gas shells,1106
Poland,20,  187,  220,  260,  446,  480,  870-871,  1032,  1099,  1117,  1143,  1528,  1543,  1571,  1715,  1717-1719,  1721-1722,  1742,  1747,  1819
—Division of, 26
—German advance, 12
—German-Russian agreement, 26
—Government in London, 871
—Russo-German division of Poland, (map), 26
—Surrender to Germany, 7
—Western, 21
Poland--Military leaders
—Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, 220
Poland--Political leaders
—Mikolajczyk, M. J., 187
—Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, 220
Polish armored train,23
Polish Corridor,26,  1543
Polish forces, 612
—in Italy, 1263
Polish ghettos, 871
Polish Highland Brigade,220
Polish infantry,13
Polish Patriot Army,1613
Polish soldiers,187
Polish squadrons, 741
Polish troops parade in liberated Warsaw,1718-1719
Political leaders--Argentina
—Farrell, General Edelmiro J., 1187,  2184
—Peron, Juan D., 2184
—Ramirez, Pedro, 1197
—Tamborini, Jose P., 2184 Political leaders--Australia
—Menzies, 399
Political leaders--Austria
—Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 2125,  2237
Political leaders--Belgium
—Leopold, King, 8,  125
Political leaders--Brazil
—Dutra, General E. G., 1799,  2174
Political leaders--Bulgaria
—Filoff, Prof., 385
Political leaders--Canada
—Athlone, Earl of, 85
—King, Mackenzie, 1568
Political leaders--China
—Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 888,  1032,  1097-1098,  1340,  2001,  2247
—Fu Ping-sheung, 1084
—Quo Tai-chi, Dr., 2198
—United Nations Security Council, 2198
Political leaders--Czechoslovakia
—Benes, Dr. Eduard, 216
Political leaders--Denmark
—Christian, King, 8
Political leaders--Egypt
—Farouk, King, 1756,  2212
Political leaders--Finland
—Kallio, President, 62
Political leaders--France
—Daladier, M., 2011
—Laval, Pierre, 194,  663,  1431,  1505,  2011,  2092,  2098
—Petain, Marshal Phillipe, 160,  161,  190,  296,  455,  663,  1446,  2011,  2246
—Reynaud, Paul, 160,  2011
Political leaders--Germany
—Frank, Hans, 2125,  2237
—Frick, Wilhelm, 2125,  2237
—Fritzsche, Hans, 2125,  2237
—Funk, Walther, 2125,  2237


—Goebbels, Joseph Paul, 193,  270
—Hess, Rudolph, 165,  454,  2124-2125,  2127,  2128-2129,  2139,  2236
—Himmler, Heinrich, 1394-1395,  1971
—Hitler, Adolf, 7,  34,  65,  160-161,  163-165,  193,  259,  296,  983,  984,  1045,  1181,  1194,  1248,  1394-1395,  1494,  1659,  1794,  1909,  1928-1929,  2118-2119
—Ley, Dr. Robert, 1970
—Neurath, Constantin von, 2125,  2237
—Papen, Franz von, 1877,  2125,  2129,  2237
—Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 7,  8,  26,  165,  285,  385,  404,  2125-2129,  2139,  2237
—Rosenberg, Alfred, 2125,  2127,  2237
—Schacht, Hjalmar, 2125,  2237
—Shirach, Baldur von, 2125,  2237
—Speer, Albert, 2125,  2237
—Streicher, Julius, 2125,  2237
Political leaders--Great Britain
—Attlee, Clement, 1794,  2010,  2114,  2242
—Beaverbrook, Lord, 195
—Bevin, Ernest, 1949,  2010,  2117,  2165
—Bracken, Brenden, 100
—Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 2198,  2199
—Chamberlain, Neville, 9,  60,  100
—Churchill, Winston, 
—See Churchill
—Cranborne, Lord, 386
—Cripps, Sir Stafford, 490,  662,  734
—Eden, Anthony, 53,  204,  689,  930,  1084,  1100-1101
—George, Lloyd, 792
—George VI, King, 271,  325,  386,  916,  925,  940-941,  1041,  1306,  1439,  1600,  1951,  2268
—Halifax, Lord, 64,  369,  447
—Henderson, Sir Neville, 7
—O'Brian, John Lord, 2199
—United Nations General Assembly, 2165
—United Nations Security Council, 2198,  2199 -
—avell, General Sir Archibald, 307,  338,  371,  413,  2299
Political leaders--Greece
—Metaxas, General, 301
Political leaders--Hungary
—Baky, 2203
—Bardossy, MM., 426
—Endre, Laszlo, 2203
—Imredy, Bela, 2186
Political leaders--India
—Bose, Subhas Chandra, 2170
—Gandhi, 662,  734
—Nehru, Pandit, 662,  734
Political leaders--Iran
—Mohammed, Prince, 260
—Riza, Shah, 260
Political leaders--Iraq
—Ali, Raschid, 444
—Gailani, Raaschid Ali Beg, 260
Political leaders--Italy
—Badoglio, Marshal, 173,  1031,  1035,  1041,  1195
—Ciano, Count, 173,  285,  385,  1121
—Mussolini, Benito, 65,  152-153,  161,  163,  296,  984-985,  991,  1044-1045,  1087,  1121,  1280,  1794,  1922-1923
Political leaders--Japan
—Araki, General Sadao, 2110
—Hiranuma, Baron Kiichiro, 2146
—Hirohito, Emperor, 577,  2085,  2137,  2185
—Hirota, Koki, 2146
—Iwamaura, Michiyo, 2105
—Koiso, General Kuniaki, 1393
—Kurusu, Saburo, 285,  519,  576
—Suzuki, Admiral Baron Kantaro, 2105
—Tereshima, Admiral Ken, 2105
—Tojo, General Hideki, 576,  1170,  1173,  1393,  2076,  2106,  2214
Political leaders--Japan--Post War
—Ashida, 2093
—Shidehara, Baron Kujuro, 2093
Political leaders--Norway
—Quisling, Vidkun, 8,  70,  1954,  1981
Political leaders--Philippine Islands
—Osmena, 2213
—Roxas, Manuel A., 2213
Political leaders--Poland
—Mikolajczyk, M. J., 187
—Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, 220
Political leaders--Rumania
—Antonescu, General, 264
—Carol, King, 264
—Michael (Mihai) King, 264,  1179,  1478
Political leaders--Russia
—Gromyko, Andrei, 2198,  2199,  2200-2201
—Maisky, M., 490,  689
—Molotov, V. M., 7,  26,  203,  689,  755,  1084,  1100-1101
—Stalin, Marshal Joseph, 25,  549,  755,  857,  978,  1032,  1100-1101,  1568,  1669,  1754,  1907,  1934,  1952,  2008,  2242-2244
—United Nations General Assembly, 2165
—United Nations Security Council, 2198,  2199
—Vishinsky, Andrei,  2165
Political leaders--South Africa
—Smuts, General, 255,  304,  755,  792
Political leaders--Spain
—Franco, General Francisco, 161,  296,  2187
Political leaders--U. S,
—Biddle, Francis, 1883,  2123,  2126
—Byrnes, James F., 2008,  2027,  2074,  2114,  2198,  2199,  2234
—Connally, Tom, 2165
—Dewey, Thomas E., 2198
—Forrestal, James V., 1422,  1439,  1441,  2248
—Hull, Cordell, 1084,  1375,  2027,  2134
—Knox, Frank, 211
—Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor, 2165,  2209
—Roosevelt, Franklin D., 
—See Roosevelt
—Stettinius, Edward R. Jr., 1883,  1891,  2000,  2165,  2198,  2199
—Stimson, Henry L., 1399,  2249,  2288,  2417
—Truman, Harry S., 1883,  1891,  1949,  2000,  2016,  2027,  2045,  2102,  2114,  2138,  2191,  2213,  2215,  2242,  2255
—United Nations General Assembly, 2165
—United Nations Security Council, 2198,  2199
Political leaders--Yugoslavia
—Cincar-Markovich, 404,  426
—Peter, King, 1110
—Simovich, General, 404


Polotsk, 1368
Pomerania, 1854
—East, 1543
Pompeii, 1076
Pont De Claiz,1501
Ponte alla Carraia,1427
Ponte alle Grazie,1426-1427
Ponte di Ferro, 1427
Ponte Olive,963
Ponte Vecchio,1427
Pontine marshes,1265
"Pop Inn, The,"1378
Pope Pius XII,2180
Port Arthur,2036-2037
Port Moresby, 519,  772,  778,  1031,  1102-1103
Portable ports in Normandy,1370-1371
Portland, 262,  2405,
Porto, Colonel Marcus,1799
Porto Edda, 259
Portsmouth, 252,  262,  360
Post war,
—See Atomic bomb:
—See specific countries;
—See War crimes investigations
Potsdam,425,  2008
Potsdam Conference, 1794,  2008,  2242
Potsdam ultimatum, 2025
Poznan, 1742,  1819
Pratt, Major Harry D., 2151
Prefabricated harbors,1370-1371
Premeti, 331,  362
"President Coolidge,"838
Pricolo, General,173
Prien, Lieutenant,29
Priest gun-howitzer in action, 881
"Prince of Wales," 462,  504-505,  582-583
"Prinz Eugen"463,  588-589,  2227
Pripet Marshes, 1099,  1133
Prisoners of war
—Allied in Japan, 2068
—Axis, 807
—British, 706-707
—Camp in North Africa, 906
—Camp in United States, 1080
—French, 663
—German, 188,  893,  910,  1042-1043,  1056-1057,  1066-1067,  1194,  1278,  1302,  1318-1319,  1350,  1404,  1434,  1499,  1892-1893,  2418
—German wounded, 1287
—German in Moscow, 1384-1385
—Italian, 172,  826-827,  890-891,  1080,  1318-1319
—Japanese, 753,  944,  1201 -
—egotiations for exchange, 543
—North African, Axis, 898
—North African campaign, 925
—Prison ship, 55
—Sicily, 963
—Tunisia, 900
"Privateer" patrol bombers, 2438
Professional entertainers,1878
Prome, 638,  653
Propaganda, 1596,  1943
—German, 11,  1779,  1981,  2197
—Italian, 196
—Japanese, 2071
Prussia, East,260,  1179,  1366,  1396,  1430,  1473,  1543,  1669,  1730,  1737,  1747,  1751,  2291
Prut River,1179,  1216
Pultusk, 1722
Puntarenas, 415
Push button bombs, 2483
Puys, 741
Pyle, Ernie, 1871
—and buddies, 1871
Pyu, 638


Quast, General von,907
Qattara Depression, 712
Quebec Conference, 1569
Queen Victoria Street,302
"Quincy," 731
Quisling, Vidkun, 8,  70,  1954,  1981
Quo Tai-chi. Dr., 2198
—Chamberlain, Neville, 9
—Churchill, Winston, 915,  1024,  2191,  2245
—Clark, General Mark W., 1793
—Ingram, Admiral, Jonas H., 2259
—MacArthur, General Douglas, 2060,  2252


R. A. F.
—See Royal Air Force
R. A. A. F.,
—See Royal Australian Air Force
Rabaul, 519,  618,  641,  654-655,  1031,  1049,  1050-1051,  1065,  1102-1103,  1235,  1237
Radar, 2169,  2437,  2471-2472,  2482,  2491
—Photo, 2472
—Signal beamed at the moon, 2169
—"Umbrella," 2491
—Unit, portable, 2491
Radar guided bomb, 2438
Radio, 2071
Radio controlled bombs,2483
Radio controlled cameras,
—See Cameras, Radio-controlled
Radio Corporation of America, 2451
Radio navigational system,2441
"Radio proximity fuze,"2476
Radio shell fuze,2476
Radiolocation station, German, 631
Radome bulb, 2471
Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich,165,  2124-2125,  2237
Ragusa, 959,  962,  964-965
Raids on Berlin protested,1184
Rajlovac (Serajevo) airfield,998
Ramirez, Pedro,1197
Ramsay, Admiral Sir Bertram,2287
Ramu Valley,1065
Randazzo,964-965,  996


Rangoon, 519,  627,  630,  1787,  1794,  1930-1931,  1933,  1939,  2379
—Evacuated, 636-637
Rangoon-Prome railway,638
Rangoon railway,1405
Rapido River, 1127
Red Banner Baltic fleet, 1310
Red Barricade Factory, 798
Red Beach, 1774
Red Cross,127,  138,  1153,  1340,  1363,  1369,  2396
Red Cross in Manila,2104
Red October Factory, 798
Red October works, 798
Red Sea, 176
Redin, Galina,2202
Redin, Lieutenant Nicolai G., 2202
Re-education begins in Germany,1963
Refueling at sea, 2014
Refugee children,2149
Regalbuto, 991,  996
Reggio Calabria, 1033,  1036-1037
Reichart, Johann,2152
Reichstag, 270
Reinhardt, Major General Emil F., 1906
Reisling gun,731
Remagen, 1793,  1802-1803,  1805,  1831,  1853
Remizov, General,571
Remote-control cameras,
—See Cameras-Radio-controlled
Rena, 77
Renault plant,632-633
Rendova Island, 946-949
—Occupied, 944
"Renown," 323,  376
"Renshaw," 2102-2103
Republic "XP-84,"2460
Revolt against Fascism in Italy,984-985
Reynaud, Paul,160,  2011
Reynolds, Major General Russell B.,2150-2151
Rheims,1793,  1794
Rhine River, 1543,  1585,  1587,  1782,  1793,  1795,  1800,  1802-1807,  1810,  1813,  1825,  1827,  1831,  1835,  1841-1842,  1843,  1846,  1850,  1879,  2408
Rhine valley, 1666
Rhineland,7,  130,  150,  501,  694
Rhone River,1180,  1443
Rhone valley, 1543
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 7,  8,  26,  165,  285,  385,  404,  2124-2125,  2139,  2237
Ribeauville, 1666
Richards, Commander R. J., 1956
Richland, Washington,2019
Rickenbacker, Captain Edward V.,808,  2288
Riga, 1379,  1413,  1543,  1671
Rigney area,2467
Rimberg Castle, 1592
Rimini,1544,  1572,  1589,  1629
River Plate,40-43
—Battle Heroes Honored, 58
Riviera, 1180,  1440-1441,  1444,  1450
Riza, Shah,260
Road building through the New Guinea jungle, 1064-1065
Roatta, General, 173
Robot bombs,1180,  1320,  1336,  1381,  1502,  1703
—American, 1696
—Jet propulsion engines, 1696
—Lair on the Normandy coast, 1354
—Launching sites, 1533
Robot planes,1118,  1339,  1354,  1402,  1547
Robot tanks, 1328
"Roc," 2483
Rocket bombs, 1622,  1705,  1766,  1927,  2474,  2004,  2456,  2459
—Equipment, 2474
—Launcher, multiple, 1645
—Projectiles, 1993
—Run on Okinawa, 1993
Rockets, Ionosphere,2498
"Rodney," 1035,  1037
Roer River,1750,  1758,  1779,  1782
Roermond,1716,  1739
Roetgen, 1564
Rogov, Lieutenant Colonel, 2198
Rokossovsky, Marshal Konstantin,1793,  1926,  2291
Rome,101,  152,  172,  984,  1032,  1129,  1254-1255,  1271-1281,  1544,  1552
—Allied entry into, 1271
—Anti-Fascists, 1279
—Beachhead, 1131
—Colosseum, 1274-1275
—Fascists, 1279
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Pact, 1121
Romilly, 155
Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 520,  563,  567,  691,  700,  702,  813,  851,  1109,  1209
—Launches a new attack on Egypt, 768
Romsdals Fjord,82
Rongerik Atoll, 2211
Rooney, Pfc. Mickey, 1878
Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor, 2165,  2209
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 32,  211,  369,  392,  577,  578,  1057,  1067,  1107,  1195,  1375,  2242,  2243,  2250
—Atlantic Charter, 504-505
—Cairo Conference, 1032,  1097
—Casablanca Conference, 856-857
—Churchill visits Roosevelt, 915
—Death of, 1794,  1882
—Funeral of, 1884
—Middle East conference, 1756
—Quebec Conference, 1568
—Shrine dedicated to, 2209
—Teheran Conference, 1032,  1100-1101
—Yalta Conference, 1754-1756
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1383
Roosevelt, Brigadier General Theodore. Jr., 1383,  2290
Rosenberg, Alfred, 2124-2125,  2127,  2237
Rosenthal, Joe, 1778
Roslavl, 548
Ross, Marine Lieutenant Colonel R. P.,1986
Rostock, 669
Rostov, 519,  552,  570-571,  714-715,  722,  772,  875,  1058
Rostov-Baku railway,737
"Rosyth," 31
Rotterdam, 90108,  493,  1952


Rotterdam Harbor,493
Rovno, 1143
Roxas, Manuel A., 2213
Roxas, Maria R.,2213
Royal Air Force
—(1940) 74,  78,  92,  130,  142,  150,  153,  178,  181,  185,  212-213,  224-225,  229,  232-236,  245,  253,  259,  266,  270,  276-279,  282-284,  290,  293,  339
—(1941) 372,  377,  379,  439,  453,  464,  491,  493,  501,  526,  550,  563,  567,  588-589
—(1942) 617,  626-627,  630,  632-633,  644-645,  669,  678,  693,  694,  699,  720,  741,  811,  840
—-(1943) 895,  925,  934,  988,  992,  996,  1004,  1006-1007,  1068,  1077,  1114,
—(1944) 1183,  1185,  1228-1229,  1364-1365,  1402
—(1945) 1750,  2369
—Attacks German dams, 916-917
—Bombs sink the Tirpitz, 1639
—In Greece, 307
—In Rangoon, 1939
—Over Norway, 74-75,  78
—Raid On Waalhaven, 92
—Raids Stavanger and Bergen, 74
—Role in the withdrawal from Greece, 442
—Strikes at Italy's war industry, 800-801
—Tactical Air Force, 1625
Royal artillery, 1512
Royal Australian Air Force,253,  566-567
Royal Canadian Air Force,48
Royal Dragoons, 592
Royal Marine Commandos, 1626-1627
Royal Marines,1503
Royal Navy,
—See British Navy
Royal Netherlands Indies Army,1925
"Royal Oak,"29
Royal Scots Fusiliers,1620
Royce, Major General Ralph,1098,  1284
Rubber boat, German,102
Rubber decoys,2442,  2443
Ruegenwalde, 1918
Ruhr, 150,  694,  1788,  1845,  1877
Ruhr valley,916,  1833
Ruhrberg Dam, 1750
Rumania,260,  264,  480,  986-987,  1179,  1194,  1202,  1216,  1220,  1473,  1476
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
—Quits the Axis camp, 1478
Rumania--Political leaders
—Antonescu, General, 264
—Carol, King, 264
—Michael (Mihai) King, 264,  1179,  1478
Rumanian Army, 1179
Rumanian forces, 551,  685
Rumanian infantry,831
Rumanian oilfields,986-987,  1179
Rumanian troops, 260,  1231
—With German forces, 260
Runstedt, Field Marshal Karl von,536,  1543,  1680,  1684,  1695,  1741,  1937,  2312
Runstedt, Lieutenant Hans von,1937
Rupel Pass,422
Rusakov, Major General,1906
Russia,26,  260,  478-479,  480,  482,  485,  524,  534-535,  689,  796-797,  798,  1179,  1195,  1794
—Celebrates peace, 1952
—Declares war on Finland, 37
—Declares war on Japan, 1794,  2024
—Germany declares war on, 260
—Invades Finland, 8
—See Maps and diagrams--Eastern Front
—Naval bases in the Pacific, 642-643
—Non-aggression pact with Germany, 7
—Peace treaty with Finland, 8,  62-63
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
—Russian-German agreement on Poland, 26
—Russo-German pact, 1528
—White Russia, 260,  519,  1032
—See Eastern Front
Russia--Military leaders
—Batov, Colonel General, 1571
—Budenny, Marshal, 503,  508-509
—Chermiaeff, Lieutenant General Ivan, 1944-1945,  1946
—Golikov, General, 490
—Golubov, General, 634
—Jardov, General, 2286
—Kharlamov, Rear Admiral, 490
—Konev, Marshal Ivan S., 1200,  1202,  1781,  1793,  1905,  2291
—Malinovski, Colonel General, 875,  1231
—Meretskov, Marshal, 2036-2037
—Rokossovsky, Marshal Konstantin, 1926,  2291
—Rusakov, Major General, 1906
—Timoshenko, Marshal S. K., 686,  704,  2291
—Vasilevsky Marshal Alexander, 2036-2037,  2291
—Zhukov, Marshal Gregory, 1544,  1747,  1793,  1947,  1948,  2261
Russia--Political leaders
—Gromyko, Andrei, 2198,  2199,  2200-2201
—Maisky, M., 490,  689
—Molotov, V. M., 7,  26,  203,  689,  755,  1084,  1100-1101
—Stalin, Marshal Joseph, 25,  549,  755,  857,  978,  1032,  1100-1101,  1568,  1669,  1754,  1907,  1934,  1952,  2008,  2242-2244
—United Nations Security Council, 2198,  2199
Russian advance across the River Don, 836
Russian Air Force,480,  604,  1070
Russian air raids on Finland,38
Russian anti-aircraft, 1053
Russian anti-aircraft guns in action,500
Russian armored train, 523
Russian Army, 570-571,  684,  760,  828-829,  830,  831,  836-837,  848-849,  872,  875,  976-978,  980-981,  1008-1009,  1079,  1133,  1194
—Anniversary, 628
—Counter-attacks near Stalingrad, 775
—In Germany, 1906
—Nurses, 1264,  1310
—Recaptures Kharkov, 1010-1011
—Retakes Orel and Byelgorod, 987,  983
—Retakes Sevastopol, 1256
Russian battlefield, 646-647
Russian Black Sea Fleet,708-709
Russian bombing plane, 689


Russian-British mutual assistance pact,490
Russian cavalry,1052
—Attack in East Prussia, 1669
Russian civilians,483,  524,  571,  777
Russian drive for Czechoslovakia, 1590
Russian entry into Rumania,1224
Russian family returns home, 1013
Russian First Ukrainian Army,1905
Russian guardsmen,1824,  2425
Russian guerrillas, 570
Russian guns in action,1070
Russian infantry,614-615,  704,  831
—Equipped with automatic weapons, 714
Russian laborers in Germany, 1820
Russian marines,829
Russian Navy, 829,  2202
Russian nurses, 2430
Russian 1941 winter advance, 684
Russian 1942 winter advance in the Caucasus,848-849
Russian 1943 tall offensive, 1070
Russian 1943 summer offensive begins, 978-979
Russian 1944 northern offensive, 1142-1143
Russian 1945 winter offensive, 1737,  1783,  1824
Russian occupation in Germany,1918,  1940
Russian peasants,523,  874-877,  1002-1003
Russian prisoners,549
Russian resistance in air raids,776
Russian sappers,629,  714-715
Russian Scouts Company,634
Russian Second Army, 1793
Russian semi-automatic tank rifle,1435
Russian siege of Warsaw,1571
Russian ski troops, 848-849
Russian soldiers,587
Russian soldiers hunting down German stragglers in Rostov,570-571
Russian tanks, 485,  573,  685,  1855
Russian tommy-gunners, 1379,  1744,  1819
Russian troops,685
—In the Vitebsk sector, 1343
Russian village,534-535,  688,  872
Russian women soldiers, 836-837,  1725
Russian workers' battalion,774
Russians advance on Stettin,1854
Russians and Americans meet at Torgau,1905
Russians capture Tallinn, 1588
Russians celebrate junction with Allies,1907
Russians close in on East Prussia, 1430
Russians drive to the Oder,1747,  1824
Russians encircle German Sixteenth army at Staraya Russa, 628
Russians enter Danzig, 1851
Russians evacuate Odessa, 551
Russians in Berlin, 1934-1936
Russians overrun Vienna,1876
Russians push forward in Rumania,1224
Russians reach the Baltic sea, 1413
Russians reach the Baltic, 1744
Russians recapture Mojaisk, 614-615
Russians recover Odessa, 1231
Russians retake Minsk,1366
Russians retreat towards the Dnieper, 503
Russians sweep through Poland, 1722
Russians take Koenigsberg, 1875
Ruweisat Ridge,713,  718-719
Rybachi Peninsula,8,  62
Ryukyus,1599,  1794,  1857-1860,  1881,  2300,  2332-2333,  2375
Rzhev,646,  886


Saar-Moselle region,51
Saar region, 1543,  1666
Sacco River,1463
Saga General Hospital, 2070
Sahara, 860
St. Angelo,1268
St. Clement Danes, 303
St. Joost, 1739
"St. Lo."2403
St. Lo,1180,  1386,  1400-1401,  1404
St. Lo-Carentan road,2216
St. Malo, 1180,  1456-1457,  1509,  2327,  2455
St. Michel, Mont,1424
St. Nazaire, 648-649
St. Paul's Cathedral,230,  247,  289
St. Sauveur, 1362
St. Tropez, 2382
St. Vith, 1731
Saipan,1172-1173,  1180,  1316,  1326,  1332,  1357,  1789,  2145,  2298,  2331,  2382,  2386-2387,  2391,  2465,  2488
Saishu Island, 2072
Saito, Major General, 2107
Sakai, Major Sakaji, 2142
Sakaibara, Rear Admiral Shigematsu, 2143
Saksin, Georgii,2167
Salamaua, 519,  619,  683,  1031,  1047,  1102-1103
Salerno, 1031,  1033,  1038-1039,  1042-1043,  1069,  1248,  2297,  2407
Salonika,311,  422,  424
Salsk, 725
"Salt Lake City,"2227
Salvio Prison, 1121
Salween River,626,  1227,  1232,  1250,  1337
Salzburg, 404
Salzwedel, 1964
Samland Peninsula,1751
Samurai swords,2034
San Clements, 1144
San Fernando,584
San Francisco,2000
San Giorgio,364-365
San Giovanni, 1035,  1037
San Jose,1675
San Pablo,591,  596
Sanananda,854,  944-945
"Sangamon," 2439
Sansapor,1406,  1429
Santa Barbara,1723
"Santa Fe," 1836-1837
Santa Maria Del Fiore,1449
Santa Maria Degli Angeli Church,1277
Santi Quaranta,332,  362


Santo Thomas concentration camp,1753 ,
Sarajevo,430,  998
Sarandoporo valley,362
"Saratoga,"2227,  2233
Sardinia,324,  934-935,  942,  1041
Saruzac, Captain, 860
Saukel, Fritz, 2124-2125,  2237
"Saumarez," 113
"Savage," 1113
Savo Island,520,  730
Sbeitla, 881
Scapa Flow,29
Schacht, Hjalmar, 2125,  2237
"Scharnhorst,"282,  588
—Sunk in the Arctic (map), 1112
Scheldt estuary,1627
Schepke, Captain,411
Scherfede, 1840
Schillingen, 2384
Schirmeck, 1679
Schleuse River,1815
Schlieben, Lieutenant General von, 1348
Schouten Islands,1267
Schultze, Captain,411
Schwammenauel Dam,1758
Sciacca, 942
Scoglitti, 970-971
"Scorched earth" policy,2330
—Burma, 636-637
—Russia, 725,  762-763,  831
Scotland,30,  454
Scots Guards, 712-713
Scottish division, 1850
Sea of Azov,547,  552,  570,  772,  1013,  1032
Seabees,1249,  1979
Seadrome, 2463
Sebretev, 837
Second Army,1598
—See British Second Army
Second battle of the Philippine Sea,1544,  1615,  1618,  1619,  1621,  2264,  2439
2nd Corps--Filth Army, 1272
2nd Division,1094
2nd French Armored Division,1291,  1417,  1484,  2271
Second Front,814-815
2nd Marine Division, 1088-1089,  2377
Second Ukrainian Army,1200
Second White Russian Army,1722,  1751,  1926
"Secret weapons,"2476
—Allied, 1370-1371
—British, 453
—German, 1320,  2490
—Japanese, 2434-2435
—United States, 2454
Sedan,8,  119,  132,  1543
Sedan-Bethel area,114
"Seeing Eye," 2471
Seine River, 1180,  1416,  1470,  1484,  1508,  1539
Seipel, Johann,2111
Seitz, Captain George A., 1959
Self-propelled guns,2461,  2494
Serbia, 424
Sevastopol,520,  557,  580,  708-709,  1179,  1256
7.2 howitzer, 1519
7.62 mm gun, 1310
Seventh Army, 960, 962, 1451, 1459, 1480, 1566, 1645, 1662, 1666, 1863, 1866, 1874, 1878, 1897, 1955
—Infantrymen,  1874
—100th Division, 2373
—Storms Hulirich,  1874
—See American Seventh Army
7th Division,1139,  2376
7th Infantry Division, 1137
Seventh Fleet, 1615,  1704-1705,  1817,  1991,  2004
75 mm guns,French,  149
76 mm gun,2461
77th Division,1849,  2315,  2415,
77th Infantry Division,1953
78th Division, 963,  989,  991
Sevez, General Francois,1944,  1945
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur,2124-2125,  2237
Sfax,898,  900
Sfax and Sousse fall to the Eighth army,900-901
Shadazup, 1215 ,
Shan states,672
Shanghai, 577
Shanghai prison camp, 2087
"Shangri-La" is born,664
Sharpnack, Lieutenant George L.,2204-2205
"Shaw," 574-575
Shawcross, Sir Hartley,2126
Shepherd, Major General Lemuel C., Jr., 1985,  2294
Sherman, Captain,682
Sherman, Rear Admiral, 2035
Sherman tanks,1706,  2470
Shidehara, Baron Kijuro,2093,  2137
Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 2043,  2045
Shinagawa prison camp,2087
—"Canberra," 731
—"Perth," 66
—"Empress of Britain," 298-299
—"Algerie," 833
—"Colbert," 833
—"Dunkerque," 192,  833
—"Dupleix," 833
—"Foch," 833
—"Jean Bart," 818
—"Jean de Vienne," 833
—"La Galissonaire," 833
—"La Marseillaise," 833
—"Provence," 833
—"Strasbourg," 192,  833
—"Surcouf," 191
—"Admiral Graf Spee," 39,  41,  42,  52,  58
—"Altmark," 54-55
—"Bismarck," 463
—"Columbus," 44


—"Eisenach," 415
—"Gneisenau," 588-589
—"Idarwald," 336
—"Lutzow," 283
—"Prinz Eugen," 463,  588,  2227
—"Scharnhorst," 282,  1112
—"Schleswig-Holstein," 15
—"Tirpitz," 1223,  1639
—"U-249," 2405
—"U-858," 1985
Ships--Great Britain
—"Achilles," 61
—"Ajax," 41,  294
—"Arandora Star," 189
—"Ark Royal," 317,  323,  464,  558-559
—"Athenia," 11
—"Belfast," 1112,  1283
—"Berkeley," 741
—"Berwick," 324
—"Black Prince," 1283
—"Campbeltown," 648-649
—"Cossack," 1283
—"Courageous," 31
—"Doric Star," 39
—"Dorsetshire," 484
—"Duke of York," 112-113
—"Eagle," 315
—"Edinburgh," 31
—"Exeter," 41,  52
—"Exmoor," 962
—"Gloucester," 406
—"Glowworm," 87
—"Grenville," 50
—"Hardy," 69
—"Hasty," 406
—"Hood," 462-483
—"Illustrious," 315
—"Jamaica," 112-113
—"King George V," 369
—"Lancastria," 214-215
—"Malaya," 323
—"Mauritius," 1283
—"Mohawk," 31
—"Nelson," 542,  1035,  1037
—"Norfolk," 112,  462
—"Orion," 1283
—"Prince of Wales," 462-463,  582-583
—"Renown," 323,  376
—"Repulse," 582-583
—"Rodney," 1035,  1037
—"Royal Oak," 29
—"Saumarez," 1113
—"Savage," 1113
—"Scorpion," 1113
—"Sheffield," 1112
—"Southampton," 31
—"Victorious," 484
—"Warspite," 1037,  1283
—"York," 294-295
—"Kanaris," 988
—"Artigliere," 295
—"Conte Biancamano," 415
—"Eugenio Di Savoia," 1195
—"Fella," 415
—"Fiume," 406
—"Galileo Galilei," 17
—"Giulio Cesare," 1041
—"Pola," 406
—"Roma," 1041
—"San Giorgio," 385
—"Vittorio Veneto," 408
—"Zara," 406
—"Nagato," 2227
—"Ryukaku," 683
—"Syukaku," 683
—"Yamato," 1615,  1870
—"Stord," 1113
—"Gripsholm," 1223
Ships--United States
—"Arizona," 574,  577
—"Arkansas," 2227,  2231
—"Astoria," 731
—"Augusta," 504-505,  1283
—"Birmingham," 2322
—"Bunker Hill," 1958-1959,  2332-2333
—"California," 578-579
—"Cassin," 578-579
—"Charles S. Sperry," 1959
—"Coolidge," 2402
—"Downes," 579
—"English," 1959
—"Enterprise," 2406
—"Essex," 2406
—"Franklin," 1836-1837,  2368
—"Hammon," 696
—"Hancock," 2397
—"Hazelwood," 2370
—"Hornet," 664-666,  2340
—"Houston," 2402
—"Indianapolis," 2426
—"Intrepid," 2358
—"Langsley," 2354-2355
—"Lexington," 520,  682-683
—"Maryland," 577
—"Massachusetts," 2006
—"Neosho," 683
—"Nevada," 1283,  1290,  2219,  2225,  2227
—"New York," 1767,  2227
—"Newcomb," 2375
—"Oklahoma," 574,  577-578
—"Pennsylvania," 579
—"Pensacola," 2227
—"Princeton," 1616-1617
—"Quincy," 731
—"Renshaw," 2102-2103
—"St. Lo," 2403
—"Salt Lake City," 2229
—"Santa Fe," 1837
—"Saratoga," 2227,  2233
—"Sims," 683
—"South Dakota," 2039
—"Stembel," 1959
—"Stephen Potter," 2402
—"Tennessee," 577
—"Texas," 1319
—"Tuscaloosa," 1283
—"Vincennes," 731
—"Wahoo," 809
—"Washington," 159
—"Wasp," 786
—"West Virginia," 577
—"Wilkes-Barre," 1959
—"Yorktown," 520,  696
Shirach, Baldur von,2124-2125,  2237
Short, Major General Walter C.,2168
Showa Steel Works,1323
Shuri, 1794,  1975,  1986,  2315,  2495
Shushi Shu, Dr.,2166-2167
Shuttle bombing, 1229
Sibert, Major General Franklin C.,676
Sibuyan Sea,1544


Sicilian airfields, 952
Sicilian campaign, 952-973
Sicily, 294,  771,  772,  842,  934-935,  942,  952-973,  988-997,  1031,  1035,  1073,  2297,  2453
—Allied invasion of, 952-953
—Allied surface ships, 956
—Conquered, 996-997
Sidi Barrani, 8,  259,  338,  340,  707,  807
Sidi Omar, 563
Sidi Rezegh, 564-565,  691
Sidon, 474
Siegfried Line,57,  132,  1543,  1564,  1566,  1581,  1635,  1741,  1758,  2489
Signal Corps,1701
Sikh infantry,1930
Sikh leaders,662
Sikh troops,2378-2379
Sikorski, General Wladyslaw,220
Silesia, 1735,  1742,  1783
—German Silesia, 1543,  1734,  1747,  1808
—Upper, 1543
Sima, Horea, 264
Simeto River, 991
Simferopol,556,  557
Simmons, Sgt. Dave,2227
Simon, Viscount, 792
Simovich, General,404
Simpson Harbor, 1235
Simpson, Lieutenant General William, 2262
Simpson, Mrs. Elisabeth Hood, 2262
Singapore, 519,  610,  621,  624-625,  1746,  2045,  2058,  2078-2079,  2281
—Prisoner of war camps, 2107
—Surrenders, 625
Siret River,1476
Sirte, 847,  851
Sittang River,627,  638
Sittard battle area, 1739
16 Evacuation Hospital, 1797
16 inch shells, 1872
6th Amphibious Group,1816-1817
6th Armored Division, 1865
6th Armored Division infantrymen,2399
Sixth Army Group,2292
6th Marine Division, 1969,  2294
Skeen, Major J. H., Jr.,2176-2177
Slim, General, 1931
Slovak divisions on the Eastern Front,552
Smith, Lieutenant General Holland M.,1764,  1789
Smith, Major General Julian C.,1092
Smith, Lieutenant General Walter Bedell,1944,  1945
Smolensk,260,  500,  506,  525,  531,  628,  634,  886,  1013,  1032,  1052
Smuts, General,255,  304,  755,  792
Smyth, Dr. H. D.,2020
Sofia,384,  1132
Soissons, 154,  1524
Sollum, 340,  358,  563,  592,  612-613,  707,  806-807
Solomon Islands, 520,  727-731,  746,  747,  750,  751,  757,  772,  783,  788-789,  838,  867,  946-947,  1031,  1082-1083,  1102-1103,  1198,  2275,  2296,  2300
Somaliland,172,  280
—Camel Corps, 223
Somervell, Lieutenant General Brehon,1453
Somerville, Vice Admiral Sir James, 192
Somme, 1515
Sotojiro, Captain Tatsuta,2159
Sousse,824-825,  900
South Africa,255,  380
South Africa--Military leaders
—Pienaar, General, 811
South Africa--Political leaders
—Smuts, General, 255,  304,  755,  792
South African Air Force,280,  563,  703
South African Field Force,255
South African mechanized units in Kenya,304
South African patrol,693
South African Premier visits Britain,792
South African 2nd Division,811
South African soldiers, 255
South African troops,304,  416,  563,  713,  719,  811,  1427
South Atlantic, 39
"South Dakota,"2038
South Pacific,520
South Pacific force,2296
South Seas,1097
Southampton,262,  325
Soviet-British-American armistice,1478
Soviet 58th Guards Division,1906
Spain, 296
Spaatz, Lieutenant General Carl A., 1186,  1944-1945,  1948,  2278
Spaatz, Mrs. Anna, 2278
—Franco regime, 2187
—French economic boycott, 2187
Spain--Political leaders
—Franco, General Francisco, 161,  296,  2187
Spears, General,413
Speer, Albert,2124-2125,  2237
Spellman, Cardinal Francis J.,2180
Sperr, Ingeborg,2135
"Charles S. Sperry,"1959
—See Espionage
"Spitfire,"236,  589,  1077
Spitzbergen, 528-529
Spree River,1902
Spruance, Admiral Raymond A., 1193,  1859,  2248,  2298
"Squirt, The,"1118
Stahmer, Dr. Otto,2194
Stalin, Marshal, 26,  549,  755,  857,  978,  1032,  1100-1101,  1568,  1669,  1754,  1907,  1934,  1952,  2008,  2242-2244
Stalin-Hitler pact,1528
Stalingrad, 714,  737,  754,  760-763,  769,  771,  774-777
—Map, 799
Stalino, 552,  647
Stanley, Lieutenant Leon A., 1104
Staraya Russa,646,  668
Stark, Admiral Harold B., 1360
Stary Oskol,711
Stassen, Commander Harold E.,1621
Stationer's Hall, 303
Stauffenberg, Colonel Count von, 1394
Stavanger, 8,  74


Steinkjer, 79
"Stembel," 1959
"Stephen Potter," 2402
Stettin,1808,  1854
Stettinius, Edward R. Jr.,1883,  1891,  2000,  2165,  2198,  2199
Stilwell, Lieutenant General Joseph W., 676-679,  1145,  1174
Stilwell, General, 1191,  1192,  1227, 1232, 1233, 2247, 2265
—March from Burma, 676-679
Stilwell Road, 1544,  1838
Stimson, Henry L.,1399,  2249,  2288,  2417
Stimson, Mrs. Henry L.,2249
"Stirling," 526,  550,  800,  720-721
Stone,Chief Justice Harlan,  1883
"Stork" plane,402
Storming Manila from assault boats,1759
"Stormovik" dive bombers, 711
Strait of Dover,185,  199
Straits of Messina,992,  1031,  1135
Straits Settlements,625
Strand Theatre, Aldwych,174
"Strasbourg," 833
Strasbourg,192,  1649
Strasser, Franz,  2152
Strategic Air Force of Eastern Air Command,1596
Stratemeyer, Lieutenant General George E.,2060
Stratton, Captain Dorothy C.,2279
Street fighting in Athens,1628
Street fighting in Tunis,910
Street scene in Anzio, 1159
Streeter, Colonel Ruth Cheney,2279
Streicher, Julius,2125,  2237
Stritch, Cardinal Samuel A., 2180
Struma Valley, 422
"Stukas,"385,  1041
Stumpff, Colonel General Paul, 1948
Sturges, Major General, 681
Submarines,11,  18,  29,  36,  77,  170,  189,  284,  405,  408-409,  411,  558,  802-803,  833,  862,  878,  894,  950-951,  1056-1057,  1066-1067,  1461,  1561,  1942,  1965,  2012-2013
—Anti-submarine measures, 802-803,  878
—Anti-U-Boat Warfare Committee, 803
—Anzio Harbor, 1207
—Base at Brest, 1561
—British midget, 1223
—"Galileo Galilei" (Italy), 17
—German submarine surrenders, 2405
—Italian, 1041
—Italian midget, 1195
—Japanese, 1015
—Japanese aircraft carrying, 2478
—Midget, 1015
—Nest at Bremen Harbor, 1942
—One-man, 1152
—"Surcouf" (French),  191
Surrenders to a bomber,530
—"U-249" (German), 2405
—"U-858" (German), 1965
—"Wahoo" (U.S.), 809
Suda Bay, 467,  469
Sudetenland, 7
Suez Canal, 8,  53,  176,  259,  520,  700,  702
"Suffolk," 462
Suffolk, 313
Sugamo Prison,2106
Sugiyama, Field Marshal,1170,  1173
Suicide planes, Japanese, 2439
Sulpha compounds,2462
Sulpha drugs, 2462
Sulu Seas, 1544
Sumatra, 519,  642-643,  1429
Sumida River, 1652-1653
Sunderland, 284,  862
"Superfortress," 1322,  1332,  1544,  1784,  1787,  1794,  1859,  2018,  2334-2335,
—Bomb Tokyo, 1652-1653
—In action, 1323
Supplies and supply routes
—Anzio, 1149
—Arctic convoy route, 797
—Bastogne, 1691
—Convoy routes to Britain, 408-409
—Genoa, 800
—German route through Balkans, 766
—Italy, 1132,  1594-1595,  2401
—Iwo Jima, 1775
—Leyte, 1656-1657
—Russia-bound, 797
—Western Front, 1848,  1879
—See Burma Road;
—See Ledo Road
Supreme Allied Command,1944-1945
Surabaya,637,  1180,  1262
Suribachi, Mt.,1764-1765,  1772-1773
Surigao Strait,1677
Surrender at Cherbourg, 1348
Susloparoff, General Ivan,1945,  1946
Sutherland, Lieutenant General Richard,2035,  2252
Suzuki, Admiral Baron Kantaro,2105
Swancutt, Major Woodrow P.,2219
Swedish diplomatic exchange ship,1222
Swedish ships,
—See Ships
Swiss roll,2463
Swiss soldiers,167
Switzerland, 167
"Swordfish," 317
Sydney,66,  168
Sydney Harbor, 397,  2481
Syfret, Rear Admiral, 681
Syracuse,959,  961,  963,  964-965
Syria,260,  459,  474-475,  488,  494,  1984
—Capitulates to Allies, 488
—Comes under control of the Allied armies, 488,
Syrian airfields, 455
Syrian armistice, 495


Tablac hospital, 1812
Tachibaba, Lieutenant Commander Soichi,2143
Tacloban,1544,  1609,  1657
Tactical Air Force,898,  1572-1573
Taganrog,552,  570-571,  722,  1013
Takahashi, Admiral Sankichi,2146
Tallinn,511,  522,  1543,  1588,  1671
Tamborini, Jose P., 2184
Tanahmerah Bay, 1240
Tanambogo,727,  730,  759
Tanchuk, 1544


Tank battles in the Ukraine, 531-533
Tank destroyer, 2461
Tank hospital in France,1702
Tanks,2464,  2477,  2480
—AVRE, 1515
—Axis, 690-691
—Flame throwing, 2464
—In allied plans, 852
—Miniature, 1328,  2495
—Rubber decoys, 2443
—Tankette, Japanese, 2495
—U. S., 2477
Tannenberg, 1543,  1669,  1737
Tarakan, 618,  1794,  1925
Taranto,259,  315,  1031,  1041
Tarawa,1031,  1088-1095,  1252,  1789,  2415,  2429,  2446
—Beach, 1090-1091
—Tent city, 1252
Taroa, 623
Tasklaotos, 1629
Tatsyaskaya, 837
Taylor, Major General Maxwell D.,1955
Tebessa, 882
Tebourba evacuated,835
Tedder, Air Chief Marshal, 930,  941,  1484,  1947,  1948,  2287
Teheran, 507,  1032,  1100-1101,  1107
Teheran Conference, 1100-1101,  2242
Tel Aviv, 2117
Tel el Eisa, 713,  718,  719
Television, 2451
Teller mines, 1230
Tempest Squadron,1336
Tenaru River,732
Tengchung,1522,  1527,  1577
"Tennessee," 576-577
Tenth Army,1894,  1985,  1997,  2294,  2310-2311
10th Mountain Division, 1790,  1797,  1938
Terek River, 829
Tereshima, Admiral Ken,2105
"Texas," 1319
Thailand,495,  519
Thames, the, 146,  205
Thames Estuary,252,  262
Tharawaddy, 638
Thebes, 437
Theissen, General Karl,2140
"There will always be an England." 2245
3rd American Division,1073
3rd Armored Division, 2477
Third Army, 1399,  1526,  1566,  1637,  1692,  1810,  1865,  1868,  1893,  1988,  2275,  2319,  2323,  2326
—Captures German gold hoard, 1868
—Crosses the Rhine, 1841
—11th Armored Division, 1811
—Storms Andernach, 1811
3rd Division, 1438-1439,  2382,  2467
Third Fleet, 1615,  2006,  2007,  2038,  2264,  2296
Third Ukraine Army,1231
Third White Russian Army,1730
13th Army Air Force, 1736,  1817,  1991
30th Division infantrymen,2324
30th Infantry Division,1887
31st Division, 2313
31st Infantry,1982-1983
32nd Division,2307
32nd Infantry Division,2381
34th Division,1462,  1903
35th Division, 2421
36th Division,1440
38th Evacuation Hospital,1799
Thompson, Captain John,22q97
3.7 anti-aircraft gun, 1258
343rd Engineer Regiment,2448
351st Infantry Regiment, 2486
"Thunderbolt," 1207,  2460
Thurstan, Edgar,55
Tibbets, Colonel Paul, Jr., 2018
Tiber River, 1553
Tiddim Road, 1620
Tientsin, 2090-2091
"Tiger of Malaya,"2058,  2151
Tiger tanks, 1038,  1512
Tikhvin, 581
Timoshenko, Marshal S. K.,686,  704,  2291
Tinian, 1173,  1180,  1397,  1432
Tiny Tim, 2456
"Tirpitz,"1223,  1639,  2481
Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 1108,  1109,  2195,  2257
Tittingen, 2414
Tobruk,232,  259,  364-367,  435,  520,  564,  566-567,  606,  691,  692,  702,  706-707,  771,  810-811
Tobruk Harbour,365
Todt construction workers,1314
Toguri, Iva, 2071
Tojo, General Hideki, 576,  1170,  1173,  1393,  2076,  2106,  2214
Tokashiki Island, 1849,  1852
Tokyo, 664,  666,  867,  1652-1653,  1761,  1784,  1814,  1830,  2038-2039,  2086,  2334
—Post War, 2060-2064
—Radio, 2025
Tokyo Bay,1794
"Tokyo Rose," 2071
Tollo, 1150
Tolman, Dr. Richard C.,2020
Tomioka, Rear Admiral Todatoshi, 2043
"Tommy" sub-machine gun,207
Torboli, 1938
Torgau, 1793,  1905
Toronto Scottish troops, 84
Torre Annunziata,1076
Toulon, 172,  771,  1451,  1455,  1481
Toungoo, 638,  653
Toungoo-Mandalay road, 639
Tower of London, 327
Transjordan, 472
Transjordan Arab Legion, 445
Transports remove wounded,1869
Transvaal regiment,417
Transvaal Scottish Regiment,457
Transylvania,264,  2235
Treasury Islands, 1081,  1082-1083
Trento, 1035
Trevieres, 1345,  1358
Tricycle landing gear,2449
Trier, 1635


Trieste, 1793,  2192,  2235
Trigh Capuzzo, 691
Tripartite Pact, 404
Tripartite Treaty, 285,  1121
Tripoli, 771,  813,  847,  859-860,  861
Tripolitania,813,  840,  850-851
Troina,991,  996
Tromso Fjord,1639
Trondheim, 8,  72
Trondheim Harbor, 72
Tropez, 1458
Troyes, 1524
Truk,1032,  1102-1103,  1166-1167,  1168,  1247
Truman, Harry S., 1891,  1949,  2000,  2008,  2016,  2027,  2045,  2102,  2114,  2138,  2191,  2209,  2213,  2215,  2242,  2255
—Becomes President, 1883
Truman, Mrs., 1883,  1949
Truman, Mary Margaret,1949
Truscott, Lieutenant General Lucian K.,1920,  2302
Tsagita, 2093
Tsolakoglu, General,434
Tsvetkovich, M.,404
Tuapse, 829
Tula, 573
Tulagi, 520,  726-729,  746,  759,  783,  788,  1102-1103
Tungting, Lake, 1106
Tunis, 172,  772,  820-821,  834,  902-903,  908-913,  924-925
Tunis and Bizerte fall to the Allies,908
Tunisia,771,  772,  820-826,  834,  842,  861,  880-885,  890-891,  898-903,  913,  924-925,  2462
Turin, 153,  800,  963
Turkey,424,  1877
Turner, Admiral Richmond K.,1789
"Tuscaloosa," 1283
Tuyun, 1689
Twaddle, Major General Harry L.,1877
12th Air Force, 1442-1443,  2401
12th Army Group, 1484,  1600,  1793,  1861,  1893
20th Air Force,1322
20th Bomber Command,1968
20 mm gun,2301
21st Army Group, 1793,  1926
22nd Chinese Division,1215
24th Division, 1895
27th Division,1089
29th Division, American Ninth Army,1796
Twining, Major General Nathan F., 2411
240 mm howitzer,1259,  2493
Tyrrhenian Sea, 1253
Tyrrhenian seacoast,1265


"U-858," 1965
—See United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
U. S. O.,1412
Ueno railroad,1784
Ukraine,260,  480,  503,  506,  531-533,  536-539,  546,  552,  647,  872-877,  1012-1013,  1085,  1143,  1194,  1200,  1202,  1219,  1264,  1435
Ukraine Harvest,1002-1003
Ukrainian Army, 1194
Ukrainian girls,1679
Umberto, Crown Prince,1234
"Umbrella" antenna, 2491
Umezo, General Yoshijiro,2043
Unalaska, 698
United Auto Worker's Union, 2133
United Nations Charter,2000
United Nations
—Franco regime, 2187
—Palestine, 2117
—Paris Peace Conference, 2234-2235
—"Free Territory," 2235
United Nations Conference. San Francisco,1794,  2000
United Nations General Assembly, 2165
—Bevin, Ernest, 2165
—Connally, Tom, 2165
—First session in London, 2165
—Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor, 2165
—Stettinius, Edward R., 2165
—Vandenberg, Arthur H., 2165
—Vishinsky, Andrei, 2165 United Nations Security Council,  2165,  2198-2201 -
—la, Hussein, 2199
—Byrnes, 2198,  2199,  2234
—Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 2198,  2199
—Daftari, Akbar, 2199
—Dewey, Thomas E., 2198
—First New York session, 2165,  2198-2201
—Gromyko, Andrei, 2198,  2199,  2200,  2201
—Iranian question, 2199,  2200-2201
—O'Brian, John Lord, 2199
—Poland, 2201
—Quo Tai-Chi, Dr., 2198
—Stettinius, Edward R. Jr., 2198,  2199
United Nations site-inspection committee,2166-2167
United Nations Pact,520
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration,2149,  2183
United Service Organization,1412
United States
—Bases in the Pacific (map), 2178-2179
—Black market, 2208
—Casualties and losses, 
—See Casualties and losses--Allied
—Defense, 211
—Demobilization, 2162-2164
—Fifty destroyers for Great Britain, 265
—Lend-Lease, 219,  265,  267,  386,  392,  498,  519,  1891
—Naval bases in the Pacific, 642-643
—Occupation forces in Europe, 2196
—Office of Price Administration, 2188,  2208,  2215
—Office of Strategic Services, 2144
—Pearl Harbor investigations, 2134,  2138,  2168
—Post-war housing shortage, 2206
—See Ships
—State Department, 519,  864
—Veterans, 2057,  2160,  2204-2205
—War Department, 2249
—War profits investigations, 2226


United States--Military leaders
—Ainsworth, Rear Admiral W. L., 1621
—Arnold, General Henry H., 1307,  2254,  2278
—Berkey, Rear Admiral Russell, 1817
—Blandy, Vice Admiral, W. H. P., 2219,  2224,  2227
—Bradley, Lieutenant General Omar N., 1284,  1294,  1399,  1484,  1531,  1545,  1600,  1861,  1893,  2258
—Buckner, Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar, Jr., 1985,  2294,  2300
—Carney, Rear Admiral Robert B., 1621,  2296
—Chamberlain, Major General S. J., 2035
—Chennault, Major General Claire, 1098,  1226,  2264
—Clark, Lieutenant General Mark, 818,  826-827,  1031,  1033,  1038,  1179,  1254,  1258,  1265,  1272,  1277,  1281,  1388,  1422,  1793,  1799,  2267,  2270
—Doolittle, Lieutenant General James H., 664,  665,  1180,  2276
—Eichelberger, Lieutenant General Robert I., 1817
—Eisenhower, General Dwight D., 773,  814,  839,  902,  925,  930,  941,  1041,  1107,  1284,  1307,  1398,  1399,  1484,  1600,  1781,  1861,  1904,  1996,  1998,  2253
—Gavin, Major General James, 2297
—Geiger, Major General Roy, 1859,  2300
—Halsey, Admiral William F., 1544,  1562,  1615,  1621,  2038,  2264
—Hewitt, Admiral H. K., 818,  1038,  1441
—Hill, Rear Admiral Harry W., 1092
—Hodge, Major General John R., 1859
—Hodges, General Courtney H., 1524,  1600,  1861,  1905,  2286
—Ingram, Admiral Jonas H., 2102,  2259
—Kenney, General George C., 1225,  2283
—Keyes, Major General Geoffrey, 960,  1272
—Kimmel, Admiral Husband E., 2168,  2250
—King, Admiral Ernest J., 791,  1173,  2250,  2298
—Kinkaid, Vice Admiral Thomas G., 1544,  1615,  1704,  1705,  2274
—Kirk, Rear Admiral Alan G., 1283,  1306-1307,  2301
—Krueger, General Walter, 1705,  2274
—Leahy, Admiral William D., 1411,  1754,  2027
—MacArthur, General Douglas, 519,  650,  651,  652,  772,  1047,  1241,  1410-1411,  1544,  1574,  1609,  1745,  1768,  2004,  2035,  2038-2039,  2040,  2041,  2042,  2045,  2252,  2260
—Marshall, General George C., 930,  1173,  1307-1308,  1754,  2250
—Merrill, Brigadier General Frank, 1075,  1174,  1192,  2272
—Mitscher, Admiral Marc A., 1173,  1857,  2263
—Nimitz, Admiral Chester W., 1089,  1096,  1193,  1410,  1411,  1778,  2038,  2041,  2255,  2300
—Patch, Lieutenant General Alexander, 1566,  1957,  2275
—Patton, General George S, Jr., 856,  960,  962,  989,  1180,  1399,  1526,  1531,  1545,  1566,  1637,  1695,  1988,  2290
—Reinhardt Major General Emil F., 1906
—Shepherd, Major General Lemuel C., 1985,  2294
—Simpson, Lieutenant General William, 2262
—Smith, Lieutenant General Walter Bedell, 1944,  1945
—Spaatz, General Carl A., 1186,  1944-1945,  1948,  2278
—Spruance, Admiral Raymond A., 1193,  1859,  2248,  2298
—Stark, Admiral Harold R., 1360
—Stilwell, Lieutenant General Joseph W., 676-679,  1145,  1174,  1191,  1192,  1227,  1232,  1233,  2247,  2265
—Stratemeyer, Lieutenant General George E., 2066
—Truscott, Lieutenant General Lucian K., 1920,  2302
—Vandergrift, Lieutenant General A. A., 728,  2256
—Wainwright, Lieutenant General Jonathan, 650,  658,  2040,  2045,  2269
—Whitehead, Major General Ennis, 2283
United States--Political leaders
—Biddle, Francis, 1883, 2123,  2126
—Byrnes, James F., 2008,  2027,  2074,  2114,  2198,  2199,  2234
—Connally, Tom, 2165
—Dewey, Thomas E., 2198
—Forrestal, James V., 1422,  1439,  1441,  2248
—Hull, Cordell, 1084,  1375,  2027,  2134
—Knox, Frank, 211
—Roosevelt, Franklin D., 
—See Roosevelt
—Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor, 2165,  2209
—Stettinius, Edward R. Jr., 1883,  1891,  2000,  2165,  2198,  2199
—Stimson, Henry L., 1399,  2249,  2288,  2417
—Truman, Harry S., 1883,  1891,  1949,  2000,  2016,  2027,  2045,  2102,  2114,  2138,  2191,  2213,  2215,  2242,  2255
—United Nations General Assembly, 2165
—United Nations Security Council, 2198,  2199
United States Air Forces,641, 727, 741, 840, 934, 986-987, 993, 1114, 1165, 1182-1183, 1185, 1228-1229, 1307, 1967, 2254
—Airborne infantrymen, 1327
—Bomb Lakunai Airfield, 1050-1051
—Buzz bomb, 1703
—8th Air Force,  1184, 1294, 1561, 1788, 1848, 2318
—5th Air Force,  1530
—14th Air Force, 1544, 2001
—In China, 1106, 2066
—9th Air Force, 1068, 1331, 1635
—Secret Weapon,  2454
—Testing base,  2460
—12th Air Force,  1641 --See also
—See 1st Airborne Division;
—See 5th Air Force;
—See 9th Air Force;
—See 13th Army Air Force;
—See 14th Air Force;
—See 15th Air Force;
United States arms her merchant ships, 560-561
United States Army,826-827,  867,  948-949,  970-971,  1137-1141,  1146,  1238,  1242-1243,  1260,  1346-1347,  1397,  1418


—See Allied Fourteenth Army;
—See American Eighth Army,
—See American Fifth Army,
—See American First Army,
—See American Ninth Army,
—See American Seventh Army,
—See American Sixth Army,
—See American Tenth Army,
—See American Third Army,
—See American Twelfth Army
—Engineers, 780,  1124-1125,  1529,  2409
—5th Infantry Division, 1648
—1st Cavalry Division, 1753
—1st division, 826-827
—In India, 1972
—In Italy, 1259
—Medical corps, 1153
—Mortar squad, 2414
—Nurses in France, 1309
—Service forces, 1227
—Signal Corps, 1659
—Trucks, 1589
—Women's Army Corps, 1115,  1559,  1658,  1700,  1714,  1822,  1953,  1977,  2273
—See names of companies, divisions, etc,
United States-Canadian joint defense board,864
United States carrier planes lash at Okinawa,1599
United States citizens recalled from Britain,159
United States clergy protest air raids on Germany,1184
United States Coast Guard,1017,  1018,  1171,  1611,  1772-1773,  2428
—Cemetery on Ie Shima, 2385
—Combat cameramen, 752,  1261
—Cutter, 2471
—In the Pacific, 1146
—Landing barge, 1344
—Reserve, 2279
—Women's Reserve, 2279
United States combat engineers, 2419
United States Congress, 32,  915
United States Counter-Intelligence,2197
United States Fleet, 772,  1761
—At Pearl Harbor, 519
—Atlantic fleet, 2102
—Before Kwajalein, 1140-1141
—Fifth Fleet, 1859
U. S. 1st Armored Division,902-903
—Rifle Brigade, 902-903
United States fliers return to Cavite,1736
United States forces,918-919
—Cross the Moselle River, 1829
—In Iceland, 497-498
—Invade Okinawa, 1857
—Invade the Karama Islands, 1849
—Land in French North Africa, 814-815
—Land in the Ryukyus, 1860
—Take Panay, 1834
United States 41st Division, 1816-1817
United States 4th Division,1769
United States heavy bombers, 1015
United States
—Industry, 32,  267,  2447
—Post war strikes, 2082,  2132-2133,  2188,  2193
United States Labor
—Post war, 2065
—Post war strikes, 2082,  2132-2133,  2188,  2193
United States landing in the Marshalls,1136-1137
United States landings in the Admiralty Islands,1203
United States leases British bases, 386
United States legislators investigate Nazi atrocities,1904
United States Marines
—(1941), 520
—(1942), 658,  726-727,  728,  730-732,  747,  750,  758-759,  772,  783,  788-791
—(1943), 867,  944,  948-949,  1031,  1061,  1088-1095,  1104-1105
—(1944), 1136-1138,  1147,  1154-1155,  1160-1161,  1171,  1204,  1249,  1390,  1397,  1418,  1530,  1544
—(1945), 1764,  1769,  1778,  1794,  1860,  1871,  1881,  1894,  1977,  1990,  1995,  2002
—(additional scenes), 2061,  2256,  2315,  2330,  2382,  2446
—Burial at sea, 1147
—Demolition squad, 1578
—Establish a beach head in the Solomons, 758-759
—F. Company, 28th Marines, 1773
—5th Division, 1774
—1st Division, 1574-1575,  1975,  1986,  1997,  2090-2091
—4th Division, 1764, 1774
—4th Marine Wing, 2059
—Marine howitzer, 1432
—Iwo Jima cemetery, 2383
—Land in the Solomons, 726-727
—Occupation forces in China, 2090-2091,  2116
—Rescue Formosa prisoners of war, 2068
—2nd Division, 1094,  2377
—6th Marine Division, 1985
—Storm Peleliu, 1574-1575
—3rd Amphibious Corps, 2300
—28th Regiment, Fifth Division, 1778
—Women, 1116
—Women's Reserve, 2279
—See names of divisions, places, etc.
United States Military Cemetery in China,1968
United States Naval guns hurl steel at Okinawa,1872-1873
United States Navy
—(1941), 519
—(1942), 622-623,  640-641,  682-683,  696-697,  728-729,  731,  787,  816-817,  818,  843
—(1943) 863,  941,  1031,  1047,  1059,  1081,  1088,  1096,  1103,  1111
—(1944) 1137-1141,  1146,  1166-1167,  1168-1173,  1176-1177,  1204,  1212-1214,  1225,  1243,  1283,  1306,  1328,  1334,  1390,  1562-1563,  1608-1609
—(1945) 1836-1837,  1870,  1872-1873,  1895,  1963
—(additional scenes) 2250,  2255,  2259,  2405,  2450
—Aircraft, 697
—Aircraft carrier, 1917
—Beach battalion, 1300
—Bombs Truk, 1166-1167
—Camp in the Pacific, 1157
—Combat photographers, 1266
—Cub hospital plane, 2485
—Develops airborne television, 2451
—Flight nurse on Iwo Jima, 1798
—Medical Corps, 751


—Naval Reserve Training School, 1115
—Navy Day, 2102-2103
—Nurses, 1809,  2279
—Pilotless aircraft, 2454
—Raids the Marshall and Gilbert Islands, 522-523
—Task force, 1249
—Task Forces in Normandy, 2301
—War fleet at Kwajalein, 1175-1177
—Women's Reserve, 1111,  2279
United States Neutrality Act revised, 550-551
United States neutrality law,32
United States occupation of Japan
—See Japan, American occupation
United States offers to mediate Russo-Finnish dispute,8
United States Pacific Fleet,597,  727,  730,  1081,  1089,  1096,  1193,  1562-1563,  1570,  1599,  1616-1617,  1619,  1621,  1767,  2255
—Aircraft carrier crew, 1225
—Hits Palau, 1212
United States Price control,2215
United States Public Roads Administration,864
United States raid on Tokio,664-667
United States rehabilitation of war wounded,2204-2205
United States 2nd Army corps,898
United States 2nd Corps,909,  913
United States Senate, 32
United States Senate War Investigating Committee,2228
United States Seventh Fleet,1544,  1619,  2274
United States 7th Infantry Division,921
United States southwest Pacific air force,2283
United States submarines help strangle Japan, 2012-2013
United States tactical air forces, 1832-1833
United States Tactical and Strategic Air Force,1945,  2278
United States task force, 1306
—Off Saipan, 1172-1173
United States 3rd Amphibious Corps, 1859
United States Third Fleet,1544,  1519
United States troops, 738,  752
—Build a road in Sicily, 972-973
—Find desolation on Saipan, 1332
—In India, 735
—In Sicily, 964-965
United States 12th Air Force troop carrier command,1602-1603
United States 12th Army Group,2258
United States 24th Army Corps,1858-1859
United States 26th Division, 1815
United States Veterans' Administration,2258
United States victory on Guadalcanal,868
United States warships visit Australia and New Zealand,396
University of California,2020
Upper Thames Patrol, 205
Urquhart, Major General R., 1586
"U-249," 2405


V-bombs, 1650,  1655
V-E Day, 1949-1950
V-E Day in the Far East, 1953
V-E Day in Russia, 1952
V-for-Victory sign, 1272
V-J Day,2027,  2045
V-2 bomb, 1927
V-bomb over Belgium, 1655
V-2 rocket, 1927,  2445,  2459
Vaagso Islands,601
Vaerst, Major General von, 907
Valdes, Major General Basilo J.,2176
Valletta, 657,  1041
Vatutin, General Nikolai,875,  1219
Vandenberg, Arthur H.,2165
Vandenberg, Lieutenant General Hoyt S.,1904
Vandergrift, Lieutenant General Alexander A., 728,  2256
Vardar Valley, 424
Vargas, Major,2099
Vasilevsky, Marshal Alexander,2036-2037,  2291
Velikie Luki, 771
Velletri, 1270
Venezia Alpini,362
Venezia Giulia, 2235
Venezuela, 2099
Venice, 1920
Verde Trail, 2306-2307
Verdun,155,  1526
Verona, 984,  1121
Versailles, Treaty,7
Vesuvius in eruption,1221
Veterans Administration, United States,2258
Via Casilina,1135,  1271
Vian, Captain,54
Vian, Rear Admiral Sir Philip,1283
Viborg, 63
Vichy, 166,  194,  455,  472,  663,  1431
Vichy French,260
Vichy-French forces,520
Vichy government,296,  2011
Vickers guns,716
Victor Emmanuel, King,1234
Victoria League Club,175
Victoria Station,271
Victory parade in Paris,1490-1491
Vienna, 385,  1543,  1793,  1808,  1876,  2472
Vietinghoff-Sheel, Colonel General Heinrich von,1793,  1924
Vietri, 1248
Villa Inchesa,172
Village of Hate,1973
Villard, Oswald Garrison,1184
Vilna, 1179
"Vincennes," 731
Vinegar Joe,2265
Viper, 2490
Vishinsky, Andrei,2165


Vistula River,1715
"Vittorio Veneto,"406
Voelkischer Beobachter,2125
Volchansk, 686,  710
Volga River,714,  771
Volkssturm parade in Berlin,1667
Volturno River,1031,  1032,  1071
Voronezh, 710-711,  714-715,  771,  872
Voronezh-Rostov railways,837
Voroshilovgrad, 715,  875
Vosges Mountains, 1663,  1646-1647,  1679
Vunakanau airfield, 654-655
Vyazma, 549,  886


W.A.A.F., 453
—See Women's Army Corps
"Wac Corporal,"2498
Waal River,1584
Wada, Lieutenant, 2440
Wadi Bei-el-Kebir,851
Wadi el Assiub,897
Wadi Halfaya,275
Wadi Matratin, 847
Wadi Zemzem,851
Wadi Zigzau,896
"Wahoo," 809
Wainwright, Lieutenant General Jonathan,650,  658,  2040,  2045,  2058,  2269
Wagner, Kontur Admiral, 1941
Wakde Island, 1260-1261
Wake Island,591,  642-643,  1060-1061,  2143
—Japanese surrender, 2059
Walcheren Island, 1565,  1626-1627
Waldau, 1815
Wallace, Henry A.,1340
Walter Reed Hospital, 1375
Wana Ridge, 1975
War brides,2148
—Italian, 2182
Warburton-Lee, Captain, 69
War correspondents, 1388,  1871,  2296
War crimes investigations--Courts--Europe
—International High Tribunal, 2126
War crimes investigations--Courts--Pacific
—International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 2214
War crimes investigations--Europe
—Baky, 2203
—Belsen concentration camp, 2121
—British Army court at Luneberg, 2121
—Doenitz, Grand Admiral Karl, 2125,  2237
—Dostler, General Anton, 2144
—Endre, Laszlo, 2203
—Frank, Hans, 2125,  2237
—Frick, Wilhelm, 2125,  2237
—Fritzsche, Hans, 2125,  2237
—Funk, Walther, 2125,  2237
—Goering, Reichsmarshal Herman, 2125,  2128,  2129,  2139,  2194,  2236-2237
—Grese, Irma, 2121
—Guyon-Witzschel, Louise, 2135
—Hangings, 2238-2239
—Hess, Rudolph, 2125,  2128,  2129,  2139,  2236
—Himmler, Gudron, 2135
—Himmler, Mrs. Margaret, 2135
—Hungary, 2186,  2203
—Imredy, Bela, 2186
—Jodl, Colonel General Alfred Gustav, 2125,  2237
—Kaltenbrunner, 2237
—Keitel, Wilhelm, 2125,  2129,  2237
—Kevin, Dr. Fritz, 2121
—Kramer, Joseph, 2121
—Laval, Pierre, 2092
—Ley, Dr. Robert, 2100
—Mihailovitch, General Draja, 2195
—Neurath, Constantin von, 2125,  2237
—Nuremberg trials, 2122-2129,  2135,  2139,  2194
—Oswiecim concentration camp, 2121
—Papen, Franz von, 2125-2129,  2237
—Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich, 2125,  2237
—Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 2125,  2129,  2139,  2237
—Rosenberg, Alfred, 2125,  2237
—Sauckel, Fritz, 2125,  2237
—Schacht, Hjalmar, 2125,  2237
—Seipel, Johann, 2111
—Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 2125,  2237
—Shirach, Baldur von, 2125,  2237
—Speer, Albert, 2125,  2237
—Sperr, Ingeborg, 2135
—Strasser, Franz, 2152
—Streicher, Julius, 2125,  2237
—Verdict, 2236-2237
—Wolf, Johanna, 2135
—Yugoslavia, 2195
War crimes investigations--Pacific
—Araki, General Sadao, 2110
—Black Dragon Society, 2113
—Doolittle raiders' executions, 2159
—Hata, Field Marshal Shunroku, 2146
—Hiranumara, Baron Kiichiro, 2146
—Hirota, Koki, 2146
—Homma, Lieutenant General Masaharu, 2081,  2175-2177
—Iwamura, Michiyo, 2105
—Kuroda, Lieutenant General Sigenori, 2081
—Kuzuu, 2113
—Manaka, Tatanichi, 2153
—Ohta, Lieutenant Colonel, 2108
—Okawa, Shumei, 2214
—Saito, Major General, 2107
—Sakai, Major Sakaji, 2142
—Sakaibara, Rear Admiral Shigematsu, 2143
—Singapore, 2107
—Sotojiro, Captain Tatsuta, 2159
—Suzuki, Admiral Baron Kantaro, 2105
—Tachibaba, Lieutenant Commander Soichi, 2143
—Takahashi, Admiral Sankichi, 2146
—Tereshima, Admiral Ken, 2105
—Tojo, General Hideki, 2076,  2106,  2214
—Trials at Omori prison camp, 2105
—Trials in Manila, 2104,  2109,  2112,  2150-2151,  2175-2177
—Trials on Kwajalein Island, 2143,  2153
—Yamashita, General Tomoyuki, 2104,  2151
"Warhawks,"1207 {2558}
Warsaw,20,  26,  871,  1179,  1543,  1571,  1613,  1715,  1718-1719,  1721
—Ghetto, 2130-2131
—Resistance, 22
—Surrender, 24
—Victory Parade, 27
Warship anti-aircraft guns, 2488
Warships shell Japanese homeland for first time, 2006
"Warspite," 1036-1037,  1283
"Washington," 159
Wasile, 1530
"Wasp," 1510
Wasp, 786
Wavell, General Sir Archibald, 307,  371,  413,  2289
WAVES,1111,  2279
Weapons, 2433-2495
—See Bombs; Radar; Rockets; Tanks, etc,
"Weasel," 2492
Wehrmacht, 260, 1032, 1350, 1793
Welles, Sumner,64
"Wellington,"130, 233, 800
Wesel,1793, 1800, 1832-1833, 1846-1847, 1879
Wesel-Geldern road,1845
Western Canadian infantry, 1134
Western desert air force, Allied, 851
Western Front
—(1944) (D-Day) 1282-1285,  1360-1365,  1433-1434,  1450-1451,  1454-1459,  1479,
—(Toulon) 1480-1482,  1483,
—(liberation of Paris) 1484-1498,  1499-1501,  1508-1516,  1547,  1551,  1554-1561,  1564-1567,  1580,
—(Battle for Germany opens) 1581,  1582-1587,  1591,  1598,  1600,  1627,  1635,  1637,  1644,
—(Belfort Gap) 1646-1647,  1648-1649,  1651,  1654,
—(Battle of the Bulge begins) 1680-1684,  1690-1695,  1698-1699
—(1945) 1701-1702,  1710,  1716,  1726,  1735,  1738-1739,  1741,  1743,  1795,
—uenchen-Gladbach) 1796,  1825-1829,  1835,  1850,  1853,  1874,
—(Ruhr pocket) 1892-1893,  1937,
—(Germany surrenders unconditionally at Rheims) 1944
—(additional scenes) 2268,  2275,  2286-2287,  2292-2293,  2301,  2302,  2308,  2312,  2314,  2319,  2323-2329,  2369,  2373,  2384,  2390,  2396,  2399,  2404,  2408,  2409,  2414,  2416,  2418-2419,  2421-2423,  2431,  2457,  2467-2468,  2470,  2473
—(Belgium) 1524,  1543,  1546,  1549,
—(Brussels liberated) 1551,
—(Battle of the Bulge begins) 1680-1684,  1685-1688,  1706,  1708,  1711, 1713,  1731,  1886-1887,  2297,  2476
—(France) 1180,  1282-1309,  1311-1315,  1324,  1325,  1327,  1329,  1338,  1342,
—(Cherbourg) 1346-1353,  1358,  1369-1371,  1377-1378,  1380,  1386,  1398-1401,  1403-1404,  1407,  1414-1417,  1420-1421,  1423,
—(invasion of southern France) 1436-1444,  1446-1448,  1467-1470,
—(Toulon) 1480-1482,
—(liberation of Paris) 1484-1498,  1504,  1519,  1521,
—(Chateau-Thierry) 1524,  1526,  1531,
—(Le Havre) 1565,  1662-1664,  1666,  2455,  2493
—(Battle for Germany opens) 1581,  1592,
—(Aachen surrenders) 1605-1607,  1659,  1750,  1758,  1779-1782,
—(Cologne) 1800-1801,  1802-1807,  1810,  1813,  1815,  1831-1833,  1840-1848,  1861,  1863-1866,  1877-1879,
—(map of drive in Germany) 1885,  1897,  1900-1901,  1921,
—(Berlin falls to the Russians) 1934-1936,
—(north German forces surrender) 1941,
—(Germany surrenders unconditionally at Rheims) 1944-1945,  2336,  2461,  2489,  2494
—Russian-American junction, 1905-1906
—Russian-British junction, 1926
—See Eastern Front(for Russian campaign from the East);
—See names of cities, towns, etc,
Western Front--Maps and diagrams
—April of 1945,  1885,  1910-1911
—Battle for France, 1414-1415,  1468
—Battle for Germany, 1581
—Battle of the Bulge, 1684
—September of 1944,  1534,  1581
Westerplatte, Fort, 14
Westphalian plains, 1850
Westkapelle, 1626-1627
Westminster,288,  792
Westminster Abbey,449,  450-451
"West Virginia,"576-577
Westwall, 1317,  1319,  1564,  1581,  1635,  1735
Wewak,1180,  1243
Weygand, General Maxime, 116
Wegand Line, 151
Wheeler, Burton K.,1904
Wheeler, General R. A.,2078
Whitehead, Major General Ennis,2283
Wiesloch, 2461
Wildcat Infantry Division,1574
Wilhelmina, Queen, 512
Willkie, Wendell,363,  392
Willoughby, Major General C. A., 2035
Wilsher, Kathleen, 2189
Wilson, General Sir Henry M.,472,  477, 489, 1439, 1446, 2266
Winant, John G.,386
Windischleuba, 2399
Wingate, Major General Orde Charles,923,  1205,  2289
Wingate's raiders,2272
Winged wind tunnel, 2460
Wismar, 1926
Wolf, Johanna, 2135
Wolff, General Karl, 1924
—American, 1111,  1115-1116,  1559, 1591, 1912, 2273, 2279
—Chinese, 888
—English, 210,  382,  393,  793
—Filipino, 1712,  1723
—French, 1373,  1505,  1517
—German, 1004-1005
—Russian, 777,  836-837,  1058,  1725,  1740
Women's Army Corps, 1115,  1559,  1658,  1700,  1714,  1822,  1953,  1977,  2273
—Arrives in Peleliu, 1658


Women's Auxiliary Air Force,453
Women's Reserve, United States Navy, 1111,  2279
Wood, Colonel George T.,1799
Wood, Major Harold, 2221
World's biggest bomb, 2436
World War II Ends,2027
Worms, 1835
Wotje, 623
Wright Field,2483
Wuerzburg, 1863
Wunthe, 677




Y Force, 1227,  1250
YMCA War Prisoner Aid, 2087
Yalta Conference, 1754-1756
Yamashita, General Tomoyuki, 627,  2058,  2104,  2151
"Yamato,"1614-1615,  1870
Yangtze River, 888-889,  929
Yanina,311,  333,  431
Yap, 1214
Yap City, 1212-1213
Ye, 1596
Yenang Yaung, 653
Yervada Palace,734
Yokohama, 664,  2040
Yonai, Admiral Mitsumasi, 1393
Yontan, 1859
York, 669,  670-671
Yorkshire, 122
"Yorktown,"520,  696
Young, Sir Mark,6  00
Young, Lieutenant Richard, 676
Young Men's Christian Association War Prisoner Aid,2087
Younger, Major K. S., 2167
Ypres, 123
Yu Cheng-Wan, General,1106
Yugoslav Air Force,420
Yugoslav civilians, 766-767
Yugoslav guerrillas,766,  998-999,  1109,  2195
Yugoslav infantrymen, 418
Yugoslav patriots,766-767,  998-999,  1793
Yugoslav Partisans, 1108,  2195
Yugoslavia,260,  404,  418,  420,  426,  998-99,  1108-1110,  1543,  1601,  2257
—Government in exile, 1110
—Post war border discussions, 2234-2235
—Surrenders to Germany, 430
—Trieste border dispute, 2192
—United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 2183
—War crimes investigations, 2195
Yugoslavia--Military leaders
—Mihailovitch, General Draja, 1108,  1110,  2195,  2257
—Simovich, General, 404
—Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 1108,  1109,  2195,  2257
Yugoslavia--Political leaders
—Cincar-Markovich, 404,  426
—Peter, King, 1110
—Simovich, General, 404
—Tsvetkovich, M., 404
Yukon, 864


Zakharov, Colonel General,1781
Zaporozhe, 1032,  1074
Zarat, 892
"Zero,"746,  1675
Zhukov, Field Marshal Gregory K.,1544,  1747,  1793,  1947,  1948,  2261
Zuara, 861


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