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Title: Journal of an Exploring Expedition to the Eastward of Northam [1861].
Authors: Charles Edward Dempster and/or Andrew Dempster.
* A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook *
eBook No.: 1402321h.html
Language: English
Date first posted: June 2014
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Production Notes:

Which of the two Dempsters was the author of this journal is uncertain. Their route is shown on the accompanying map, which also shows the route taken by H. M. Lefroy in 1863. Dempsters' "Dambeen" is later Lefroy's "Tampin". The map shows Dempsters' "Cuttergning" as "Cuttercuing".

Journal of an Exploring Expedition to the Eastward of Northam [1861].

by Charles Edward Dempster
and/or Andrew Dempster.

The party consisted of—

Messrs. C. E. Dempster—2 horses.
  A. Dempster—2 horses.
  Their native servant Correll—2 horses.
  B. Clarkson—2 horses.
  C. Harper—2 horses.

Each person provided his own provisions and horses. Provisions consisting of 80lbs flour, 22lbs pork, 16lbs sugar, and 3lbs tea.

July 3 [1861], Wednesday, 11 a.m.—Started from Buckland. At noon passed through Northam. 1 p.m., crossed Salt River without accident. 5.30.—Camped 1 mile east from Coolyakine, being 11 miles east of Northam.

4th, Thursday, 9 a.m.—Start; course E by S; reached a spot 16 miles from former camp.

5th, Friday, 8 a.m.—Start, steering east; crossed upper branch of Salt River. Camped at a scrub hill. Distance to-day 25 miles.

6th.—This morning, horses looking empty, there being nothing but scrub to eat, we shaped our course to a hill bearing ESE, and reached a spring one mile south of it, where there was sufficient good feed, distant 7 miles from last encampment. This hill is called by the natives Dungeen—a good land mark, being conical.

7th, Sunday.—Remained at Dungeen to recruit our horses. Correll shot his second kangaroo.

8th, Monday, 8.30. a.m.—Start, steering E by S, to a hill called by the natives Killaburing, passing through thickets, forests, and sand plains—with patches of scrubby grass. Camped at Killaburing, being 25 miles from Dungeen. Here we fell in with three natives, one of whom being acquainted with the surrounding country, offered to become our guide, which we availed ourselves of.

9th, Tuesday, 10 a.m.—Left camp, steering E by N; passed through a belt of forest, sighting two grassy hills, called Jurien and Morocuben; crossed more forest, consisting of salmon and fluted gum, intersected with strips of thicket; stopped at Doodlakine, 12 miles distant from last camp. Here there is a spring and about 2000 acres of tolerable grazing land.

10th, Wednesday, 10 a.m.—Start, steering ESE to a hill called Darening, 15 miles from Doodlakine; passed through open forests, tea-tree thickets, and the dry bed of a salt lake, about 10 miles in circumference. This we named Lake Hillman. We then came upon a small water-course, which increased in size as we proceeded, taking its course from Darening, where we rested for the night.

11th, Thursday.—This morning our horses looking well, 10 a.m. started, steering E by N, over about ½ a mile of good feed, a forest, where we saw box poison; then over a sand plain, between two hills—small particles of grassy land—being a continuance of the Darening feeding ground. Came to a spring at the head of a water-course, which terminated in a low flat, with forests and thickets. Here we remarked that there was an immense quantity of fallen timber, nearly all of which had been blown down by SE gales, when the ground had been saturated with water, the soil being a light loamy sand. To-day the natives pointed out a bush which they said had an edible root, and called cookine; they dug one up and we pronounced it good, but not over tempting. The plant resembles the branch of a tea-tree, averaging about a foot in height. We saw a great number of morel-trees here. Halted at a flat rock, with plenty of water on it—a patch of indifferent feed on the southern side. This place is called Cabrocubing, 16 miles distant from Darening.

12th, Friday 8.45. a.m.—Left Cabrocubing, steering E by N to a hill, which we named Mount Chidlow; passed through a thicket by a native path; passed by a granite hill with a little good feed round it—a spring on its southern side. This we named Mount Sarah. Remarked that the trees were much spotted with hail marks. Saw a great number of white gums to-day. Passed over several hillocks with silver wattle, but very little grass. Camped at Mount Chidlow, which is distant 16 miles from Cabrocubing. It is a bare granite hill; good feed all round, with a spring on the north side.

13th, Saturday. Mount Chidlow, 8.45. a.m.—Start; course E by N, passing over scrubby plains and white gum forests. Crossed a range of hillocks covered with scrub, trending north and south. Trees still bearing marks of hail. Saw cypress trees to-day. Last night heavy rains; to-day bitterly cold. Wind westerly. Came to a large granite hill, with plenty of good feed round it—a spring on east side, where we camped. This we named Mount Mackintosh; distant from Mount Chidlow 16 miles. A great number of ground blackboys here growing in large clusters.

14th, Sunday. Mount Mackintosh, 7.45. a.m.—Cold frosty weather. Started on an E by N course to a promising range in the distance. Crossed low forests of the usual description. Passed over a granite hill, with a spring on its eastern side, about 3 miles from last camp. A short distance from this came to a well-made native hut, with a bundle of spears in it, but saw no natives. Crossed through another forest, and came to a granite bill, similar to last one. More morel-forest. Collected a few lime stones. Another granite hill. One of those had two springs, one spring coming out of a fissure in the rock on its west side, the eastern being loose stones. Passed through more forests, thickets, and coarse grass. Came to a large hill, divided by six chasms, which we named Mount Mary, with plenty of water. Camped; being 25 miles from Mount Mackintosh.

15th, Monday. Mount Mary.—Ascended this hill to examine it and look round, but saw nothing in any direction worthy of notice. On the top of one of these hills is a large hollow rock, which would afford shelter in bad weather. Sharp frost this morning. Found the horse Bob had a splinter in fetlock, which delayed us some time. 10 a.m. started, steering ENE through an unpromising country, consisting of malka thickets and stunted jam-trees; soil, light red loamy sand; a few small water-courses running into two flats. Camped at a hill named by us Mount Jeanie, with a spring on its eastern side, distant from Mount Mary 13 miles.

16th, Tuesday. Mount Jeanie.—Sharp frost, cold SE wind. 8.30., start on a NE course, passing over similar country to yesterday. Observed grass of a new description in various sized tufts, the bottom part being coarse and prickly, the top fine, resembling rye grass; also saw several shrubs unknown to us, and a remarkably handsome tree, resembling at a distance the mountain ash, but with leaves very like those of the common blue creeper, bearing clusters of seed-pods; stem about 2 feet diameter; height of tree about 25 feet. Came to a high bare granite hill, which we named Mount Hardey, where we camped, being 16 miles from Mount Jeanie.

17th, Wednesday. Mount Hardey.—From the top of this hill we had an extensive view; saw a chain of huge lakes, extending as far as the eye could reach, for hills lying nearly east and west, one of which was of great extent, the opposite shore appearing dim and indistinct. There are three caves on the eastern side of this mount, which we examined. Discovered a peculiar gum or pitch, oozing out of the rock, having a disagreeable smell, with the property of burning like pitch when held to a flame, and also of dissolving in water. Left this place at 9 a.m., steering ENE, skirting the southern bank of the lakes (which are numerous, some small ones fresh, but principally salt, the salt lying on the bottom and round the edges) for six miles; then struck off for a broken range trending north and south. Soil much improved, being of a red day, with frequent patches of good grass. These hills are of trap formation (here we first observe the tracks of the red kangaroo)—and a continuance of the chain of lakes, narrow when confined by hills, and becoming broad sheets of water where no hills exist; should say from ten to fifteen miles broad. Kept our course ENE, and camped at a spot 20 miles from Mount Hardey, without water; therefore named it Dry Camp. Soil good, with patches of good grass. Here were caught a small animal resembling, in size and shape an English rat, the colour only differing, being grey. They make nests in the hollow trees with sticks, stones, grass, &c., of large size, in which they store up large quantities of York and sandalwood nuts, &c. Here also we saw an animal of peculiar description, being cloven-footed, ears long, colour grey, about the size of a half grown rabbit; it bounds or jumps over the ground like a deer.

18th, Thursday. Dry Camp.—This morning, having no water to make tea, started fasting, steering back west. Passed over and along the shores of large lake of yesterday. Passed a dry brook course, which had brought down much timber, branches, &c., some considerable distance. Passed also two little islands close to the edge of the lake. Examined them, one being fine slate, the other quartz. Crossed the range of hills we were upon yesterday, and which we named Georgiana Range, and several small lakes which connect the large ones when full. Noon; still no fresh water. Crossed over tolerable country till we arrived at a granite bill, which we named Mount Harris, where there is a good spring on its south side. Glad to get water again, having been nearly two days without. There appears no sign of rain having fallen here for four or five weeks. Distance returned to-day 20 miles.

19th, Friday, Mount Harris.—This hill, like most others we have seen, is very uneven, forming basins, which hold water after rain for some length of time. Here we found pieces of what we considered coral. This morning our friendly guide, who joined as at Killaburing, who is known as a great traveller by the name of Ginguitch, gave us the slip, while collecting our horses. This man gave us to understand that a long time ago his friend Boodgin, who is also a rambler, related to him that three white men, with horses, had come to some large body of salt water a long way to the eastward, and after travelling some time along the shore, they turned back again, when they were either killed by the Jimbars, which they describe, or perished from want of water. He believes their bones still remain there. 8.45. a.m., started, steering ENE to a continuation of the Georgina Range. After crossing a large quantity of good feed, several good grassy hills, and a small brook course running north, we ascended the highest part of the range, from which we observed several large ranges of hills in the distance. Continued our course over a clear belt of ground, and encamped for the night at a clay hole, containing sufficient water, with abundance of good grass all round us. We passed through more good country this day than any other since we left Northam. Saw many tracks of natives, dogs, emu, &c. Distance to-day 9 miles.

July 20th, Saturday. Clay Hole.—This morning two of the party proceeded due north 14 miles to a hill seen yesterday. Found that the good feed did not extend more than a mile from encampment. At the end of Georgiana Range the country becomes nothing but morel forests, and thickets, the ground covered with small round ironstone, several patches of clay soil intervening. The hill was ascended with much difficulty, the sides being steep, rough, and many loose stones. From the top got a good view to Northward and Eastward; saw another large chain of lakes trending N and South and apparently running in the direction of those we saw before. These we named Hamersley's Lakes. The hill on which we stood we named Mount Correll; got back to camp at 4 p.m. To-day Correll endeavoured to shoot a red kangaroo but did not succeed.

21st, Sunday. Clay Hole, 9 a.m.—Start on an ENE course to a large hill seen yesterday.

The good feed on this course continued only about a mile, after which nothing but thickets and forests, with the coarse prickly grass already alluded to. Came to thickets of a different kind, which we consider a species of Casuarina, from which exudes a beautiful transparent gum, very sweet to taste. 5 p.m. encamped on a spot 25 miles from Clay Hole, with a little feed, which we were afraid to leave, but no water. Named this Rock Camp.

22nd, Monday, 7 a.m.—Started, steering E by S for the lakes, passing through forests and thickets for 7 miles. Followed up several small brooks looking for water; at length found what we required, so much—drank and halted. Then proceeded along the banks of a lake, to where we considered a good crossing place, but on trying, found it would not do; two of the party riding in about forty yards, suddenly sunk to the horses' girths in mud, and had some difficulty in getting them out. Proceeded along the shore in search of better feed, but without success, and were compelled to return to our last watering place, 8 miles from last camp.

23rd, Tuesday—Camp by lake.—Here we caught several of the nest-building rats—one mother and; two young ones, one of which was hanging to the teat, of which there were four, but no pouch. 8.45. a.m., started, steering ENE for large hills seen in that direction from Georgiana Range; skirted the lakes for some distance and crossed through an open forest. Came to a granite hill, with a little feed but no water. Passed through thickets with sweet gum exuding, over a sand plain, and another thicket. Here we collected several, botanical specimens which were carefully preserved, in order to be forwarded to Mr Drummond. On coming out from a thicket providentially we came on a clay hole, where we watered the horses and selves. As there was but little feed here, proceeded on our course,—preferring to go without water ourselves to allowing our horses to get hungry.

Soil here red clay and ironstone gravel, with open white gum forest for two miles. Encamped about a mile from the largest hill we had yet seen, which we named Mount Kennedy. No water here, patches of good green grass, the most forward we had seen. Had a long journey to-day—30 miles.

24th, Wednesday, 6 a.m.—Hard frost and bitterly cold. Three of as proceeded to last water hole to breakfast, and bring water for the other two, who remained at the camp. Found the water frozen over. There has been a heavy hail storm here lately, the trees being much cut up—bark bruised as if it had been shot at. Here the grass is growing luxuriantly, where the ground receive the drainage of the forests, as there are no watercourses to carry the rain off. We concluded, from the appearance of this tract of country, that the rain must fall very irregularly. Stopped here to rest the horses and examined the hill. Leaving our horses, walked to the hill, ascended it with much difficulty, the stones rolling from under our feet, but at length reached the top, when we had a very extensive view all round. This range runs nearly east and west. To NE of this is another group of hills, about 10 miles which we named Mount Barker. Some ten miles beyond the last mentioned is another range of considerable length. To North ward two groups of hills of similar description; to eastward a low flat country, with only a few small hills occasionally. Mount Kennedy is a mass of beautifully stratified flint, principally dark red, and various colours. Found several specimens of black shining ore, unknown to us. We observed a great many native fires all round us in the distance, as if the natives were collecting for some particular occasion. Here we could perceive nothing in the appearance of the surrounding country to induce us to proceed any further in this direction, and therefore deter mined on changing our course to the Southward. According to our reckoning this mount is in latitude 30 deg. 58 min. S. longitude 121 deg. 16 min. E.

25th, Thursday. Mount Kennedy.—The horses having rambled some distance, took us some time to collect them. 9 a.m., start again, steering SSW towards a range seen in that direction. Travelled through sweet gum tree thickets and forests. Came to a red clay flat of great extent, with several holes containing some water, with plenty of grass in patches. Concluded on remaining on this good spot on account of our horses. We named this place Clarkson's Flat, which is distant from Mount Kennedy 14 miles. This locality is, like most of the surrounding, strewed with the white-leaved salt plant, such as grow round the edge of the Rottnest Lakes.

26th, Friday. Clarkson's Flats—Hard frosts water holes frozen. 9 am. got all ready to start, when it was discovered one of the party had lost his revolver; tracked backwards and forwards till it was found, which delayed us till past noon, when we started, steering SSW, as yesterday. Passed a spring at the head of a water-course; made the head of the lakes, and after a second attempt, succeeded in crossing. Here we found the banks to be of slate formation; under-foot and under the bed of the lake, indeed all round, slate was to be seen in hillocks and banks. We then ascended the hill we had been steering for yesterday and to-day, and found it much the same as the Georgiana range This we named the Barlee Range, and is from 15 to 20 miles in length, being divided about the middle, leaving a space of some half mile, which forms a communication between the lakes. Crossed the range and camped in a thicket, with grass but no water. Distance to-day 14 miles from last camp.

27th, Saturday. Barlee Range.—7.45. a.m. started, course south. Three miles brought us to a small lake of very indifferent water; watered our horses and made tea, (having taken our damper before starting); proceeded on our course, travelling through a forest. Skirted the lake for five miles, crossed over low marshy ground and dry lakes; saw here mountain ducks, but did not succeed in shooting any. Came to a patch of good grass, but no water, 15 miles south from last camp.

28th, Sunday. Dry Camp, a.m.—Hard frost—very cold. The horses having rambled in search of water a considerable distance detained us. 9th, a.m. started, steering SE; skirted a large lake, which we named Lake Grace. Continued our course through forest and patches of grass occasionally; came to large plains covered with scrub, over which we travelled till sundown, when we returned to the last grass we had seen (there being none on the plains) about 3 miles, where we encamped for the night. The country travelled over to-day being dry and dusty, caused much thirst to ourselves and horses. Distance 20 miles from last camp, making 26 miles travelled.

July 29th, Monday. Dry Camp.—This morning the horses looked much cut up for want of water, which prevented us proceeding any further east ward, so reluctantly made up our minds to return to our watering place of Saturday. 7.30 a.m. Start, steering back for some distance, went to eastern side of Lake Grace, and followed it until we came to a clay swamp, thinly covered with muddy water; several small lakes around as, separated by banks of whitish powder resembling flour. Here we stopped to refresh our horses, they being much jaded. Distance from last camp 10 miles, having made a NNW course. Saw fresh tracks of three natives, apparently a man, woman and child. We had seen their fire previously.

30th, Tuesday. Lake Grace.—This morning thought it advisable to give the horses most jaded a rest, so took two of the least knocked up and went out ENE 15 miles and back to camp.. This course took us to about 5 miles from eastern end of Barlee Range. Saw a large lake, which we named Lake Deborah. Patches of good grass, forests, and bare ground throughout this journey. Returned to camp at 5 p.m. Lake Deborah is similar to the others, and, like them, nearly connected with the others; would say that two feet of water would throw the whole body of lakes into one, which would cover the whole of the surrounding low country. We have traced these lakes for sixty miles, seeing a continuation of them from the most easterly hills as far as the eye could reach. The soil around the lakes is principally red loamy sand, with patches of red clay, part of which is covered with patches of high grass, green in places, but the greatest portion of it completely bare, with occasional patches of forests and thickets.

31st, Wednesday. Lake Grace—Very hard frost—our muddy little lake is frozen over. 8.45., started, steering SSW for 3 miles; then crossed the lake, steered west. At noon came upon a party of natives, who were much afraid of us; one of the men we found had been to Mr Smith's sheep station, and had been ordered away from the water. This fellow saluted one of our party, who rode up to him with "Be op Poleetman," the others having run off, but seeing Correll with the rest of our party, and being made to understand no harm was intended, he became pacified, and called back the others, who came up. The party consisted of 3 men, 2 women, and 3 children, one a very old man. 4 p.m. camped on the bank of a lake, which we named lake Julia, having made 10 miles W by S from our last camp. Plenty of grass and a good spring. The old man became very familiar. They were perfectly naked, of a singular build, being (when standing upright with feet close, and arms down,) the form of a wedge, from the shoulders downwards. These poor wretches, having no sort of covering, make their bed by first lighting a fire on it, and when sufficiently heated, divide the fire; then loosen the heated earth or sand, and mix it to a proper degree of temperature; then lie down between the two fires. They, at all times carry firesticks, before them. All appear to have been much burnt, having many scars on their bodies. They live principally on small animals which are very numerous. This tract of country receives as much rain during the summer months as in the winter and is at all times attended with thunder and lightning, and hail, such is the natives account. The men were asked by Correll if they had ever heard of white men being in the far east. They said they had, that many years ago three white men had perished at some large inland sea or lake, they supposed from want of water. This confirmed what the former native had said relative to these three men, and they also named the great traveller Boodgin, as having more knowledge on this subject than themselves. This man, Boodgin, had done something or other for which is friends were going to spear him, he was, therefore absent, which was much to be regretted.

August 1, Thursday.—This morning, on further conversation, these men gave as an account of some strange animal they call Jungra and Jimbra, male and female, which they describe as a large strong animal of the monkey tribe, very fierce, and will attack men when single, kill them and eat them. They were asked if the Jimba or Jungra in any way resembled Ginka or devil, they replied that the devil was never seen, but that the others were both seen and felt by some of them. Sent Correll with the two young men to shoot a red kangaroo if possible, all of us being desirous of seeing one; but he returned unsuccessful. 1 p.m., started from this place, steering WSW to a place called Codgering, where the natives said there was feed and water for our horses. Passed through forests and thickets. Crossed southern end of Georgiana Range; distant from Lake Julia 15 miles. Here camped. Codgering is a nice little halting place, with plenty of water and good feed. We were much amused with the old native, who appears very fond of his children, and friendly to us.

2nd, Friday. Codgering, 8.40. a.m.—Started; course WSW, passing through scrubby plains, forests, and thickets. Saw a hillock composed of quartz. Several bills to S and E. Came to a granite hill, with several springs and good feed. Camped for the night. This place we called Simon's Springs, native name Gnaberding. Distant 15 miles from Codgering.

3rd, Saturday. Simon's Springs.—Started this morning, steering WSW to a place called by the natives Dullyaling. Parted with the old man, women, and children; keeping the two men to act as guides to water. Passed through similar country as before described. Came to a hill with a spring on its eastern side, which we named Mount Lionel. Tolerable feed round. Saw several of the same description. Came to Dullyaling and camped; being 16 miles from last camp. This hill we named Mount Milley.

4th, Sunday. Mount Milley.—Remained here to recruit horses. The rocks and hills around us are of the same kind as before described, being very irregular and rugged. The northern side of Mount Milley is about 80 feet high, 60 of which is a perpendicular bluff rock.

5th, Monday. Mount Milley, 8 a.m.—Start; steering WSW, through scrub plains, thickets, and forests, a patch of tolerable feed, a spring, and granite rocks. Camped on west side of a hill by a small brook with plenty of water and tolerable feed. Native name of hill Noombinsburn, which we named Mount Roach. Distance to-day 25 miles WSW.

6th, Tuesday. Mount Roach, 8.30. a.m.—Start for a hill in the distance, bearing SSW. Similar country to yesterday. Came up to the hill; when dark camped by a small brook leading from the hill. Distance from Mount Roach 25 miles.

7th, Wednesday. Granite hill.—Much rain fell during the night; wind NW. 8 a.m. started; steering W by S. Saw kangaroo, the first seen since leaving Darening. Passed several granite hills on both sides; large rocks in every direction. Arrived at a hill surrounded by blackboys, the first seen since leaving the settled districts. Camped here; distant from last camp 25 miles. The black boys here are very diminutive and much cut up by the natives, who come here from the eastward for gum, they having no gum answering the same purpose. This hill is called by the natives Borolokine—having a spring on its southern side.

8th, Thursday. Borolokine.—This place derives its name from the blackboy Bora or Boro. Heavy rains during the night and this morning; wind NW. 8.45. start; course NW through forests, thickets, and scrubby plains, for 15 miles to a spring called Doondering, with about 1000 acres of tolerable feed round it. Here camped for the night.

9th, Friday. Doondering.—Two of the party start this morning steering SSW, leaving pack-horses and the others to recruit. Having travelled SSW for 18 miles, came to a range of hills seen from camp. Saw about 2000 acres of good feeding country. Kangaroo in great numbers. Camped at eastern end of the hill, which we named Dambeen.

10th Saturday. Dambeen.—Examined the country for five miles round, from the highest places, could see nothing but scrubby hills and plains. Returned to former camp.

11th, Sunday. Dambeen.—Started back to Doondering, course NNE; got in by 2 p.m. Having travelled at a quick pace. We have been left by our native guides, one under pretence of being lame; the other stealing away; the fact being they were off their beat, and were afraid of strange natives. Here other natives joined us.

12th, Monday. Doondering, 9 a.m.—Start; steering W by N. Passed over the usual description of country, with some small granite hills and some natives springs. Arrived at a spring called by the natives Woolarding. Camped for the night. Distance to-day 25 miles.

13th, Tuesday. Woolarding, 8.15. a.m.—Start; course west, Crossed a small grassy forest, ground very boggy. Arrived at a plain, native name Bunglebine, where there is many granite hills with tolerable feed and a spring. Here we camped, two of the party going to Mr Smith's sheep station, about 6 miles south. Saw Mr W. Smith, and dined with him. Distance to-day 12 miles from Woolarding.

14th, Wednesday. Bunglebine. 8.45. a.m.—Start, course N by W. Thick cloudy weather. 9 a.m. rain, which continued all day. Passed through salmon-gum forests, and several patches of tolerable feeding land, and a spring called by the natives Quogining. About a mile farther camped for ½ the night, at a place called Watterenning. Distance to-day 9 miles.

15th, Thursday. Watterenning, 8.40.—Start, steering N by W through sand plains, forests, and thickets. Came to a place called Yarabine, where there is a narrow strip of indifferent feeding land, with a small brook running through it. Distance to-day 10 miles from Watterenning.

16th, Friday. Yarabine, 8.45. a.m.—Start, course N by W, for Darening. In passing over the last 8 miles followed the Yarabine brook, through a gum forest, with much box poison to be seen. Camped at the same spot as going out.

17th, Saturday. Darening.—Started at 9 a.m., steering W by S. Passed more open country than on going out, keeping more to southward; through a great extent of indifferently grassed country. Saw a few native springs. Arrived at Cuttergning, distant from Darening 20 miles.

18th, Cuttergning.—Our horses requiring rest, remained here all day.

19th, Cuttergning, 9.30. a.m.—Start, course WNW, travelling through very poor country. Came to Dameen. Camped. Distance to-day 22 miles.

20th, Tuesday. Dameen, 9 a.m. Start steering WNW, through forests and thickets, for 11 miles, when we arrived at Dungeen. Camped.

21st, Wednesday. Dungeen, 9.30 a.m. Start, course WNW, to some granite hills near Woonwooning, being 20 miles from Dungeen.

22nd, Thursday. Woonwooning.—Started this morning at 9.30., steering west 15 miles to a spot near Bibering. Camped.

23rd, Friday. Bibering, 8 a.m.—Start for Buckland, steering W by N. Arrived 5 p.m., the horses and also ourselves having had quite enough of it, but no loss.

Map of the Dempsters' Exploring Expedition to the Eastward of Northam, July and August, 1861. Their route is shown in green, thus: +++

National Library of Australia (Trove) Map rm4161.

Click on the map to enlarge it.


The extracts from the Dempsters' journal came from The Inquirer and Commercial News, published on Wednesday 11 September 1861 and found as "Trove" article 69136633.


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