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(15?? -16??)


At the end of 1622 Carstenzoon was instructed to extend the exploration of the Duyfken under William Janszoon, and on 21 January 1623 left Amboyna and sailed towards New Guinea in the yacht Pera accompanied by another small vessel, the Aernem or Arnhem.

On 11 February a landing was made on the coast of New Guinea, and the master of the Aernem and 10 others were killed in conflict with the natives. At the end of March it was decided to go south and on 12 April Australia was sighted somewhere near Port Musgrave. Proceeding south, men were sent on shore at intervals, but though good soil was found there was little fresh water, and nothing fit for the use of man.

On 24 April, near the extreme south of the Gulf of Carpentaria, a tablet was put up recording the visit, and two days later they turned north again and on 14 May were near the mouth of the Jardine River a few miles south-west of Cape York. Carstenszoon very nearly discovered the passage between Cape York and New Guinea but met adverse winds and decided to return.

On 8 June 1623 Amboyna was reached, and Carstenszoon then disappears from our knowledge. The Dutch dictionary of biography has not got even the years of his birth and death. He was evidently a competent navigator and an intelligent man. His report on the country and its natives gives a good summary of the existing conditions, but its effect was to discourage further exploration. [From Dictionary of Australian Biography]